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What's in your mug?

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Advanced Wordsmith
Coca Cola biggrin
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But its home to me and I walk alone.
Active Ink Slinger
Active Ink Slinger
red red wine....
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Hot chocolate.
Advanced Wordsmith
hot cider
One day at a time is enough. Don't look back and grieve the past, it's gone... don't be troubled about the future it has yet to come... live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
Active Ink Slinger
Cherry coke.

Active Ink Slinger
Empty, dammit. (Gotta do something about that, quick!)
Active Ink Slinger
Water, water and more water.
lt"I see o' night among the wins
The Devil walking widdershins
As stoney silent as the Sphinx
I sit upon the sandy links
And listen to the glittering spell
Of Asmodee, the Goat of Hell
"The Devil's Conversion" from the book "Konx Om Pax" by Aliester Crowley.
Active Ink Slinger
Water. lol wish it was something else
Active Ink Slinger
Black tea
Nice hot beef broth smile
Rest in Peace
Going to have another coffee...and a cigarette...

I'm good...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Does it matter if it's not a mug? 'Cause it's a tumbler, and it's got a half-inch of whiskey over five... no, four ice cubes.
Active Ink Slinger

The drink of choice good old hot coffee.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mr_Nudie_Pants
Does it matter if it's not a mug? 'Cause it's a tumbler, and it's got a half-inch of whiskey over five... no, four ice cubes.

sorry, buddy. it specifically says mug. this is a friendly warning, but if you make that mistake again, you will be fined. smile

btw, mine contains the elixer of life. coffee.
Active Ink Slinger
protein shake! mmmmm...
I rarely use my mug. Looks like it's got a dead spider in it at the moment. And an old Tootsie Roll. Hmm, guess I could eat one of them.....
Active Ink Slinger
water and lots of ice.
Active Ink Slinger
Jasmine green tea with two Splenda.
When you can't hear anyone else, listen to yourself.
Coffee good hot coffee smile
Active Ink Slinger
Hot apple cider with caramel.

Rest in Peace
LadyS...was that hot apple cider with caramel? You do know, a shot or two of rum wouldn't hurt that any...for medicinal purposes, of course...

Just coffee for usual...I sort of live on coffee...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...