Well hello out there! I trust you all had a white and wonderful Christmas! It certainly was here.
Nice crop of comp entries growing – glad I slipped mine in early, although, like Mendalla, I suspect that new kid – WriterGirl is it? – is gonna take the brass ring.
We had a happy day, although I seemed to have spent much of the day washing dishes. I guess that comes of being the least talented chef in the family. I don't actually mind it, much, although our son seems to create bomb sites when he cooks. He figured out in university that if you cook, you don't have to clean up. As a result, it sometimes seems when he is finished, he's somehow managed to use every pot, pan, bowl, dish, and plate in the place!
Fortunately, since a blow-up several Christmases ago, he's started cleaning up a bit as he goes. Now every pot, pan, bowl, dish, and plate in the place has been used – but is at least placed in the sink with water so food doesn't get crusted on.
I've been doing a bit of writing, some of it here, some elsewhere, as well as trying to promote Bear and Girl, I'm also editing the MS of another book, which I co-authored, and have two other MS waiting in the wings for the time to get punched into shape for publication.
Geez, now that I read all that, I realize what a wordy bloke I am!
Anyway, hope you're all well. Anna, so sorry to hear about your niece. Way too early. I had a younger cousin die this year – he drank himself to death – and we all felt sorry because he was non-social due to being so painfully shy.
Tragedy is part of life, but we don't have to enjoy it. 😕