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Hey, ocds are one of those things... so are funny, some are annoying, some are so frustrating... so lets hear about them silly

if im making a cake and it asks me to whisk in 6 eggs one by one, after every egg i crack i then have to go and wash my hands thoroughly before whisking it in. and i have to do it every time. im alergic to eggs so i think its a safety thing for me, but it still dont make sense.

also teeth, if i tap my top left tooth with another, i have to tap all four teeth that are the in the same position in the four corners. but it would have to go top left, bottom right, top right, bottom left. i cant stand tapping two teeth in a row if they are both on top or bottom...

also finger tapping. i feel the need to tap my fingers alot. but i have to tap them in a specific order. thumb-4th-2nd-5th-3rd. plus i do it with both hands really quickly and i cant stand it if i make a mistake. grrr frustrating :p


It's like OCD, but all the letters are in order.

Oh my god I have so many of these (grins)....I have to check both my cupboards before I got to bed. If I leave the room I then have to go back into my room and check both cupboards. That's my craziest one! Even if my partner is in bed I have to check the cupboard. I don't know what I'll actually do if I find someone loitering in them.
New Poem out

The Observer
I have a weird one that comes from my mum bleaching mugs and spoons... When I've washed mugs and spoons and they've dried on the side, I have to re-rinse them just before I use them. I rinse with cold water, then boiled water from the kettle just to make sure there are no fairy liquid bubbles still inside the cup. I also willnot drink from other people's houses with mugs,,, I make excuses that I'm not thirsty or that I'm just drinking bottled water; when really my throat feels like sandpaper. I hate doing this but I think if I don't do this I may get ill from it.
How weird am I ha ha I dated a guy once and told him about it and said yeah okay no worries then, I felt so relieved he didn't think I was odd LOL

I also have to check the doors are locked on way out to work and before I go to bed. I have been in bed nearly asleep and panicked 'have I locked the door, are you sure you did, no I'm not sure' so back down I go checking front and back door LOL
I tried to put my alphabet soup in alphabetical order...then I realized I was eating Spaghetti O's...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by DirtyMartini
I tried to put my alphabet soup in alphabetical order...then I realized I was eating Spaghetti O's...

I was laughing at Dirt Matrini's joke.. and then I realised I have no idea what a Spaghetti O is...
Quote by Maximus
I was laughing at Dirt Matrini's joke.. and then I realised I have no idea what a Spaghetti O is...

Spaghetti O's are O shaped spaghetti/pasta thingies that come in a can...they are very hard to put in alphabetical order, or very easy depending on how you look at it...

And what is it, kids today don't know what Spaghetti O's are? Am I showing my age here???

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Haha my friend, I'm South African, we don't have those, along with many other things... like Twizzlers. I wish we had Twizzlers...
I check locked doors incessantly. I know they are but I gotta check 'em again. Otherwise, I'm fine, I swear. Really.
I often find that I have to have an even amount of things. If it is an odd amount it can drive me insane... Like if I buy some kind of house decoration I buy two just so I can have things even... perhaps its because I am the only odd thing I want in the house ;)
Often I catch myself moving things just the tiniest bit so they line up square, like a coaster on a coffee table or a picture hung on the wall.
Quote by Lisa
Often I catch myself moving things just the tiniest bit so they line up square, like a coaster on a coffee table or a picture hung on the wall.

I guess that's why you keep such a neat site here...I noticed all the stories line up nicely on the front page...

Actually, I had a number of "OCD's"...but, I seem to have grown out of them as I got older...which I consider a good thing, btw...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

It isn't OCD, but I have to make tea properly and heat the tea pot before putting the tea leaves in and covering them with water, and letting them steep.

My mother always KNEW without fail if the tea pot had not been pre-heated, and I know her ghost is standing behind me, should I try and take a short cut and not heat the tea pot before making the tea.
Well now, I think these are completely normal!

- All the bills in my wallet must be right-side up, facing forward and in the proper order, with the largest denomination in back. If a cashier making change gives me a handful of bills facing every which direction, I will stand there as long as it takes to make it right.

