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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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Tommy makes an amazing wingman, y'all. I met someone through one of the Tommy groups I'm in on fb and we've been a thing for a few weeks now.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Tommy makes an amazing wingman, y'all. I met someone through one of the Tommy groups I'm in on fb and we've been a thing for a few weeks now.

I can totally see that happening. A couple members on the fansite I'm on for Dutch singer Floor Jansen have a thing going. Well, as much of a thing as possible when one is in the US and the other is in Finland.😊

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by verbal

James, I’d be happy to write a review. It’s a good story. I will even reread it - I think I missed a couple chapters in the middle.

Cora, it is indeed a big series. I wish Sara was around to enjoy the competition. Or Red to be bored by my talk of baseball. And Anna! Where did they go? I still have to read your poem, Cora!

My Weird Western story is coming out on Halloween! And I have a chunk of memoir coming out by the end of the year. It’s been a good year (though I almost quit writing in the middle of it).

Seize the carp, everyone!


Thank you, and there are several more chapters than the ones I posted here. I appreciate the offer, and will keep you posted on timing.

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Quote by Mendalla

I can totally see that happening. A couple members on the fansite I'm on for Dutch singer Floor Jansen have a thing going. Well, as much of a thing as possible when one is in the US and the other is in Finland.😊

I guess I'm luckier'n them cause my person and I live in the same state - they're in SoCal and I'm in NorCal - but we text and talk on the phone 'n video chat as much as we can.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

I guess I'm luckier'n them cause my person and I live in the same state - they're in SoCal and I'm in NorCal - but we text and talk on the phone 'n video chat as much as we can.

I met the great love of my life when phones were plugged into the wall and "chat" was something you did with friends over coffee. None of this newfangled Intarwebs stuff. (end oldtimer rant) 🤣

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Good morning, everyone.

verbal, I checked the scores. Too bad the Mets lost. At least Sara is happy, wherever she is. Hopefully the Mets will have a better game tonight.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Coffee is French Roast; tea is White Peach.

"Let's hear it for the Mets!"

"Way to go, Braves!"


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Good morning! Since Cora's got the coffee and teapots filled up, I'll do the cold drinks. Stocked up the sodas, washed the pitchers, and made fresh iced tea and lemonade.

takes a tea and a cookie from each team

Hey, I don't have a horse in the race so I'll just spread the love. 😊

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Yeah, tough night in the ballpark last night. There is word the next two days might be rained out due to the nearby hurricane. Maybe the Mets could use the break.

Nothing much new here. Warm walking weather again, which is good. Still writing about Baptist churches down south in Oklahoma.

Woke up early! Lots of coffee! And cookies!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

OK, so Cage au Folles was an excellent production, the cast, costumes, and set design were all amazing – as expected.

The storyline isn't terribly interesting, IMHO, but they did it in such a way that it was more of a character study of the principal characters, which worked. However, the first act was about 20 minutes too long, with musical production numbers that had nothing to do with advancing the storyline, but seemed to be plopped into the story just to have a musical number in a musical comedy.

It's interesting – since I started writing my own fiction, I've looked at other people's fiction with a more critical eye.

Which is a good thing.

I've given up following baseball for this season – and perhaps next as well. The Blue Jays General Manager and CEO were supposed to build a vibrant farm team, which would develop home-grown superstars, which would make them affordable perennial competitors. Instead, after 10 years, they have one of the most expensive teams in baseball, a farm system in tatters, and are finishing in last place in the AL East.

That's not the players' fault, nor the manager's fault. The General Manager and CEO should be fired, and the club sold to an owner that has a vague idea what the heck he's doing.

Unfortunately, the last step is the more important, and is highly unlikely.

It's enough to make a Blue Jay fan weep.


Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Good morning, everyone.

