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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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Quote by verbal
And one for the poets, this time.

Come on, man, give it a whirl. I mean, it's not like you're up against Walt Whitman and Edgar Allen Poe or something.😊

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by Mendalla

Come on, man, give it a whirl. I mean, it's not like you're up against Walt Whitman and Edgar Allen Poe or something.😊

Oh, I'll probably enter. But Lord knows I am no poet.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I love a poetry competition. I can't wait to read the entries. Everyone always has such a different take on the theme, which is exciting.

I've been ignoring the crazy politics and weird news going on and that is why I am watching the Olympics. No news can intrude and I absolutely love all the gymnastics coverage. I was a wannabe gymnast when I was a child and later as a teenager. After breaking my ankle and the same wrist three times my mom made me quit. She told me it's time to be realistic, that I was not going to be successful. So I stuck to ballet instead for a while. It's also been fun to watch Snoop Dogg going to all the events and commentating on some of them. I can enjoy watching with my parents which is a plus and it keeps me inside and out of this ridiculous heat.

It's almost Friday. Have a good night everyone. Cheers.

Snoop Dog is a national treasure.

That said, I haven’t watched a single minute of the Olympics. I’m not even sure I CAN watch them, without cable. I’m sure they are on the internet somewhere. I’m not being too successful at avoiding politics, Gil. It’s like background noise lately.

No big plans afoot. Cori is visiting her mom next week, so I am bachelor-ing it for a bit next week. Since I can’t walk I don’t expect to get in much trouble. smile

I got a nibble for a big story sale today. We will see if I land a fish. Wish me luck!

Today, a coffee and a cookie. I hope everyone has well.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Hey everyone.

Not much going on today. I read from a book of poetry earlier. I am actively thinking of ideas for a poem for the “Beyond The Veil” comp. Ideas are pretty vague right now but at least I have ideas.

Gillian, reading your post brought me back to my younger years. I used to be an enthusiastic gymnast and later on danced ballet from my heart. Although I wanted to excel in both, especially ballet, professionalism in those two never blossomed. Some years ago I was asked if I was a dancer. I was standing while reading. He said the way I moved my feet were like a dancer. I still often find myself moving my feet while standing still or in line for something that imitate certain positions of ballet.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Friday.


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Quote by verbal
I’m sure they are on the internet somewhere.

Here in Canada, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) holds the rights and they are putting everything through their Gem streaming service as well as broadcasting it. Perhaps NBC (do they still have the US rights??) is doing similar? I remember when I did have cable, I would often flip back and forth between CBC and NBC since they were often showing different events.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Good morning/afternoon depending on where you are! How's things?

Belated pot of dark roast Costa Rican is on. There's Earl Grey and Buddha's Blend in the teapots. Pitchers are washed and filled up with unsweet iced tea and lemonade.

Working on my comp entry. Poetry can be incredibly easy or like pulling teeth for me. There does not seem to be a middle ground.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

NBC still has the rights here in the USA. Peacock has all the streaming, but some events are also shown on the USA network and the E entertainment channel. It is annoying that NBC only shows the most popular sports and often only the top competitors. I got Peacock for a month so I could watch events that are not on NBC. I watched the trampoline finals and some wild event called kayak cross.

August is a repeat of July here. It's hazy, hot and humid every day. At least later this week, we will hopefully have some soaking rains from the remnants of Hurricane Debby. It's hard to be enthusiastic about things these days. Some family issues are weighing heavily, but there is not much I can do to change them. I'll take a Coke to go.

Have a good Monday, everyone. Cheers.

Was out working in the yard this morning. Mowed the lawn, did some weeding and other cleanup, packed up yard waste for pickup later in the week. Now sweaty as all heck. Not too hot today yet but quite muggy still. There's a lingering chance of showers today but nothing yet. Given that we are having water problems in my office (not just the building, my actual office), less rain would be welcome for now. We are certainly getting more than enough to keep things green.

I'll throw on a pot of Deathwish Dark Roast. For tea, let's try Darjeeling and Raspberry Royale.