- When getting coffee in a to-go cup, the lid must be put on it so that my fingers don't touch the seam of the cup when I grasp it to take a sip. I will remove the lid and reposition it if the barista puts it on wrong.

- Window blinds, if raised, must be raised fully. I won't have any of this business of raising the blinds but leaving a foot or more hanging down.

See, completely normal, right?
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Quote by magnificent1rascal
Well now, I think these are completely normal!

- All the bills in my wallet must be right-side up, facing forward and in the proper order, with the largest denomination in back. If a cashier making change gives me a handful of bills facing every which direction, I will stand there as long as it takes to make it right.

Oh good grief, what you are doing is normal! If you have to do it, it shows that the cashier was not trained properly!

I worked as a cashier at one time when I was a student, and we were trained to sort the bills properly so they were neatly disposed, both in the till, and when preparing the bank deposit.

I always have my bills arranged that way, so by definition, it's normal.

Quote by magnificent1rascal
Well now, I think these are completely normal!

- All the bills in my wallet must be right-side up, facing forward and in the proper order, with the largest denomination in back. If a cashier making change gives me a handful of bills facing every which direction, I will stand there as long as it takes to make it right.


I do that...I just assumed everyone did...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

I just have to ..have to....squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom ...... the prɑpər way.
I always rinse potatoes before I peel them, and of course I rinse them again after peeling.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
I'm OCD about a few things, I work in a grocery store, and all my money has to be facing the right way, I'll spend an extra hour, fixing it all, because if its not all facing the same way, it drives me insane.
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But its home to me and I walk alone.
OCD Cat is not amused by this thread...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by Lola
I always rinse potatoes before I peel them, and of course I rinse them again after peeling.

Mine is similar. I can't stand eyes in potatoes. When I peel them I have to remove each and every eye.If I see them in chips or mash it freaks me out and I have to remove them from it and move them to the side of the plate.
New Poem out

The Observer
Im OCD about certain things, like money all facing the same way, no dog ear corners and in order of value. also, bathroom towels must be even. and yet, i can live with a messy kitchen until i am ready to cook. then it has to be clean. weird, I know.
We don't know how much we don't know.
Quote by Lisa
Often I catch myself moving things just the tiniest bit so they line up square, like a coaster on a coffee table or a picture hung on the wall.

Yes, me too, everything has to be in a line or set straight. Cannot stand clutter either, if it has not got a use I get rid of it.
Quote by Thoughtful
Cannot stand clutter either, if it has not got a use I get rid of it.

LOL, Can you come to my house plaease?

I thought of another thing I am VERY ocd about. I cannot stand to sleep in a messy bed. I don't make it when I get up, but the sheets cannot be wrinkled when I go to bed, so I have to pull all the corners tight and straighten out the top sheet and blankets before I get in.
We don't know how much we don't know.
This is my trend right here. I have a long list of things I do BUT I'll put my worse one........ If ppl move my stuff around & don't put it back in the right place I left it in I tear up my room & clean it just to put it back in it's right place... I have other little ones that bug me to no end til I do them if I don't do them as soon as possible smile
I HATE pictures on the wall that are not straight. have to straighten them out where ever i see them.
We don't know how much we don't know.
I always make sure the toilet's flushed. I can't stand it when someone doesn't flush after doing their business. All of my books, CDs, and DVDs have to be alphabetized, the subject/genre isn't important as long as they're in ABC order.

books have to be in height order and exactly even with the edge of the shelf
We don't know how much we don't know.
Jeez, I like ice with my mixed drink... or is that too normal?

I wash all the pots and pans while I cook... but I thought everyone should, shouldn't they?

I eat all that is on my plate, but only take what I desire... Jeez, another normal trait.

I am sorry if I am in the wrong category.... wait I know....

If I open a forum thread, I feel committed to post... sorry, but that is my one really annoying OCD
Please read A Gilded Cage and tell me what you think... Really!