James, I am glad you enjoyed Cage au Folles, for the most part. I find it unfortunate you have given up on baseball this season and most likely next as well. Like you wrote, it is not the players' fault. Regardless of what the manager and CEO are doing, even if it is not right, I think supporting players is huge, especially when you have a great interest in them.

verbal, too bad about the Mets last night. I read the game tonight is postponed because of the hurricane. You were spot on with that call. I also read the Braves called the shots on not calling off games in the series. I wonder why it was their call. Maybe they were playing at Braves' home field. I think they will be playing in San Diego for the third game? And then the Mets have a Phillies series in a couple days. I am very sure I am not briefing you on anything you do not already know, and I could very well be wrong on what I read. Nonetheless, it is kind of fun following games and scores, even if I do not follow sports regularly. I always like to end on a good note: at least the Mets are still 2nd in National League East.

Mendalla, on a completely random note, congratulations on keeping Inspirations going strong since 2018, if memory serves correct.

On that note, coffee is French Roast and Cold Brew. Teas are White Peach and Darjeeling.

I hope everyone has a lovely day. ❤️🌹

"Let's hear it for the Mets!"

"Swing, batter, batter, swing!"


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Quote by Cora
Mendalla, on a completely random note, congratulations on keeping Inspirations going strong since 2018

Yowzers, has it been that long? (checks) Yep, as of Nov. 3 this place will be 6 years old. For some reason I thought it started closer to the pandemic for some reason so was only maybe 4. Thanks for the kind words but I have had lots of help over the years, including you, verbs, and the white furry one. 😊

pours a darjeeling and scarfs a random cookie

Too busy in life to do much more with my 2024 Halloween tale but there's a first draft that just needs a revised ending and then my usual endless editing passes. Thought it might end up a Flash but it's going to be enough over 1000 words that I've kind abandoned that idea. A hint about the Halloween element below.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Yes, at the height of postseason baseball drama, the Mets and Braves are rained out for two days! Talk about anticlimactic! I am helping my daughter move tonight anyway, so am glad there is no game.

Almost time for Halloween month! We should have a just-for-fun scary story contest. Micros or flash or something.

Thanks for opening up the place 6 years ago Ape!

Sorry about your Blue Jays Bear. I know all about empty promises from team owners.

And thanks for all the cookies Cora, and the baseball deets.

Coffee and cookies please!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by verbal
Almost time for Halloween month! We should have a just-for-fun scary story contest. Micros or flash or something.

I have coins that I can award and thought about putting out a Halloween challenge. However, with my current mood and energy level, not sure I'm up to doing something like the one WriterGirl did a while ago. I'm in the throes of depression or something. Even blew up at work yesterday, which is absolutely not my usual style. Might just watch and see if any interesting Halloween-ish stories go up and give coins to ones I like or something.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

An afternoon treat! Go bananas, Mendalla; everyone else, enjoy! 🤗🦍


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


beats chest and roars

Oh, um, yes. Coffee today is Jamaican Blue Mountain. Teas are Assam and Buddha's Blend.

And there's APE COOKIES!!!!!!! courtesy of Cora.🦍

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Good morning all.

Woke up too early again today. Might be a long day. But hey, it’s Friday! And the Mets are finally playing again after 2 days off.

Thank for the setup Ape. A coffee and a cookie!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Good morning, everyone.

I am glad you like the cookies, Mendalla. Thank you for the smile. 😊

This morning is wonderful thus far; full of love, productive, relaxing, highly caffeinated, and more. It is like a ping pong match in my brain back and forth moving quite fast from left to right. As I am a very easily amused person, I am having quite fun just sitting here typing.

Also, Anna is back! After a few sporadic days of checking in, last night she and I had fun in the Forum for awhile. Those evenings are always full of laughter.

verbal, I hope things went smoothly last night when you helped your daughter move. Best of wishes to the Mets in their game with the Brewers tonight.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Autumnal theme

Ape theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

BIt grey in my world today. Oh well, could be worse. New Asian grocery to check out today. It's a national chain that we've shopped at in other cities but we finally to one local.

