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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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Quote by verbal
Big debate tonight! The whole world is watching!

Might as well just put them in the ring and give them boxing gloves given how "debates" in politics tend to go these days. 🙄

Quote by verbal
I now have an implant in my jaw - it’s like a little nut into which they will screw in a new tooth in six months. I am a little woozy but okay.

I should have had that done a while ago but pandemic concerns and then general reluctance to have more surgery. Since the pandemic I've had cataracts and hernia. The missing tooth hasn't been a problem so far. Cataracts and hernia were.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

So, tonight's The Big Debate. I suspect trump will do as he did against Biden – talk non-stop nonsense when it's his turn to speak, ignoring questions, and trying to deliver memorized one-liners against Harris.

For Harris' part, the memorized one-liners will also surely be there. I've read several "analyses" with recommendations for how she should approach this, including ignoring trump's presence and establishing her expertise.

I doubt there has been a public event where the stakes have been higher in many years, perhaps even in my lifetime.

Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for the outcome!

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Henry and the Hunter

Latest Competition Entry: A Chip Off the Old Writer’s Block

Hey, everyone.

Thank you for all the well wishes. They were very kind.

verbal, I hope your mouth is feeling better after the dental work you had done.

Nice to see James is still hanging around here. You too, Katarina. Sara has been MIA for about a month. Maybe she is taking a break from SS.

Same usual stuff going on with me. I am working on a collaboration poem again with another friend. It is quite fun, as has always been the case with me. I am excited Autumn is just around the corner; my favorite season.

I hope everyone is having a lovely day.


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Quote by Cora
Thank you for all the well wishes. They were very kind.

Nice to see you starting to get active again. It has been way too quiet around here. Hopefully will liven up as the announcement date for the comp approaches at the end of the week.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Note to self - while it seemed like a good idea at the time, getting the Covid booster, the flu shot, and the RSV vaccine all at the same time on Monday knocked me on my ass yesterday. The day started okay; I was just a little sore. But I was so achy by the afternoon that I just wanted to curl up!

I'm better today. I'm not 100%, but at least I feel human. I'm just ticked that I had to call off my gym workout.

I'm heading up to Alabama tomorrow to embark on wedding dress shopping with my youngest. She's so giddy that her joy is contagious.

Tea sounds soothing right about now. ☕️


My 1st place Beyond the Veil competition poem:

As You Slip Away

My 2nd place Mardi Gras competition story:

Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time)

My 2nd place Writer's Block competition story:

The Dandy Lion & The Whiter Box

My latest story:

As Life Goes On and Time Goes By...Thank you, Marshall Crenshaw

Good morning, everyone.

Oh, Katarina. I am glad you are feeling better and hope you begin to feel yourself more fully as the day goes on. You missed one gym exercise; nothing to fret over. Much worse things could have happened. I am very grateful you feel well enough to go wedding dress shopping with your daughter. I am very happy for her and you as her mother.

After writing this post and checking a few things on SS I am off to work on my poem. Pinky, my miniature pinscher, is circled up next to me, sound asleep. Rose jumped on the chair next to me and is resting peacefully.

verbal, I know how fond you are of the Mets and looking forward to Playoff Season cookies, As I have been to two baseball games in my life, the Cubs being most memorable, I do not follow baseball. However, I did a little research.

Coffee is Cafe Du Monde French Roast; tea is Harney & Sons Royal Wedding and Cucumber Mint white tea.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Baseball theme

Wedding Dress theme

Comp theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Thanks for the setup (and cookies) Cora.

The new COVID shots aren't approved up here yet so I'll probably get mine with my flu shot. Those usually start in October here. Haven't done RSV but should probably ask my doctor. Not sure if it is covered at my age yet, though.

Royal Wedding tea sounds interesting (even if I am very much not a monarchist).

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Nice cookies Cora! Let’s hope the Mets can make the playoffs.

Quite the debate night. Talia and I huddled nervously in front of the tv with wine glasses in hand. Glad it’s over - I was nervous. I hope the country can watch and come to peaceful conclusions. I’m content.

Today? Writing and physical therapy. My tooth is fine - yay!

