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Inspirations, the Stories Space Coffee House: If you're reading this it just might mean I'm back, sorta. If you're not reading this, well, congratulations.

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Quote by Mendalla

Hold it, did the bear just confess to murdering Earl Grey? Does this mean we now have a murder mystery going on in here?

The problem with using Niven as an example is that a lot of his later stuff really was drivel, even if he also put out some pretty fine s-f in the seventies and eighties. I have a gut feeling that he might be a tough read for 21st century me, even though I was a fan in the eighties.

But, yeah, that's kind of what I've been doing. The problem for me is that technique usually generates these wonderful openings that have nowhere to go and any attempt to finish them seems to end up with me figuratively ripping the paper from the typewriter and tossing it across the room.

It wasn't me, I wasn't there, he didn't look like me even if it had been me, I was at home with my sainted mother, bless her dead soul, and besides, I always  liked Earl Grey – when he was alive. And my girl friend, Felicia, will back me up – but let me call her first, OK?

Well, if you can't, you can't. I can't think of anything else to say…oh, wait. That's the problem, isn't it? *shrug*

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: If Only …

Crazy old ape

Hey, Sara, hope you're getting better. Take care of yourself.

Nice day here. Weather has finally cooled off so we can use windows instead of AC. Not quite Fall-ish, yet, but definitely finally feeling like the latter end of Summer.

Quiet in here in the mornings these days but I'll get coffee and kettle going for the latecomers (and those in other time zones).

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!


Thanks for the set-up Scott. I need coffee badly.

Feel better Sara! We have an emergency stash of your cookies hidden in the back of the freezer, we'll thaw them out until you are up and baking.

I LOVE Niven - Ringworld alone gets him in my own personal hall of fame. Plus, he was my introduction to the idea of the multiverse and alternate timelines. I was a sucker for all that hard sci-fi in high school.  

Still fighting Imposters Syndrome. Haven't written a good story in awhile. I need a good one under my belt.

But hey, the Mets swept a double header yesterday, and it's a sunny day, and all is good with the world. It's No Talia Wednesday, so me and the cats are gonna learn to tap dance!

Hope everyone enjoys the day.       

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Active Ink Slinger

Hello, everyone. Life is good, and I had a great few days ending August and am ready to tackle Blogtober on my website. The little one is in preschool and recently turned four and it seems like she was just born yesterday. 

I see the site has a new design and I'm feeling it. I'm going to have a look around and get some writing done. I hope to have a new original piece up soon.

Quote by ladysharon

Hello, everyone. Life is good, and I had a great few days ending August and am ready to tackle Blogtober on my website. The little one is in preschool and recently turned four and it seems like she was just born yesterday. 

I see the site has a new design and I'm feeling it. I'm going to have a look around and get some writing done. I hope to have a new original piece up soon.

Nice to meet you, Lady Sharon. I'm James, a polar bear married to Lady Jay. And no, I don't have a title – and am certainly NOT bi-, if you see what I mean.

Nice to see everybody. I have supper cooking on the BBQ, although I'll probably finish it in a pan, and we're sitting by a quiet lake in eastern Ontario, on vacation this week and into early next, wishing to miss the school rush, ours being too old for that.

I'll have a tea, Earl Grey, hot, please!

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Girl, Not Frog

Latest Competition Entry: If Only …

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

Hi peeps 

this being sick 🤧😷is getting old fast . Holy cow I tried to get an appointment to get seen for this and because of covid and the Delta variant of it the doctor is booked until the 10th of September..but he was kind enough to call in a prescription for my poor tummy troubles .

I'm hoping to feel better soon. 

Glad you guys found the stash of cookies in the freezer. 

I have awesome friends.

Stay safe everyone!smile 

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Active Ink Slinger

Lovely to see you here, Sharon! *waves*

Glad you got a scrip from you doc, Sara and hope you're feeling much better soon. *hugs*

I'm still trying to wake up here, so a cup of coffee would do nicely!


Hello friends! Finally able to take a moment to check out the new format. I struggle with change, but I imagine I will get used to it eventually. A cup of tea would be lovely before I head out to get my allergy shots.


