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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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Story Moderator

It's the same for me. I got in at first and had a look around, but when I tried to log back on, I got stuck on the first page. When I logged off, I could look at the forums and see my profile but couldn't interact with the site otherwise. I imagine it will take some time to sort out all the issues involved with such a huge undertaking. 

It's been a stressful week. I had two root canals done and currently being treated for an infection in the root of one tooth, so I am having a pity party for myself. Thankfully I leave this weekend for a week at the beach in the Outer Banks. All three of my boys will be coming with their so's. We haven't all been together in years, so I am very excited about the trip. 

I'll have a glass of lemonade over crushed ice. The cold feels good on my sore gums. 

Crazy old ape

Two root canals at once? Eww. One at a time is bad enough. Take care. I need an implant done but have been holding off until I feel more comfortable about the COVID situation around here.

Muggy and looking a bit threatening here this evening. We are under a storm watch but other than some strong winds around dinner time, haven't had anything yet.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Carey’d away.

Not me thinking about a long make out session with Sue Sylvester, I swear. I need it.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.


Two root canals!? So sorry, Gill. I have a real life horror story regarding root canals, but I'll not scare you with my own experiences.

Things seem to be coming along nicely with the upgrade. It de-emphasises the stories a little, but I imagine they can be tweaked into the forefront.

I have a new story up here: Magpie House.  Kind of a Stephen King-ish vibe. Still in first draft land, and I'd be happy to hear any suggestions for edits/rewrites in the comments.

No Talia Wednesday. Haven't seen the cats yet today. That cannot bode well. smile

Enjoy your day all. A coffee and 12 cookies please. I'm hungry. 

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape
Quote by verbal

No Talia Wednesday. Haven't seen the cats yet today. That cannot bode well. smile

Maybe they went to work with Talia? Or ate her and then fled into the shadows from which they came (you're not the only horror writer on here, you know 😎)

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Carey’d away.

Anyone else get gateway timeout errors this morning or was that just me?

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Story Moderator
Quote by verbal

Two root canals!? So sorry, Gill. I have a real life horror story regarding root canals, but I'll not scare you with my own experiences.

Things seem to be coming along nicely with the upgrade. It de-emphasises the stories a little, but I imagine they can be tweaked into the forefront.

I have a new story up here: Magpie House.  Kind of a Stephen King-ish vibe. Still in first draft land, and I'd be happy to hear any suggestions for edits/rewrites in the comments.

No Talia Wednesday. Haven't seen the cats yet today. That cannot bode well. smile

Enjoy your day all. A coffee and 12 cookies please. I'm hungry. 

I have a few horror stories myself. I swore I would never have another root canal. I have had two fail. I have extra canals that are small and hard to get to, but I was swayed by new technology that uses a small cat scan type device to show even the smallest canals. I wanted to get them done before my vacation to avoid worrying about my teeth. So much for that. The one tooth is still causing issues, so it will probably have to come out. Dental issues cause me extreme anxiety—enough about that.

I was timed out of both sites today, and then the power went out in my neighborhood for five hours. Grrr that has happened several times in the last few weeks. A combination of the work of moving lines underground and builders of new houses hitting electrical lines. 

I need a drink, but I'll settle for some ice-cold ginger ale with lots of crushed ice, please. 

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
Hi peeps

A large iced coffee sounds good to me

Not much going on here today just dealing with frustrations

But in the meantime I'm just gonna chill here . 

*peeking in the cookie jars* we are in good shape.fresh cookies tomorrow. 

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats* 

Hope everyone has a good day. 

Jeff the cats are probably napping somewhere

Hi Ape how are things in your part of the world

Gill yikes  hope you feel better. 

Stay safe everyone☕

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Crazy old ape
Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

Anyone else get gateway timeout errors this morning or was that just me?

Me. I posted about it in the bug thread in case it was an issue that needed attention.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Crazy old ape
Quote by gillianleeza
A combination of the work of moving lines underground and builders of new houses hitting electrical lines. 

Joe Backhoe we used to call that in my early IT days. I once had a twit with a backhoe take out dedicated lines to like 4 library branches, and not small ones, either. That was pre-Internet, though, so all the lines did was connect the branches to our catalogue/checkout system.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Writing down under

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

My latest story, Mardi Gras Competition: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

Active Ink Slinger
1 like
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

I'm sure one of the mods here will help you out with your poem publishing issue, Annie!

But I just wanted to send you many, many congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby boy! It all sounds very traumatic but glad to hear you are recovering and the little one is doing well. Let us know when he has a name! I'm thrilled for you. 💙

I'll toast Annie and her new baby boy with some of that freshly brewed coffee!

Crazy old ape
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

Congratulations, Annie. At least you and baby are okay now. Best of luck from someone at a much later stop on the parenting bus (mine just started his final year of university and accepted a job to start post-graduation).

