I had to put my dog down today
... and they're back to blaming me...
35% numbness
35% trapped in a black void
20% unfulfilled
10% happiness
"Fall is the source of my victory
As there's no force without a fight
So let me stride on this path that will lead me to the end
Of a twisted life, that stands before my eyes"
I need to get away from this toxic family
"Fall is the source of my victory
As there's no force without a fight
So let me stride on this path that will lead me to the end
Of a twisted life, that stands before my eyes"
What has possessed you to think that I would ever want to hang out with you after I said I'm cutting you out of my life! What you did was not okay, the fact you think it was okay to do is not okay, and since you called me a liar telling her that you didn't, I'm not putting up with that. The fact you're simply blowing this off and ignoring the fact we have a problem, instead of reaching out to talk to us to fix the problem is a problem in itself. I'm not going to let you treat me and my friends with such blatant disrespect. I'm not the other two, I won't bend to your will because I don't care if you're around or not, nor will I bend to keep the peace. I don't care if I become the bad guy because you paint that picture of me, true friends will see through you, and true friends dont act as such like you. So no, I do not want to go to a party or hang out at all. not until you prove that you are as loyal as they come and you sir, are the most disloyal person I have met in a long time.
I protest the multiple post glitch!
So much steam your practically drowning: um maybe I need a new fan...
Its like living on a merry go round and round we seem to go, no one ever seems know why. We're doing everything we can do, to try get through to you, try to get you to see but your blind to the circus of your mind!
As time past, you forget what the point was. Seriously.
“Isn’t it pretty to think so?”