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Quote by MrSmartyPants
Okay, it's not actually a memory, because it just happened. Well, less than twenty-four hours ago, anyway. So I suppose technically, it is a memory, but it's not--

You all be the judge.

As some people know, our German Shepherd got pregnant. Not unexpectedly either, but on purpose. Our neighbor also has a Shepherd, and when we looked at him, and our girl, we just knew that they would make beeeyootiful babies together. We put the two of them together for a few days (at the appropriate time) and sure enough, the magic happened. We waited expectantly as she got bigger and bigger...

Since we knew pretty close what the conception date was, we also knew (pretty close) when she was due. I knew that dogs usually will crawl off into a closet somewhere to have their puppies. They need somewhere warm, close, and dark. They like privacy - it makes them feel safe. I didn't want her to have to find a place, so I built one for her. I took several cardboard boxes and tore them down, using tape to rebuild them into a low-sided box about four feet by five. This new box had a triple-layer floor and double-reinforced walls for structural integrity. I lined the box with a nice, soft quilt, then put her bed in there so she would know that was "her" space. I hung a black sheet over like a tent so she would have privacy when she needed it. I even laid down in there with her, so she knew it was all right to go in. Our vet told us she would show sings just before she went into labor. He told us to look for nesting signs - that she would find her whelping room, and settle down into it, often kicking blankets and floor coverings as if they just weren't comfortable enough. He told us that if we watched her, we couldn't help but see it.


Last night, Mrs. Smartypants and I were lying in bed watching TV. Our dog had made it a habit to lie in bed with us, between us. She'd nudge us with her head to remind us of our duty to scratch her behind her ears. Suddenly, she got up and slowly turned around in bed a couple times. As if she couldn't make up her mind whether she wanted to lie facing us, or facing the TV. Mrs. Smartypants looked over and said, "Hey - there's a big wet spot over here!"

We both looked at our girl, and sure enough, there was a brand-spanking new puppy struggling to get it's first breath! I can't tell you what I felt when I understood that the one place our girl felt safe enough to have her babies in was right between the Mrs. and I. It truly was a life-affirming moment. She trusted us that much! All the websites will tell you that it can be as much as an hour between pups. Well, it was an hour between the first one and the second one. After that, they came out every twenty minutes or so. She just barely had enough time to clean off this one, and get him breathing and mewling properly when we could see the contractions start for the next one. And the process just kept repeating itself. I wondered (not for the first time) just how many pups she had inside her! I thought she was done at six - there was a lull. Then it was seven, then eight. And then I thought she was done.

About a half-hour past midnight, she started having contractions again. Then they finished, but nothing had come out. She started making a low whimpering noise. She was pulling at something, but... nothing was coming out. Wondering, I took a closer look. There was her last one. His head was out, and she had cleaned the membrane off it, but he was stuck. He was breathing in a labored way - she had tightened up around his neck. The poor girl was just too tired to push him out. I ran for some latex gloves. I pushed on her belly, then around the opening. I urged her on, telling her to keep trying. I had nothing but his head to pull on, and I surely didn't want to damage it, or his spine by pulling, so I was trying my best to push with her, to push him out. I don't know how long it took, but I soon saw his tiny paws. I kept working at him and then I had enough to wiggle him a little. I wiggled and wiggled, and then his shoulders were out! And then... whoosh! He came out all the way. I let out a breath I had been holding in for I don't know how long. She took over for me, cleaning him off gratefully. Nine. Nine puppies last night. And I'm sure I'll remember that last little guy for the rest of my life.

that's a lovely memory
New Poem out

The Observer
Awe That is a wonderful special memory Mr Smartypants...truly eyewatering to read, happy eye watering tears might I add!
I have many very good memories of camping with my SO. Learning to put up a tent, find good firewood, build a fire, even when everything was damp. On on of our first trips, the tent we had borrowed leaked, and we woke up to very wet sleeping bags and clothes. it was still raining hard, but the campground had a laundry room. We took our wet items and put them all in the dryers. we also took a can of sterno, a small pot and a number of cans of food. We used 3 of the cans as a support for the pot and heated up some soup, then some chili while our stuff dried.
We don't know how much we don't know.
I remember sitting at my gran's (maternal great gma) knees and listening to her sing "Church Music" while she crushed herbs and oils to make "potions" for our neighbors. My family were called Mountain Witches or Healers. The women of my mother's people were also the midwives and/or veterinarians of our part of the Mountains. I have so many memories of being surrounded by animals of all kinds and people of all ages. I am Indian and Irish on that side. Indian (different tribe) and Scottish on my daddy's side. They too were Healers and Shaman. I come from a rich and wonderful background and can even recall times when I would remember and ingredient for a poltice or ungent to help someone. Used to make me so proud to be able to add my knowledge to the collective. I still remember my gran telling me what a wonderful witch I would be one day, how all that I learned here and with daddy's kin would make me the best healer of our clan. I like to believe that I am doing all that I can with what they taught me to help others....
I remember watching Liza Minnelli live in NC when I was 14. I was working as an usher at the coliseum and we got to stand in the walk ways during the concerts. She was by far the most charismatic performer I ever saw.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Whilst serving in the Royal Air Force (RAF) I was on an exchange visit to Northern Germany with a German navy flying Squadron (MFG2) One day, Our engineering officer asked who wanted to go on a brewery visit. Many hands shot up but mine wasn't one of them. I didn't mind drinking beer but going to a brewery and getting severely drunk was not really my idea of a great day out.
The officer then asked who didn't want to go on a brewery trip and, out of sheer mischief, my hand went up. To my despair, he then said everyone would go to the brewery except me. He had other plans for me.
Anyway, the following day, I found myself on a brand new, German fast patrol boat on sea trials in the Baltic sea. There were only two available places, one officer and one other rank hence the unorthodox way of choosing and no favouritism could be claimed.
I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Best day ever!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I remember being a silly kid who incessantly escapes the house for afternoon naps to play with friends. Now, I'd kill to get extra sleep!