Good morning, everyone. Bit grey here. Survived a trip to the dentist for a cleaning and checkup. No teeth were harmed this time.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Primus Omnium
1 like

Hello, folks. I thought I would write a note to let people know all that I know about getting Bill on the site. When Storiesspace was converted to the new platform Bill was unable to get on at all. His daughter, who is proficient in technology, was unable to get him online. I was aware of what was happening because Bill and I recently met in my hometown. 

I passed on Bill's problem to Molly and I think she passed it on to the tech folks who were bringing the new platform into service.

When the "other site" was passed to its new platform it was clear that Bill was not online here nor there. 

I have tried to send messages to Bill using the message system on both sites thinking they would connect to active email accounts for him. I have not heard back. I have tried calling him at a phone number he gave me but it is not in service.

I have once more passed on the situation to Molly who was not aware that Bill was not on either site yet. 

That is the present situation. I do not know how Bill is nor if anyone is actively working to get him back online with us.

1 like
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

Wow, Annie! Congrats on making it through such a harrowing ordeal! And big hugs to both mother and son. You've an exciting (and exhausting!) journey ahead of you.

That's worrisome about Bill, Larry, and thanks for the update. I hope to see him soon.

I woke up too early and I'm tired and a little grumpy. A new story awaits, though, so it's time to start flinging words onto the screen like spitballs and see what sticks.

Coffee and a cookie would improve my day greatly!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by Survivor

Hello, folks. I thought I would write a note to let people know all that I know about getting Bill on the site. When Storiesspace was converted to the new platform Bill was unable to get on at all. His daughter, who is proficient in technology, was unable to get him online. I was aware of what was happening because Bill and I recently met in my hometown. 

I passed on Bill's problem to Molly and I think she passed it on to the tech folks who were bringing the new platform into service.

When the "other site" was passed to its new platform it was clear that Bill was not online here nor there. 

I have tried to send messages to Bill using the message system on both sites thinking they would connect to active email accounts for him. I have not heard back. I have tried calling him at a phone number he gave me but it is not in service.

I have once more passed on the situation to Molly who was not aware that Bill was not on either site yet. 

That is the present situation. I do not know how Bill is nor if anyone is actively working to get him back online with us.

I am trying. We all want him here. I've reached out on both platforms. Hopefully, it will be sorted soon.

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
Hi peeps 

Of course I'm late again with the cookies but I do have fresh cookies .

A large iced coffee to try to get thru the day .

Larry thanks for the update on Bill . I hope he comes back but I have my doubts . 

*moving the old cookies to the emergency cookie tins behind the counter and filling the cookie jars to the tippy top with fresh cookies* 

In Big Bird : pecan divines, snickerdoodles, banana chocolate chip and chocolate covered cherry cookies 

In Cookie Monster : ginger snaps, peanut butter and banana cookies , lemon softies and cappuccino royale cookies

In Elmo: molasses cookies, peppermint cookies, double chocolate hazelnut and butterscotch sugar cookies

* giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats* 

Stay safe everyone! smile 

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Story Moderator
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

Congratulations on your new baby boy. I think there is something in the process of having a child that leads to amnesia. Otherwise, everyone would be an only child. After my first (I had the same issues), I swore that I would never go through that again. I have three grown kids now, lol. Enjoy your new baby and take care of yourself. 

Tomorrow is a planned power interruption. Oh, joy, yesterday's outage was just a one-off? Power is supposed to be out from 8 am-4 pm. I am not amused. I'm getting cranky in my old age. Maybe I'll ditch all my responsibilities and start on my stack of books for my beach vacation early. 

I'll have a few cookies, something soft, please, and a lemonade.

I hope everyone is having a good week so far.


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

What a wonderful question! You certainly deserve roses and sunbeams after your ordeal.  But, it will only take a day at most to understand why a second child is born.  My best to you and your family. Hope big brother or sister is delighted.

Crazy old ape
Quote by gillianleeza

Tomorrow is a planned power interruption. Oh, joy, yesterday's outage was just a one-off? Power is supposed to be out from 8 am-4 pm. I am not amused. I'm getting cranky in my old age. Maybe I'll ditch all my responsibilities and start on my stack of books for my beach vacation early. 

At work, we once found out on like a Wednesday or Thursday that the power at head office was going to be turned off on a Saturday when our branches were supposed to be doing mid-year inventory. Since we didn't have a generator yet, I had to take the servers down, including the one that had the inventory system on it. Ape was a bit cranky, needless to say. 😠

Good night, all.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Crazy old ape
Quote by elizabethblack

What a wonderful question! You certainly deserve roses and sunbeams after your ordeal.  But, it will only take a day at most to understand why a second child is born.  My best to you and your family. Hope big brother or sister is delighted.

