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Today's Thought or Message

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Active Ink Slinger
From the end of Bob Dylan's song, "The Ballad of Frankie Lee,"

"Well the moral of this story. The moral of this song, is: Simply that one should never be, where one does not belong. So if you see your neighbor carrying something, help him with his load. And don't go mistaking Paradise, for that home across the road."

For as R. E. M. sings, "Everybody Hurts."
Buddhists say that no matter who you are, life is suffering---we ALL have our crosses to bear.
Chasing Dragons
I find myself wondering. How many people (Families) are sitting and doing something together for the first time in a very long time?
In the long run, maybe some good will come of this pandemic.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
People tell me all the time, that they are bored. This is inconceivable to me. Did you know you can make every waking moment in your life meaningful? Granted, some moments are painful, nut it is meaningful. However, in a situation like we currently find ourselves in, locked up in a house or apartment, you would not believe how good you could be at some new hobby or skill, science or art. Just with simple logic, I can show you how to do it. Just find something that you always wanted to get good at like playing chess. Taking chess as an example, I can work out many others if you write to me privately and ask me to. Here is what you can do in this one "game."

For example, you could take an online course on almost anything, like learning how to play chess well.
(a) You could work on your openings
(b) You could work on your middle game
(c) You could work on your endgame.
(d) You could work on any of these when you have the white pieces
(e) You could work on any of these when you have the black pieces
(f) You could work on any of the above (a to e) to improve your offensive game
(g) ditto, to improve your defensive game.
(h) You could do any of the above for just one kind of piece: a king, a queen, a knight, a bishop, etc.
(i) You could do any of the above using the mathematical possibilities as shown on line that have been worked out with a computer.
(j) You could study any or all of the above by watching the great masters use them in actual games.
(k) You could use both (i) & (j) together.
This could go on for a lifetime. Some people do that and make a good living by winning games at tournament.
That list is seemingly endless.

Then you could be involved in the art/craft of making the materials used in playing the game. None is easy, and each involves a lot of work and research.
For example, in my family, my father was a skilled wood carver, and burnisher, and made many beautiful set of pieces, used by some very skilled players, or as a form of decoration in a game room.
My brother was a Master, so he made his living playing in tournaments.
As a hobby, I love to make the actual chessboard itself. There are so many ways that can be done. I have gotten some pretty fair prices for some of my boards.
No, they are not all alike.

Some people collect chess sets in a whole array of different ways.

I hope you can see that just around the game of chess, there are many thousands of interesting things you could do.
But more importantly, you could do millions of things with your time, with that kind of specificity.
Moreover, above I have just used an analytic method to work out the above lists.
One could work on one thing by creating whole new spin offs of an already existing game.

There is no need for anyone to be bored.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I find myself wondering. How many people (Families) are sitting and doing something together for the first time in a very long time?
In the long run, maybe some good will come of this pandemic.

Anna, Some years ago when young people started text messaging, I told my students at Uni, that I wanted them to go home for thanksgiving, and talk to one of their elders, and ask them about their lives.....just anything, and to write it up
for credit.
Less than half the class did it. I was a patient and kind man with my students but this was done to make them more family oriented. To get them to be thankful for their families.
Seeing my upset, one student asked me right out in class, "Doc, why are you upset?" I had to step out for a second and come back in smiling. I asked her, "Why didn't you all do your assignment?"
She said, with most of the class in agreement that when they are at home with their families, even at a big family dinner, they keep company with who is on line. One boy said firmly, "Now that's not right!"

I pray you are on to something there.
Chasing Dragons
Yesterday, Marko Hietala, bass guitarist with symphonic metal band, Nightwish, suddenly resigned. This is what he said;

Dear people. I am leaving Nightwish and my public life.
For a quite a few years now I haven’t been able to feel validated by this life. We have streaming company big guns demanding 9/5 work from artists of inspiration while unfairly sharing the profits. Even among the artists. We’re the banana republic of the music industry. Biggest tour promoters squeeze percentages even from our own merchandise while paying dividends to Middle East. Apparently some theocracies can take the money from the music that would get you beheaded or jailed there without appearing as hypocrites. Just a couple of examples here.
This past year forced me to stay home and think. And I found myself very disillusioned about these and a lot of things. I found out that I am in need of that validation. For me to write, sing and play, I need to find some new reasons and inspirations. ”My Walden” so to speak. And it’s even in my book that I’m a chronic depressive. It’s dangerous for me and the people around me, if I continue. Some of the thoughts a while back were dark. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I have my two sons, a wife, the rest of the family, friends, a dog and lots of love.
And I don’t think that I’ll be gone for good.
Conspiracy is the word of the day. For the people who like them I need to say that my 55th birthday is now on 14th of Jan and I’ve certainly done my time for now. Blaming for instance Tuomas is an insult to both him and my free thinking. This is a very sad thing to all of us too. Have a care please.
But of course now we’ll know, if some go there on purpose.
There are a couple of things agreed on that I will do on 2021. Otherwise I kindly and with respect ask the media, bands, artists projects etc. to not ask me for anything within the next year. I have some reinventing to do. I hope to tell you about it on 2022. It’s not a promise though.
I am so sorry about this.
Marko Hietala
P.S. Tony Iommi is an exception to the “no contact whatsoever”. Childhood hero takes a precedence.

Considering the pressures that are placed on top performers by corporate entities and the media, the announcement, whilst sad, is wholly understandable and I wish him well in whatever path he takes in the future.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

i make this joke every time I go to the grocery store.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Active Ink Slinger

Perfect for a lonely date during the Covid-19 shutdown.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Active Ink Slinger
A House Divided Against Itself Can Not Stand.