We gave up our treadmill for more prosaic but still somewhat painful reasons: bad knees. Use a stationary bike now when exercising indoors. Easier on the joints.
Quote by WriterGirl
Omg, I have a treadmill story for you! And a warning! I had a treadmill and it backed up to the edge of an old piano with pointed decorative wood on sides. I decided it was okay to text and jog. 🙄 Lost footing and flew backwards and pointed edge of piano rammed into my butt crack. 😳😳😳 I immediately fell off and couldn’t move my legs. I started screaming, “My Butt! My Butt!” Within a few minutes I felt my legs again but was in soooo much pain. My son rushed me to the Dr. I didn’t break my tailbone but badly bruised it. Like a knot the size of a peach formed and a two doctors were all up in my crack checking the damage. I had to sit on a donut for weeks. Haven’t been on a treadmill since!
Sounds, um … painful…That's really, uh, too bad, WG!
(covers mouth, trying very hard to stifle another expression of emotion)
Hi everybody! I'm back!!
Did you miss me?
Did anyone notice I was gone?
(shoulders slump) Oh well…
Anyway, we're back from the Land of the Free(?!). Probably our last trip there until there is a positive Regime Change.
It was … interesting, and mostly quite enjoyable.
Addicted to words, read and written.
Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Henry and the Hunter
Latest Competition Entry: A Chip Off the Old Writer’s Block
Quote by JamesPBear
Sounds, um … painful…That's really, uh, too bad, WG!
(covers mouth, trying very hard to stifle another expression of emotion)
My sister laughed too when I told her and then downplayed the seriousness of my injury, so you know what I did? I dropped drawers and sent her a picture of the gigantic peach growing out of my butt crack! 😳 She immediately called apologizing for not recognizing how serious the injury was… and then she showed her hubby the picture. 🙄 Don’t make me send you the picture, Bear! I bet I still have it on my phone somewhere!
Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.