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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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White Rose

Mendalla, congratulations on Top Author and Top Story for the month! 🥳


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Tomorrow I'll have been with my boyfriend for one month...but it really feels like he and I have known each other for much longer than that (years, maybe).

Congrats Elyse. Tell him hi from us. Does he write?

Sorry you are feeling down Ape. Having the top story and being the top writer of the month must help.

Today is physical therapy followed by the Mets game followed by the VP debate. Busy day, even if it is mostly watching TV.

Thanks for all the tasty and pretty cookies Cora. A coffee would be the perfect complement.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Hey there, everybody,

Elyse, that's great news, and thanks for sharing it!

I sent Sara a PM some time ago, and haven't heard back. Perhaps she's bored with us critters. Or perhaps something has befallen her. Hope she's OK.

Meanwhile, it's cool here, but VERY humid, which means if you do anything active, you get sweaty – then when you stop, you get chilly.

It's actually a strange kind of Autumn weather.

Well, the Blue Jays season ended with a resounding THUD. They lost to the lowly Miami Marlins.

Sheesh. What a waste this season has been. And the prospects for next season aren't a whole lot better.

Well, at least I can enjoy the playoffs and see some GOOD baseball for a change.

And tonight's the Debate.

Not sure how this is going to go. Vance is a smart cookie – but often lets his ego interfere with his brain.

I hope Walz mops the floor with him, but doubt that will happen.

But, as Howard Cosell used to say, "That's why they play the games."

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Crazy old ape

Quote by Cora

Mendalla, congratulations on Top Author and Top Story for the month! 🥳

Quote by verbal
Having the top story and being the top writer of the month must help.

Thank you both. I actually saw the notification kind of fly by the first time I came in this morning but then couldn't find anything more. At least I only had one in September so it was kind of obvious which it was. Strange that it's the top story and yet couldn't crack the top ten in the comp but whatever. At least it got something. 😊 It's kind of like winning the People's Choice but not even being nominated for the Oscar. 🤣

Yeah, my mood's back on the last couple days. Not sure why, but I'm a much happier ape right now. Even started a new story with some idea of where it will go. Might end up as my Halloween story instead of the one I was going to write. Though it's set in the Tana-verse so probably fits better as a Dark Fantasy than a spooky Halloween story.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Good morning, everyone.

Quote by Mendalla

Thank you both. I actually saw the notification kind of fly by the first time I came in this morning but then couldn't find anything more.

Top Author/Story notifications are now only given to winners of the month. They used to be shown to everyone. I am guessing once you saw it, the notification went away, which is why you could not find it again. They may also be seen at the 'Top Author/Story' links at the bottom of the page under 'Useful Links,' if you did not already know. Regarding the competition, Mendalla, you wrote a beautiful poem. Winning a podium prize or Competition Top 10 is an added plus. I enjoy writing stories or poems for competitions for the sake of the competition itself. They are challenging and fun. I remember 'Dream On,' my first competition. I was so excited writing the poem and the competition experience. I did not win anything, but I love "Splendor," the poem I wrote. Even though your poem did not win a prize, it was a 'trending' poem for a long while. I would not be surprised if people continue reading, "On the Beauty That Lies Beneath."

Currently, Pinky is curled up against my side. It has been a productive morning thus far. Chilly but beautiful outside. Not sure what the day holds for me.

I hope everyone has a lovely Autumnal day.

Coffee is French Roast. Teas are White Peach, Green Mango, and Darjeeling.

Autumn theme 🍁

Pumpkin theme

Carmel Apple Cookies


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Hello everyone. Warm and sunny here.

I went to physical therapy yesterday and found out it was today. The last time I went I locked my keys in the car. I swear I am not going senile!

Mets Won! Big game today! We haven't been in the post season since forever. Hope we can make it to the weekend.

The debate was civil last night, so America won.

Those cookies look DELISH, Cora. A coffee and a handful of caramel apple cookies!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
The last time I went I locked my keys in the car. I swear I am not going senile!

I've got the newfangled pushbutton starter where the key is just a fob that stays in my pocket. On both my cars now. Only the old one that my son drives still has a normal key.

takes a Darjeeling tea and a caramel apple cookie

Actually feels Fallish here today. Has been cooler this week but quite muggy so far but today was very cool and less humid after some storms overnight. Meeting day so far but I'm finally settled back at my desk and can actually do some work.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Crazy old ape

Quote by verbal
The debate was civil last night, so America won.

I heard that. Did not watch but did read a couple analyses this morning. So can we just get rid of Trump and Harris and let those two run for President now instead of in four years (or eight if Harris wins)?

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Quote by verbal

The last time I went I locked my keys in the car. I swear I am not going senile!

You make me smile, verbal. Never did I think you were going senile. 😊

Quote by verbal

Mets Won! Big game today! We haven't been in the post season since forever. Hope we can make it to the weekend.

Mets won? Awesome! Still playing? Again, awesome! Does this mean they are in the playoffs? I thought baseball season was over. Well this gives cause to celebrate.

"Let's hear it for the Mets!"


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Carey’d away.

Quote by verbal

Congrats Elyse. Tell him hi from us. Does he write?

Yes, but not stories. He writes songs - he was a guitar player in a few cover bands (one of which was named for a lyric from a Bruce Springsteen song).