Later, alligators.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by Mendalla

Was out working in the yard this morning. Mowed the lawn, did some weeding and other cleanup, packed up yard waste for pickup later in the week. Now sweaty as all heck. Not too hot today yet but quite muggy still. There's a lingering chance of showers today but nothing yet. Given that we are having water problems in my office (not just the building, my actual office), less rain would be welcome for now. We are certainly getting more than enough to keep things green.

I'll throw on a pot of Deathwish Dark Roast. For tea, let's try Darjeeling and Raspberry Royale.

Later, alligators.

I like yard work. I particularly like being done with lawn work.

Talia-less, alas. The cats and I are alone for ten days. Well thinking of taking up hang gliding. Build little cat hang gliders out of sticks and garbage bags and lots of duct tape. They cats haven’t actually agreed to all this yet, but I’m sure they’ll be on board.

I’m trying to stay off my foot, so I’m not going to walk today either. Driving me a little crazy not to walk. It’s so nice out.

Oh well. A coffee and a cookie please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Just stopping by to say hey. Nothing new with me. I hope everyone finds peace amidst their troubles. I hope you have a beautiful day.


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

Good morning campers!

I see Mendalla hasn't wandered in yet, so let me get some fine Guatemalan coffee going, plus some Earl Grey tea.

(checks the cookie jars) Seems like we're OK for now. If anyone sees Sara, ask her if she has some more cookies cookin', OK?

I'm going to take a Bear-sized mug of Earl Grey back to WriterGirl's corner and see if I can't get her to inspire me with some poetry. Maybe that'll make it easier for me to think of something for the comp!

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Hey, someone got the setup done. notes white hairs on the counter, glances over

It's James! Hello there, amigo! I'm wrestling a bit. Have two poems on the go and neither is really doing it for me even though both are quite on point for the comp. Will keep at it.

takes an Earl and joins the Bear

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Good morning all. Thanks for setting up, James.

I'm feeling a little off today - stomach isn't doing great. In bed with coffee now, though I will get up soon. I'll take it easy today.

The Mets are in Denver! I'm so tempted to drive up and see them.

Coffee please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Jeff, I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for the setup, James, but I won't be having coffee. I've never developed a taste for it. I do have an occasional soda as my morning vice. A stressful morning here deserves the indulgence of a Mountain Dew Slurpee. Slurpees or frozen drinks are my other vice. Although 7-11 announced a pumpkin spice slurpee, which I won't be trying.

Guess what? It's another hot day, so there's nothing new. I'm baking to use up my fresh blueberries and peaches. I'm making a blueberry cheesecake and a peach blueberry cobbler. Thankfully, I can give most of it to my parents. I don't need all those sweet things hanging around.

Have a good Tuesday, everyone. Cheers.

Quote by gillianleeza
Although 7-11 announced a pumpkin spice slurpee, which I won't be trying.

😒 No sick smiley, so unamused will have to do. Pumpkin spice belongs in pumpkin desserts. Period.

Quote by gillianleeza
I'm making a blueberry cheesecake and a peach blueberry cobbler.

This, on the other hand ... ❤️😊

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

I’ll have a slice of that blueberry cheesecake please.

Off to the doctor today for my foot. I suspect a boot is in my future.

I hope everyone is well. I’m just sitting here writing and playing No Man’s Sky.

Coffee and a cookie please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by verbal
I’m just sitting here writing and playing No Man’s Sky.

that could be misread as you writing No Man's Sky. Though I imagine writing for videogames is pretty lucrative. I know the Malaysian-born author Cassandra Khaw does, or at least used to do, that at Ubisoft Montreal. Haven't checked into her latest work so not sure what she's up to. Might be writing fiction fulltime now.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Good morning, everyone.

Ideas are solidifying as well as ways to structure my poem for the comp. I think I may hopefully begin writing my poem entry today.

verbal, I have had to wear a boot once or twice. They are not that big of a deal. Just a minor inconvenience for a short while. I am glad you are getting it checked out.

Best wishes to all who are in their writing process for the comp, or writing for their own good pleasure.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day.


Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.

No boot for my foot. (Hey, I AM a poet!). X Rays and physical therapy are in my future. Feeling a little better, but still not walking. Thanks for your well wishes, Cora.