My 4th place story from It’s Not What It Looks Like Competition:

1975 The Summer Of Fun

My top ten Monsters and Myths competition story:

Queen of the Turbines

My 2nd place Mardi Gras competition story:

Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time)

Magnificent Bastard
1 like

Weird morning. First day of school. It’s strange hugging my thirteen year old son, who is now officially taller than me, before sending him out the door. My eleven year old daughter refers to me as father, with a slight nasally, valley girl tone. I like it.

Woke to a puppy kennel full of diarrhea. Ugh. One pup has had digestive issues for three days, but only between the hours of midnight and five am. And I’m the dude on doody duty. Poor thing. I’ve got to reverse engineer her gastrointestinal journey to see where I need to intervene.

My cancer removal scar is looking pretty good. Stitches came out smooth. Maybe my dog sensed it and that’s why she’s gastro-stressed. Yah, that’s it.

Site is coming along nicely. Sadly, we’ve lost a few people due to the format changes. One person told me the changes “Suck Ass.” I do hope they return when the ass sucking stops. But that story is for a different site.

I hope all are doing well. 

Texas sucks ass. Hurricanes suck ass. Over wokeness and historical revisionism suck ass. The Pope and the Catholic Church suck ass for murdering, covering up, and denying their neglectful and murderous antics of thousands of First Nation children in Canada. COVID and it’s now fourth wave suck ass. But this site will soon for some not ‘suck ass’. Hopefully, just the ass kissing will return and remain. 🧐😉

Off to tend to the puppies. Nothing much worse than an ill child or a sick pet.

Have a good day everyone.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Crazy old ape

Glad to hear your stitches are out, G-man, and you're recovering. Too bad puppy is having tummy troubles. Poop happens, as they say. 😀

I am happy with the new format, even if it is a bit basic compared to more forum sites I use. Works and that what matters. Need to get going on some stories so I can play more with that part of it but, hey, blocks never last forever. I hope.

Quote by ladysharon

The little one is in preschool and recently turned four and it seems like she was just born yesterday. 

These kids just grow up too dang fast, Sharon. Mine is about to accept his first permanent job offer (to start after he gets his degree next April). See also Ping's remarks about his kids. Nice to hear from you.

Quote by KatarinaTechgoddess

Hello friends! Finally able to take a moment to check out the new format. I struggle with change, but I imagine I will get used to it eventually. A cup of tea would be lovely before I head out to get my allergy shots.

Sounds from news I heard that you better start getting used to it. 😉 The forums are nice and simple, which is not altogether a bad or good thing. I know the social features are still a bit of a work in progress, but I'm not a big fan of that stuff anyhow. Give me working forums and story publishing and I'm good.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Quote by ladysharon

Hello, everyone. Life is good, and I had a great few days ending August and am ready to tackle Blogtober on my website. The little one is in preschool and recently turned four and it seems like she was just born yesterday. 

I see the site has a new design and I'm feeling it. I'm going to have a look around and get some writing done. I hope to have a new original piece up soon.

Good Lord, Sharon, when I had a four year old running around I barely had time to write a shopping list. Good for you for putting pencil to paper.

I won't discuss politics here, but I've spent the last two hours talking down a friend of mine over the new abortion law in Texas. We live in very troubling times.

I'm a tad upset. So, I'm gonna put pencil to paper, just like Sharon, and write my frustrations and fears down on paper as fiction. Coffee and LOTS of cookies please! 


Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape

Glad to hear that Sara is feeling better.

Nice weather continues here. If anything, it is getting too cool. Downright Fallish this morning, in fact.

Going into a long weekend (Labour Day) here but no real plans. Supposed to turn showery by Sunday anyhow.

Coffee is on and kettle is boiling. Breakfast bar is restocked and I thawed some more of the backup cookies to hold us over until Sara's back in action.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Force of Nature
Quote by Ping

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...

out of curiosity, are they mutually exclusive?

Trust me, I'm a doctor's wife.

Magnificent Bastard
Quote by Grace_just_Grace
Quote by Ping

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...

out of curiosity, are they mutually exclusive?
Why yes, yes they are. Well, they can be. Dumb can be educated, incorrigible says it can't right in the definition. LOL.