And there are also days when you wipe your brow and go, "Whew, glad we stopped at one." 😜

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Survivor

Hello, folks. I thought I would write a note to let people know all that I know about getting Bill on the site. When Storiesspace was converted to the new platform Bill was unable to get on at all. His daughter, who is proficient in technology, was unable to get him online. I was aware of what was happening because Bill and I recently met in my hometown. 

I passed on Bill's problem to Molly and I think she passed it on to the tech folks who were bringing the new platform into service.

When the "other site" was passed to its new platform it was clear that Bill was not online here nor there. 

I have tried to send messages to Bill using the message system on both sites thinking they would connect to active email accounts for him. I have not heard back. I have tried calling him at a phone number he gave me but it is not in service.

I have once more passed on the situation to Molly who was not aware that Bill was not on either site yet. 

That is the present situation. I do not know how Bill is nor if anyone is actively working to get him back online with us.

I know Bill was anxious to get back on.  I can only thank you for getting Molly to help get this done. I can't get on Lush, so I am sympathetic. I was on it, but the last two days it won't let me on. What a surprise with Annie. I'm so happy for her coming through with flying colors.

Crazy old ape

Good morning writers and readers alike. And anyone else who happens to hang here. Coffee is on, kettle is boiling, some nice Kenya Tinderet tea is in the big pot.

Lovely day in my neck of the woods. Slight chance of showers but mostly sunny. I am toying with a new story. I have the beginning written and the ending in my head. Needs some work in between the two though. However, a weekend looms so we shall see what happens.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!


Good morning all. 

Busy day today but I will pop my head in.

Novel writing critique group is tomorrow morning, and this week I am under the knife, so to speak. They are a good group, but a tough crowd, and I am a little nervous.

Anyone seen Vi around lately? I hope we didn’t lose her in the move. I was just getting to know her.

I also have great faith that Bill will be found and brought back into the fold. He is too well loved to be missing.

A coffee and a cookie would be the cat’s pajamas.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

*giggles at the image of cats wearing pajamas*thanks Jeff

A large iced coffee sounds yummy 

 Back from the doctor . Got used as a pin cushion.

Stomach bug (got meds for it)

Poor bum knee (cortisone shot) thank goodness I'm  not a pony . 

*Peeking in the cookie jar* yay we are in good shape! 

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats* 

Stay safe everyone


My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Crazy old ape
Quote by DenimAngel

*giggles at the image of cats wearing pajamas*


Given some of the alleged antics of Jeff and his cats, nothing would surprise me there. 😋

Hope the doc gets you back into shape, Sara.

Good afternoon. Another week rolls to a close. Time for cookies and tea. ☕

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by DenimAngel

*giggles at the image of cats wearing pajamas*


Given some of the alleged antics of Jeff and his cats, nothing would surprise me there. 😋

Hope the doc gets you back into shape, Sara.

Good afternoon. Another week rolls to a close. Time for cookies and tea. ☕

This is true smile  

oh there is pecan divines in the cookie jar 

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Magnificent Bastard
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Root canal ... I dream of root canal. 😕 Not really, just that lets just say I needed a blood transfusion after an emergency C-section Tuesday night. All is good now; baby got stuck and is well despite that, mother is improving 👌 

I am having trouble publishing a poem about late babies (or more accurately one late young man in particular) which I wrote Saturday. Cant work out if it is a bug or that I am stupid... Okay, don't answer that. 

But for all the mums out there I do have a question: How come second children are born? 

Oh Annie, that’s fabulous news. Congrats. Boy or girl?

Bigger question: Are you naming it Verbs or Ping?

But be careful. Tams immaculately conceived a little hybrid VerPing thingie of horror. How awkward  it would be if you two named your young ones the same thing?

Well, I’m off to a wet market in China. I’ve got some business to tend to. Don’t ask but vendors will probably start a bidding war for what I have to offer.

Or to paraphrase Quint, “The taxidermist’s gunna  have a heart attack when he sees what I brought him.”

Go Fernandez Go! 

Bring another Women’s US Open Tennis Championship to Canada for us!

Good weekend to all, especially Sir Rump if you can hear me. Hurry back, as soon as you can.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

Yikes no coffee...not even gonna try to use the coffee maker but I know how to use the tea kettle ..

*Makes a cup of  vanilla chai tea*

*Peeks in the cookie jars* we are in good shape til morning 

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats*

After shots yesterday I'm feeling kind of rough but I knew it would come so I was prepared. 

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Stay safe smile 

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Crazy old ape
Quote by DenimAngel

Yikes no coffee...not even gonna try to use the coffee maker but I know how to use the tea kettle ..

With no one around, seemed kind of pointless to make a pot of joe. End up just pouring it down the sink (or sending to another place I know of to add to their massive beast of a coffee maker 😉).

Grass cut and trimmed. Making some progress on a new story. Could be a long one but there's a nice break point where I could separate it into chapters.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!