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What's Happening?

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What plans do you have for the weekend? A quiet couple of days or do you have a lot happening?
I'm looking after my niece and nephew while my sister and her husband have a relaxing weekend away.
I'm going to enjoy a quiet weekend for the first time in a while. Maybe do some gardening, but that's about as far as I'm going to push myself with physical activity.
Taking my wife out to dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

hanging out with some friends. i had a lazy day yesterday!
And now we're back to Monday already.

Is it just me or are the weeks flying by?
No, the weeks are definitely going by quickly. I'm even thinking about starting Christmas shopping!

So it's Friday now (in Australia anyway) and I've got a girls night planned for tonight. We're having dinner then doing *gulp* karaoke.
Quote by love2write
So it's Friday now (in Australia anyway) and I've got a girls night planned for tonight. We're having dinner then doing *gulp* karaoke.

I'm not much of a betting man, but I'd put money on you all performing "I am Woman" at least once.
Quote by JJ286
Quote by love2write
So it's Friday now (in Australia anyway) and I've got a girls night planned for tonight. We're having dinner then doing *gulp* karaoke.

I'm not much of a betting man, but I'd put money on you all performing "I am Woman" at least once.

Well, now you've planted the idea, how can I not give it a try?

i'm going to the football to watch my team win.
Quote by chloebear
i'm going to the football to watch my team win.

I like your positive outlook.
Friday for me here is going to include a rented movie, City Island, a glass or two of Cabernet and some BBQ ribs on the grill. Saturdays are always filled with running around. Food shopping, etc.
lt"I see o' night among the wins
The Devil walking widdershins
As stoney silent as the Sphinx
I sit upon the sandy links
And listen to the glittering spell
Of Asmodee, the Goat of Hell
"The Devil's Conversion" from the book "Konx Om Pax" by Aliester Crowley.
Unfortunately, not much as we are experiencing wet, wild, windy weather this weekend. Fortunately, it will give me a chance to catch up on some reading and writing.
I'm off till Sunday night @ five. I was orginally planning to go see my grandparents, but since they are retired, and not to mention, have some money they can spend, they have gone away again, they are flying out to LA to go see some family, so I am not sure I will do much of anything this week, maybe write a bit.
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But its home to me and I walk alone.
I've got three bedrooms to paint to get our house ready to go on the market. Fun times!
I'm watching my nephews for the night on Friday and I also have my step-son for the weekend as well...Can't wait to spend some quality time with them...Just have to figure out how to keep a 9, 3, and 1 year old occupied for the night and the day....What do I get myself into?
"Tomorrow is a new day!" *from chicken little the movie"
Unsure as of yet lol
Studying for my midterms, getting a used-new computer and hunting down a table for the computer.

Hoping to hang out with my best friend tomorrow (Saturday) and her little sister, who is pretty kick a** for a teeny-bopper. xD
Wishing you well,

~ Lydia Kiei-Lynne
Dinner or something with the in-laws down the coast...Should be good..Haven't seen them in a while. I can't wait for the 'so when you getting married and having kids' hints and stuff(grins)
New Poem out

The Observer
Well today I was hoping to go to a movie with my friends but that seems to have crapped on me. I'll just go by myself then. I'm use to it.
I hope to get some painting done this weekend- I haven't touched anything in a week, but I think I might be in a good mental place to work on it again.
Looking forward to cooler weather and a big pot of chili.
lt"I see o' night among the wins
The Devil walking widdershins
As stoney silent as the Sphinx
I sit upon the sandy links
And listen to the glittering spell
Of Asmodee, the Goat of Hell
"The Devil's Conversion" from the book "Konx Om Pax" by Aliester Crowley.
Talking to my boyfriend, and enjoying my last day off.
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But its home to me and I walk alone.
made money today
I worked a long shift today and get to do it again tomorrow. After work I studied, took a test, and did my homework. Tomorrow night my daughter is coming home and we are making chinese for supper.
Just like Sprite I'm tired of always working when all my friends are off.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Didn't do much today, wrote a new story. GO back to work tomorrow.
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But its home to me and I walk alone.
Might be raking leaves tomorrow. FUN(sarcasm)