Ballet shoes, a light weight tent sans fly, and moto mechanical attachments on the agenda today. You are most welcome in advance for the image that that may have brought you.

Coffee to go, please. Pronto. Daddy Ping must stay ahead of the law.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...

Yeah, fall was in the air yesterday for us too! Cooler and rainy today. I love it.

Finished the crow and magpie story. It might be good. I've gotta find the actual story in this first draft and cut away all the unnecessary BS and find out.

Three day weekend, and we are dedicated to a long weekend of lazy indolence. Maybe a movie. Maybe grocery shopping. Definitely grilling! Salmon, steak, sausage, peppers, corn.

Getting low on cookies Sara. If you email me the recipe, I'll attempt to fill the cookie jars myself, but it would be much easier and tastier for you to grace us with fresh treats, when you feel able.

Coffee please. I'll limit myself to a single cookie.


Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Crazy old ape
Quote by verbal

Coffee please. I'll limit myself to a single cookie.


If she's still sick tomorrow, we are going to start rationing. Break them into pieces and limit each visitor to one fragment a day.

Or maybe I'll hit a bakery for some. The bakery near our family cottage used to make chocolate chip cookies to die for. Got sold in the mid-eighties, though, and the quality kind of tanked after that.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Active Ink Slinger
1 like

Happy Friday! Ping, I can feel you on that part of your kid is taller than you. I'm taller than my mom and both my sisters. It's weird seeing my mom look up at me, and my little one may have inherited the height from me and her great-grandma, who was a tall woman. The secret to putting pen to paper is naps. I made a batch of peanut butter cookies for everyone.

Crazy old ape

We has a new cookie lady! Now Sara has backup. 😋

Add me to the tall kids club. I was taller than my parents, my son is taller (quite a bit taller) than me. I'm about 6' (5'11.75" or something like that officially) and he's c. 6'3".

Tea and a peanut butter cookie seems a fine combo for a Friday afternoon.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Active Ink Slinger

Hey ..just passing through 😂😃👋 laters

Active Ink Slinger

Sharon, you are an angel to be cookie stand in while poor Sara is sick! 😘

I'll grab a nighttime ginger and lemon tea. I have a new romance ebook out tomorrow so that's exciting! 

1 like
Quote by henrietta_fielding

Sharon, you are an angel to be cookie stand in while poor Sara is sick! 😘

I'll grab a nighttime ginger and lemon tea. I have a new romance ebook out tomorrow so that's exciting! 

Can you send me the link, Cyn? I’d love a copy!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

👑Magic Cookie FAIRY 🍪

Hi peeps 

A large iced tea sounds good

I'm finally feeling good enough to bake ..

Don't want to be rationing cookies. 

I have fresh baked sugar cookies that are diabetic friendly and gluten free friendly 

They are shaped like : lighthouses , seashells, seahorses, starfishes and dolphins .

*Giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats* 

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Thank you all for thinking about me (hugs) 

Stay safe smile 

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

Active Ink Slinger

Hi, everyone! 🍷

Sorry for my long absence. After the news of my father, My brain was pretty messed up. I had more than a week of bonkers and many bad days after that. I fell and broke a tooth which had to be pulled. I have an irrational fear of dentists, so that was a real struggle. My doctor found a suspicious mole on my neck that I will soon be excised. All of this may seem bad, but the real problem is the progress of my LBD. It has multiplied any real issues. I have had a hard time getting to SS.

My LBD has made the transition to the new site difficult. My whole life runs on a set schedule and routine. Dealing with change is difficult, yet I am trying to get used to the new format.

I have sorely missed your companionship in my daily life. I continue reading your stories, though slowly.