A coffee and a cookie please!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Procrastination seems to be the theme of the morning for me. An unfortunate characteristic trait of those who have a phlegmatic temperament. As my profile says, "I believe my predominant temperament to be a Phlegmatic; my secondary temperament is most likely a Melancholic." That said, I am switching screens to the .doc where my poem is waiting for me.


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Good morning! Nice September weather continues around my area, though it's getting warmer. Got a day off work with a few things to do.

Putting on some Nicaraguan Dark Roast coffee from Las Chicas. Teas are Scottish Breakfast and Vinyl Cafe (unique blend named for a Canadian radio show). Looking good on the cold beverages.

How's the world where you are?

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Good morning everyone!

I woke up way too early, but I am pushing through. We are probably going to see an afternoon movie today - scary, of course! Speak No Evil appears to be the pick.

Other than that nothing new. My last writing rejection kind of took the wind out of my sails, so I am not writing much. I will get my mojo back eventually.

LOTS of coffee please!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Good morning, everyone.

A quick "hello" before I get back to writing. I am still taking a couple homeopathic remedies for my throat. It is almost fully back to normal. One remedy is letting a tablespoon of raw honey dissolve in my mouth. It coats the back of my throat. Last night as the honey was dissolving I was getting Rose ready to go outside before bed. I suddenly started choking on a bit of honey I must have swallowed the wrong way. It was rough. I lost my voice. I am going to have homemade tea with fresh lemon balm and fresh peppermint. Very calming and relaxing and it soothes my throat greatly. I was drinking some of that tea this past week. It tastes very good.

I hope everyone is having a lovely day.

Excited for Autumn theme

Excited for comp announcement tomorrow theme

Excited for baseball playoffs theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Good morning and Happy Friday! It may be Friday 13 but we lucky people have got ... comp winners!!!! Congrats to our top 3, Kat, ShyThespian, and (not a poet) verbal!!

Announcing The Winners Of The Beyond The Veil Competition! | Stories Space

So while you peruse that illustrious list, enjoy some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee or some Yorkshire Gold tea. There's also Raspberry Royale for thos wanting something fruity in their tea. And I've washed the pitchers and made fresh iced tea and lemonade for those needing something cool.


Announcing The Winners Of The Beyond The Veil Competition!

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Quote by Mendalla

You beat me to it, but while I'm here, I'll snag a cookie because they look really good! Congratulations everyone. Y'all are an amazing group of people. Thanks for being here and taking part in StoriesSpaces' comps and its overall day to day. I greatly appreciate you.

Announcing The Winners Of The Beyond The Veil Competition!

Good afternoon, everyone!

I am in a cheerful mood. I am happy for the winners of the competition, a big congratulations to you all! A big congratulations to everyone who participated in the competition. As usual, a challenge and great fun. And as I wrote a friend earlier, I am already looking forward to the next competition.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Competition Announcement theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Yay! Happy to be sharing the winner’s circle with Kat and the Thespian! Congrats to everyone who won, and everyone who entered.

We saw no movie last night. May hit one this afternoon. Something scary, I bet!

Big baseball weekend! Let’s go Mets!

Coffee and hundreds of cookies please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I had an hour to myself in the midst of wedding planning and dress shopping with my girl and logged in to see where everyone had placed. Imagine my surprise to see that I won. What a thrill to finally win a contest. Who knew it would be with poetry? Congrats to Jason and verbal and all the top ten peeps! Honestly, all of the entries were great. I guess we are far more poetic as a bunch than we realize! Thanks, Molly, for a great comp!

Special thanks to WriterGirl, who nudged me to enter, and to Cora for always encouraging me!

I may have to take one of each kind of cookie...😉YUM!


My 1st place Beyond the Veil competition poem:

As You Slip Away

My 2nd place Mardi Gras competition story:

Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time)

My 2nd place Writer's Block competition story:

The Dandy Lion & The Whiter Box

My latest story:

As Life Goes On and Time Goes By...Thank you, Marshall Crenshaw

Nice to come over here and see all the cheery posts about the comp. I just had to go medieval on someone's ass on the site I admin so mood is a bit off.😒

takes a cookie and a tea and scowls in the corner chair

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Good morning, everyone.