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Crazy old ape

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Yes, but not stories. He writes songs - he was a guitar player in a few cover bands (one of which was named for a lyric from a Bruce Springsteen song).

Oo, that might almost be cooler. We do have a "Songs" category, eh. Just sayin'. 😉

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Carey’d away.

Quote by Mendalla

Oo, that might almost be cooler. We do have a "Songs" category, eh. Just sayin'. 😉

...well, we met because of Tom Petty so you're not wrong there.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Crazy old ape

Good morning!! Cool, sunny Fall day here in Ontario. Had to wear a jacket for the first time in a while.

Coffee is a nice dark roast from Costa Rica. Teas are Assam and Buddha's Blend (White with Jasmine Green). Washed the pitchers and mixed up fresh iced tea and lemonade. Soda stock looks good.

My Halloween story has been kind of sidelined for the new Tana-verse story I mentioned. I've really been flailing on doing a follow-up to The Spirits of Tan Maldrin and I kind of like what I have worked out for this one. That story was meant to kick off a new series about Tana's now-teenaged daughter Nalia and her companions Elera and Aval. Elera is her mentor as she trains to become a priestess of the Denith Lorn order; Aval is their lay helper, bodyguard, and Nalia's lover.

The Spirits of Tan Maldrin

A priestess’ mission to an abandoned palace uncovers powerful spirits and dark sorcery


On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Good morning, everyone.

I have some plans later today. Still trying to solidify times. Other than that, I just have a couple chores to do. It should be a pretty relaxing day.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Here are some Autumnal desserts for you to enjoy:

Cinnamon Apple Cider Donuts

Pumpkin Coffee Cake Cookies

Autumn Leaves & Acorn Cookies


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Morning all. Glad the story is finding its way out, Ape.

And thanks for all the fabulous pastries Cora!

We are taking the cat to the vet today. Just a checkup. Hardest part will be, as always, catching him and putting him into the carrier. Sigh.

Tough loss last night. We need a win tonight or we are out of the playoffs. Go Mets!

Coffee and cookies please!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Pumpkin coffee cake cookies, eh. Hmmm. Should go well with an afternoon tea, I think.

Quote by verbal
We are taking the cat to the vet today. Just a checkup. Hardest part will be, as always, catching him and putting him into the carrier. Sigh.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Crazy old ape

Woo hoo, it's Friday!!! Everybody's working for the weekend!!! (Loverboy, 1982. Yes, I'm old enough to remember it's release.)

So, let's put on some on some Deathwish Dark Roast coffee and some Yorkshire Gold and White Peach teas.

Anyone got cool plans? I'm going to prune a bush!!! Yay!!! (okay, it's not really that exciting but it beats vacuuming and washing floors, which is my other plan for the weekend😋)

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Good morning, everyone.

I was up late last night with my family and our dogs. It was nice and relaxing. Today is First Friday, which means I will be assisting at a devotional Holy Mass tonight.

Currently Pinky is curled up against my side.

I hope everyone has a lovely day and a beautiful weekend.

Here are a few pastries for you to enjoy:

Butter Pecan Cookies

Autumn Cookies

Chewy Cinnamon Apple Cookies


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Hey all. I hope everyone is well.

Plans you ask? We are going to a play on Saturday: Dial M for Murder. Should be fun. Starting a new critique group too, this one for memoir. We’ll see how that goes. Other than that, things are pretty chill.

Those Chewy Cinnamon Apple Cookies look tasty! I’ll take three! And a coffee!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

So I have discovered (thank you Google) that there is a roastery called Weekend Roasters. For the weekend, then, I am giving their beans from Santa Rosa, Guatamala a whirl. Medium roasted.

Teas are Earl Grey and Buddha's Blend.

Washed up the pitchers and made fresh iced tea and lemonade. Not sure about elsewhere, but there's not much call for cold beverages around here anymore. Very fallish.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Carey’d away.

I had the weirdest dream last night.

It was a gardener AU where my boyfriend was doing work at my parents' house and at one point I yelled out the sliding door that he forgot something in the house (his phone, I think).

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Quote by Cora

Mendalla, congratulations on Top Author and Top Story for the month! 🥳

I didn't see that. Well done, Mendalla!

I've been MIA for a while, still working on promoting Bear and Girl.

It's not going well.

I'm considering renaming, designing a different cover, and reissuing it.

Considering "Spirit Bear and the Woman Who Fell From the Sky"

Perhaps some Assam tea for inspiration.

And, yes, the Mets are still alive in the playoffs. They beat the Phillies, and lead 1-0 in a best-of-5 series.

I guess they might, once again, be Amazin'…

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Crazy old ape

Quote by JamesPBear

I'm considering renaming, designing a different cover, and reissuing it.

Considering "Spirit Bear and the Woman Who Fell From the Sky"

Bummer. I always thought Bear and Girl was a nice title, though maybe it sounds more like YA or kidlit to people? That new title seems wordy but I can't think of a shorter one.

I am wrestling a title into shape for my upcoming Halloween tale. The placeholder I've been using doesn't feel right but I haven't pinned down a new one. Otherwise, I think this baby is close to launch. Though I put a new, rather darker, stinger on the end this morning so that needs some work.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!