Coffee is Tobermory Flowerpot Island. Teas are Sunday Tea and Vinyl Cafe. Washed the pitchers and mixed up fresh iced tea and lemonade.

Hope those who may in the path of Hurricane Helene are okay or taking shelter. Sounds like a bad one.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Kat was due to fly to Michigan to visit with off-spring on Thursday, leaving hubby home to mind the beach condo. Hope she made it – and that their home is OK!

Visiting friends in Toronto today. Glad we're no longer living here, but do miss the folks we left behind.

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Quote by JamesPBear
Glad we're no longer living here

One of my life goals is to never, ever live in the GTA. Hamilton was as close as I got and it was peripheral to the GTA at best in the 90s when I was there. Could get to downtown Toronto in under an hour by GO or (if you were lucky) even driving but far enough away to avoid most of the chaos. Hamilton had it's own brand of chaos, of course, but was better than Toronto.

But I grew up in Kitchener in the 70s and 80s when K-W was still fairly small (Waterloo region is now over 600K population) so acquired a taste for smaller cities. London at 400K is about right and might be getting near my upper limit. I love visiting big cities (after all, my in-laws live in a city with a population approaching that of Canada😲) but prefer living in smaller ones.

Sending good vibes Kat's way. She was the one I specifically had in mind but I know it affected some areas further inland, too.

Coffee du jour is Deathwish Dark Roast. Teas are Scottish Breakfast and Raspberry Royale.

Have a great day!!!

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Sunny days! Sunny, sunny, sunny days!

Good morning! It's Monday and sunny here. How's things?

For coffee, we've got some Nicaraguan Dark Roast from Las Chicas. Teas are Earl Grey Supreme and White Peach. Looking good on the cold beverages.

Toying with new story ideas. Someday, somehow, I will have a new story. But time will be needed.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Good morning, everyone.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Mets are playing the Braves today; verbal and Sara should be excited.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day.

"Let's hear it for the Mets!"

"Way to go, Braves!"

Autumn theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Double header with the Braves, the day after baseball season ends! Fun day! Is Sara around on another site? I’m not there enough to even check. Good luck, Sara!

Seriously bummed by Kris Kristofferson’s death. My Dad idolized him, and I did too. I was actually at the concert where Sinead O’Conner was getting booed offstage for speak uncomfortable truths about the church, and Kris walked onstage, put his arm around her, and said “Don’t let the b*st*rds get you down.” Love that man.

Today? Baseball and writing. Let’s go Mets!

A coffee and a handful of cookies please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by verbal
Is Sara around on another site?

Possibly. I know some of us have accounts at other sites. Sara's leave was abrupt, if memory serves correct. I know that many, if not all, of us here at SS take a break from time to time. Personally speaking, I have taken breaks in the past lasting from several weeks to a little over a year. I even deleted my account several times. I could be wrong, but I think Sara is going through one of those lulls. Maybe something happened and life is calling her away. She is a great friend, wonderful writer, and magnificent contributor to Inspirations. I hope all is well with her.

Here is to you, Sara!


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Quote by verbal
Is Sara around on another site?

If you mean that other site you, Sara, and I are on, no, she has not been there in a while either. Her profile says 1 month ago for last visit here.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Tomorrow I'll have been with my boyfriend for one month...but it really feels like he and I have known each other for much longer than that (years, maybe).

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Tomorrow I'll have been with my boyfriend for one month...but it really feels like he and I have known each other for much longer than that (years, maybe).

Cool. Congratulations, I guess. Hope this keeps up.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by Mendalla

Cool. Congratulations, I guess. Hope this keeps up.

I think it will. We're good together 'n we love each other.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Good morning, everyone.

I have a somewhat busy day today. It is very cloudy. We might get some rain. It is also the first day of October. Autumn is racing by.

Coffee is French Roast. Teas are White Peach and Darjeeling.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Autumn theme 🍁


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.