I dropped by to say, "hey," and give you some cookies I hope you enjoy.

verbal, thank you for the tip about baseball this weekend. 😉

Baseball Weekend theme

Way to go, Mets!

Boo, Phillies!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

No, I haven't died. Real life got me for awhile.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Tom Petty.

Good afternoon, everyone.

I am having a lovely Sunday. I went to an apple orchard with my family and dogs earlier. We had a fantastic time. It is very beautiful outside. We filled a 16 lbs. bag with apples and bought homemade apple cider cinnamon donuts as a special treat. I am taking a break now and tonight should be fun. Dinner, dessert and a movie at home with my family. I am very grateful for this most joyous, fun and peaceful day.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.

Apple Orchard theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Oo, apples. I'll take two. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what will two apple cookies do?

Was weathering a headache for part of the weekend but better now. Working on a story, got some cleaning done. Weather is nice so I was getting in walks every day.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Good morning, everyone.

Mendalla, glad you had an enjoyable and productive weekend, minus the headache, but glad that is gone.

I hope everyone else had an enjoyable weekend.

I am going to write for a bit after this post. Just a few more days until Autumn officially arrives. How exciting.

Coffee is La Colombe Cold Brew and Cafe Du Monde French Roast. Tea is Coconut white tea and Raspberry Strawberry.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day.

Pink Peony theme

Monkey theme


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Oh, I will gobble down those Mets cookies Cora.

Not up to much today. Dentist appointment at 1:30 (I always try to make my appointments at 2:30–tooth hurty, ha!—but didn’t get the time I wanted), but it’s just a fast check.

Other than that: writing, watching an game, and a long walk.

Coffee and many Mets cookies please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I think that calls for more Mets cookies. I hope you enjoy the Mets game, verbal. 😊

This is my favorite time of year to take walks; Autumn is my favorite season. I hope you enjoy your walk as well, verbal.

Let's go, Mets!


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Alas, there's no point in putting up any Blue Jays cookies – first, because they aren't even in the same time zone as a playoff spot, and second because I'm gluten intolerant.


Despite that, it's a beautiful day here, and I'm feeling good after my morning yoga!

How's everyone else doing?

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Henry and the Hunter

Latest Competition Entry: A Chip Off the Old Writer’s Block

Quote by JamesPBear

Alas, there's no point in putting up any Blue Jays cookies – first, because they aren't even in the same time zone as a playoff spot, and second because I'm gluten intolerant.


Time zones do not matter, at least to me. And all cookies have the option of sugar free, gluten free, and nut free...all with the same great taste. If you ever want a special cookie, feel free to ask. 😊

Good to hear from you, James!

verbal is rooting for the Mets, you are rooting for the Blue Jays, and although I do not follow baseball, I am rooting for the Cubs.

I hope you, and everyone else, are enjoying their day.

Way to go, Blue Jays!


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Good morning, everyone.

I am getting increasingly excited for Autumn this year. I do not know the reason. I do know I am feeling festive and excitement inside. The crisp air, changing and falling leaves, etc. I am very fond of walks during the Autumnal season.
The poem I have been collaborating with a friend is nearing its completion, I think. I am waiting to hear back from her to see what her thoughts are. I have had an idea for a short memoir, possibly flash fiction length; a moment from childhood that has always stayed with me. Hopefully I will start writing that today. I might slice some fresh zucchini later. Today is going to be low-key, I think.

Best wishes to the Mets and Blue Jays; I see they are playing today, tomorrow and not sure about Thursday.

Coffee is La Colombe Cold Brew and Cafe Du Monde French Roast. Teas are looseleaf White Peach and White Peony.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

Way to go, Mets!

Let's go, Blue Jays! Let's go!


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

I slept well for a change. Yay!

Sending off a memoir today that will be big if they take it. I’ve gotten two complimentary rejection slips from them thus far. We will see if the third time is a charm.

I am also writing about—not making this us—itinerant preachers in the 1930s preaching in rural Oklahoma. One of my great-uncles is among them. It’s ambitious, we will see if I can pull it off.

Man those are some good looking cookies! I’ll have two Mets and two Blue Jay cookies please! And a coffee!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place