BTW, I have shaved off my rather large 'Santa Clause' like beard, and my youngest grandson took almost a week before he recognized me. It was pretty funny seeing everyone's reaction to the appearance of my face. I certainly hope it was not fear or disgust. 😀

I hope you all stay healthy and happy. ❤

You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Magnificent Bastard
Quote by rolandlytle

Hi, everyone! 🍷

Sorry for my long absence. After the news of my father, My brain was pretty messed up. I had more than a week of bonkers and many bad days after that. I fell and broke a tooth which had to be pulled. I have an irrational fear of dentists, so that was a real struggle. My doctor found a suspicious mole on my neck that I will soon be excised. All of this may seem bad, but the real problem is the progress of my LBD. It has multiplied any real issues. I have had a hard time getting to SS.

My LBD has made the transition to the new site difficult. My whole life runs on a set schedule and routine. Dealing with change is difficult, yet I am trying to get used to the new format.

I have sorely missed your companionship in my daily life. I continue reading your stories, though slowly.

BTW, I have shaved off my rather large 'Santa Clause' like beard, and my youngest grandson took almost a week before he recognized me. It was pretty funny seeing everyone's reaction to the appearance of my face. I certainly hope it was not fear or disgust. 😀

I hope you all stay healthy and happy. ❤


Little Black Dress?

Years ago, I helped a friend write a sexy story about some F.M. Pumps and an LBD. 

Let’s all take a moment to envision our friend Roland, clad in the above, with and then without his Santa beard. A lovely juxtaposition.

Cold brew for Papa Ping, please. Decaf. I don’t want my mind to wander off more than it should.

Good to hear from you, ahem, Santa Rollie.

BTW, totally off topic. Queen Liz and her recently passed hubby/cousin, shared the same great grandfather. This better explains the disproportionate size of princely Charles’ dumbo ears. Not a fan.

Ping, out.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Crazy old ape
Quote by Ping


Lewy Body Dementia, I think. Not something you joke about, really.

Quote by rolandlytle

Hi, everyone! 🍷

Sorry for my long absence. After the news of my father, My brain was pretty messed up. I had more than a week of bonkers and many bad days after that. I fell and broke a tooth which had to be pulled. I have an irrational fear of dentists, so that was a real struggle. My doctor found a suspicious mole on my neck that I will soon be excised. All of this may seem bad, but the real problem is the progress of my LBD. It has multiplied any real issues. I have had a hard time getting to SS.

My LBD has made the transition to the new site difficult. My whole life runs on a set schedule and routine. Dealing with change is difficult, yet I am trying to get used to the new format.

I have sorely missed your companionship in my daily life. I continue reading your stories, though slowly.

BTW, I have shaved off my rather large 'Santa Clause' like beard, and my youngest grandson took almost a week before he recognized me. It was pretty funny seeing everyone's reaction to the appearance of my face. I certainly hope it was not fear or disgust. 😀

I hope you all stay healthy and happy. ❤

Nice to hear from you Roland. Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time. We sometimes forget that change is even harder for some. Glad you were at least able to make this post.

I used to wonder how my son would react if I shaved my beard off. I grew it almost a decade before he was born so he has never really seen me without it save some really old pictures. Now that he's grown up, he would probably either laugh or shrug it off.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Magnificent Bastard
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Ping


Lewy Body Dementia, I think. Not something you joke about, really.


It’s called levity. Stop being a condescending dick.

Anyone who’s dealt with dementia knows how challenging it is. I do. Currently dealing with it too. Moving someone in a supportive care home today. It’s brutal. I also know trying to make someone smile is better than trying to embarrass them or shut them down. Curb your urge. You’re not the woke police, regardless of what you think.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Crazy old ape

Good morning!! Coffee is brewing, kettle is boiling and we have cookies galore thanks to Sharon and Sara (they both being with "S". Hmmm.)

Long weekend is officially underway. Weather looks ... decent. Sunny in the mornings, chance of showers later in the day. Warmer than the last couple days and a bit more humid but still better than last weekend when the humidity hit "Unbearable". No plans. Thinking about biking today but also thinking about just crashing with a book or doing some writing. Back is a bit glitchy so I'm not sure going too far afield is such a hot plan.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by verbal

Can you send me the link, Cyn? I’d love a copy!

You really don't have to, Jeff! But here's a link if you want to take a peek. Thank you so much!

Glad you're feeling a bit better, Sara, and great to have you back here, Roland!