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Are you progressing as a writer?

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Yas's posts regarding the seven deadly sins of writing inspired this question. When you look back at your earliest work, is there a noticeable difference between how you wrote then and the way you write now? Has your style changed, tightened or become more descriptive? Have you stopped making errors that you used to make when you first started?
I've found that I try not to use the same old sentences or phrases especially with poetry. The thesaurus has become my new best friend. I think I've tightened up my prose as I tend to go off on tangents if I allow myself to. I'm a 'seat of the pants' writer so there is a chance that this will happen anyways but I have to rein myself in more. I also seem to prefer to write from a first-person narrative now as opposed to when I first started writing.
New Poem out

The Observer
Quote by Louise
I've found that I try not to use the same old sentences or phrases especially with poetry. The thesaurus has become my new best friend.

Btw, I'm avoiding the rest of this question for now...but yeah, with poem writing...I find this site to be great...
You can type in a word and find synonyms, antonyms, rhymes, near rhymes and all sorts of neat stuff at the touch of a drop-down menu...I keep it open in a window when writing poems...makes life easier...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

It's almost scary Lisa,
I'm afraid to look back at my early work.
I used to fill my story with useless comma's, words, and apostrophes.
I think it dates back to the early 70's, when I was merely trying to fill two pages with garble, just to meet requirements.
I still struggle with apostrophes.
I've met some awesome teachers around these writing sites, and they have taught me a lot.
Of course, it takes a good teacher to learn me.
I would like to think that I have progressed. I have come a long way from being the 12 year old writing rhyming verses about butterflies and fluffy clouds. Although, when I speak of progressing, I am not talking about grammar and fancy words, I am talking about my confidence as a writer. I have grown in many ways, so even though I still make the silliest mistakes with grammar and spelling and structure, my images are a lot stronger. I think that is important in writing, to allow your readers to grasp your images with all of their senses.

Oh and to not bore them to tears....

“Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.”

It's the reason I pretend I can't spell,
I call it color
Quote by scooter
It's the reason I pretend I can't spell,
I call it color

You're right about that Scooter, your stories are certainly colorful...

Btw Yas...I'd like to think my poems have progressed too...though I'm not sure there is anything particularly wrong with "rhyming verses about butterflies and fluffy clouds."...reminds me of a poem I read over on Poetry Craze a few weeks ago about watching the clouds go by and seeing different shapes and animals in them...

I think it's more how it's done than any particular subject matter...well, within reason...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by Sherzahd
I think that is important in writing, to allow your readers to grasp your images with all of their senses.

That's what I strive for most in improving my writing. The rules of grammar etc have a purpose, but rules don't fire the imagination.

As for my progress on storiesspace? Another attempt will be along soon enough.
It seems that people prefer my poems to my stories. I am attempting to write my life story but it isn't coming out very well.
I will carry on going to classes.
Love colours our worlds in endless dimensions and unifies all aspects of our activities. Just as sunlight filters through clouds and causes the grasses to turn gold so everything is interlinked in our world.
I feel that my writing has progressed.
I have only been writing for a bout 3 months, I am finding, that the learning curve is steep and at times a big challenge.
I feel I am up to the challenge, the personal pleasure is worth every bit of effort to me.
Some day I can only hope to call myself an author, not just a writer.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
I think I'm progressing. I used to be repetitive with my words and needed to review them all the time to change my sentences but now I find that I don't need to change much of my sentences when I review my work.
I honestly don't have a clue. Any time I read anything I write I think it sounds like the last thing I wrote. However it keeps me writing, so there is a positive side to doubt. Just being the little engine that could. Chugga, chugga, choo, choo.
I think I am improving as a writer. I would always think of improving myself though so that I could create a good story. I sometimes commit the same mistake but at least it’s not the totality of the error, a part of it tough. I am influence by the books I read so that sometimes, I do seldom read and write afterwards. I took my schedule in reading and writing separately.
I started writing in 2009 via a blog. If I look at what I wrote then, and what I write now, there is an immense improvement. Of course, an immense improvement on mediocre writing brings it up to the level of lousy writing.

Nowhere to go but up. That's why I am loving Stories Space so much...I can (hopefully) get feedback and constructive criticism which in turn will help me grow.

And if that doesn't work, I will drink more beer so that at least something will grow.

Ego over belly or belly over ego? Time will tell.
There are two kinds of people in the world.
Those who like bacon.
And those who are wrong.

Twitter: @fifafan1969