Cool and rainy here today. I like cool and rainy! Other than that, writing and baseball and video games. And the news, which I've had on constantly as of late. There's too much going on to ignore.

I hope everyone is well. A coffee and one of Sara's cookies please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I really need my muse to strike me with inspiration. Right now, she just seems to be on strike. No poem for the comp yet. Not happy with the two I have but nothing else is coming to me. Depression has set in for reasons i am still unsure of, so that's definitely a factor. I just deleted an unfinished 5000 (so far) word story as well, just feeling it was feeding the mood rather than helping it.

Anyhow, I'll put on some Tobermory Grotto coffee. For teas, let's go with Assam and Raspberry Royale. Washed the pitchers and made fresh iced tea and lemonade, too.

Have a good Friday and weekend, folks!!

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Got foot X rayed today.

THAT was annoying.

Coffee please.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

(scratches chin, trying to think, but nuttin' happens…)


Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: Dreaming…

Good morning everyone!

Still not walking - that darned heel spur - but I may try today. I’m go a little stir crazy. Talia is back on Thursday, so I have some cleaning to do this week. I’ve been neat, but those crazy cats have created pure chaos!

80s today, with afternoon thunderstorms. Yay!

I don have an idea for the comp either….

Coffee and a cookie?

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

No more Olympics until 2026 and then it's the (brrrrrrrr) Winter Games in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy (joint hosts, an Olympic first). Paris put on a pretty good show. Some hiccups but no disasters. Canada's athletes done good. Best showing in a non-boycotted Summer Games with 27 medals, 9 of them gold. And a few firsts, too, esp. in athletics.

Poetry is just not happening with me right now and I am not sure why. Used to just crack off poems spontaneously. Now, I'm struggling to come up with one. Still 3+ weeks so not out of the running, yet, just struggling in the preliminaries. (Have I been watching too much Olympics?)

Coffee is Jamaican Blue Mountain. Teas are Orange Pekoe and Earl Grey. Washed the pitchers and made fresh lemonade and iced tea. Stocked up the sodas. Looks like we are in business.

Been working away at the sequel to Night of the Wind. It is taking shape. Definitely going to be my longest single story (vs. a series like Chronicles of Tana). Already at 3 chapters and still going.

Debating whether there should be a romance element or not. It would help expand the characters a bit but could also be a distraction. This is already framed as a dark fantasy adventure type of story (monster lurking in the woods is the basic scenario but it's more complicated than that) so maybe I should stick to some hints and flirting for now. Save the romance for a future adventure where I can put it more front and center.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Hey all.

Nothing new here, but I am doing fine. Warm with afternoon thunderstorms, and I have therapy today!

I hope you are all well.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Trying to navigate Medicare and get the services my parents need has me pulling my hair out. Why does the government make it so hard? I'm very cranky. I'll take a ginger ale and a few cookies. I need to find something to binge-watch. My brain is too busy to let me read.

I hope everyone is having a good week. Cheers.

Quote by gillianleeza
Trying to navigate Medicare and get the services my parents need has me pulling my hair out. Why does the government make it so hard?

Our system can be similar so you have my sympathies. It's just with us it's for everyone, not just seniors.

Back to summer after some cooler weather. 28-29C the next couple days, then rain on the weekend.

Coffee du jour is Lavazza. Teas are English Breakfast and Raspberry Royale. Looking good on the cold drinks.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by gillianleeza

Trying to navigate Medicare and get the services my parents need has me pulling my hair out. Why does the government make it so hard? I'm very cranky. I'll take a ginger ale and a few cookies. I need to find something to binge-watch. My brain is too busy to let me read.

I hope everyone is having a good week. Cheers.

Oh, man, I’ve been down that hole a time or two. I’d be cranky too. Good luck, Gil.

Talia is coming home tomorrow (yay!) so I will be cleaning the house today to make things fresh and clean. The cats will be relieved, as will I.

The Mets seem to be beginning their late summer swoon into fourth place.

I’d love a coffee. And I will take a big plate of cookies too.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Talia’s coming home today! Yay!

Cleaning the house is mostly done. Just a little sweeping up.

And…I have an idea for the comp! I will work on it over the weekend.

Coffee and a cookie please!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place