Quote by Wordpusher715Quote by gillianleeza
It was a long day but I finally finished cleaning out my parent's attic, sheds, and utility room.
I'm too old to be carrying things down three flights of steps.
I want to spare my children that experience and haven't figured that out yet. I've thrown out most things purchased in my twenties and thirties. I'm less successful with "stuff" from my forties and fifties. Am open to anyone's wise advice on this.
More tea and honey, please. Is there a small piece of lemon cake around?
Quote by Survivor
Good morning. It is Negative 3 degrees F here at the momoent. That is about negative 19 degrees C. That was a fun little walk with the pup.
I'm waiting for the coffee to brew.
When we moved from a small town to our townhome in a college town I was ruthless with getting rid of things. I was not about to move all of the stuff we had accumulated. I hauled off five Plymouth Voyager mini-van loads of things we both agreed we didn't want. It was surprisingly easy to do.
But I can see how hard it is for people who get attached to things.
Oh well. Cheers.
My latest story, Mardi Gras Competition: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome
Some earlier stories:
Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition
Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie
Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street
Quote by CuriousAnnie
Can I post this, a voice from the south. Thursday evening and the southerly change rolled through. The temperature dropped from around 38 degrees C to about 26 degrees C. Such welcome relief as it has been so hot and humid today. And the heat and humidity of February still in front of us. Hope you all have a good day, and if you can send some snow down our way, please do so.
Quote by CuriousAnnie
Can I post this, a voice from the south. Thursday evening and the southerly change rolled through. The temperature dropped from around 38 degrees C to about 26 degrees C. Such welcome relief as it has been so hot and humid today. And the heat and humidity of February still in front of us. Hope you all have a good day, and if you can send some snow down our way, please do so.
Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.
My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure https://www.storiesspace.com/stories/childrens/millys-adventure-2
Quote by henrietta_fieldingQuote by Wordpusher715Quote by gillianleeza
It was a long day but I finally finished cleaning out my parent's attic, sheds, and utility room.
I'm too old to be carrying things down three flights of steps.
I want to spare my children that experience and haven't figured that out yet. I've thrown out most things purchased in my twenties and thirties. I'm less successful with "stuff" from my forties and fifties. Am open to anyone's wise advice on this.
More tea and honey, please. Is there a small piece of lemon cake around?
Gill, you are doing a sterling job! Not easy at all.
Stuff just gathers! I'm not a hoarder and pretty good at throwing old things out but all the same, it just seems to grow on its own!
I'm making a lemon and ginger tart tomorrow, if you can wait that long! 🍰
Definitely a morning for coffee, please. ☕
Quote by gypsyQuote by Wordpusher715Quote by gillianleeza
It was a long day but I finally finished cleaning out my parent's attic, sheds, and utility room.
I'm too old to be carrying things down three flights of steps.
I want to spare my children that experience and haven't figured that out yet. I've thrown out most things purchased in my twenties and thirties. I'm less successful with "stuff" from my forties and fifties. Am open to anyone's wise advice on this.
More tea and honey, please. Is there a small piece of lemon cake around?
Gill that is a huge achievment, good for you! It sounds like you could use some time at a spa now, if you enjoy massage etc.
Wordpusher, you've likely heard of the clutter-busting craze going on at the moment, and the whole "does it spark joy" thing. If something doesn't "spark joy" apparantely it is supposed to be gotten rid of.
The sparking joy thing puzzles me, and my take is rather, if something sparks irritation in me, then it is quite likely time to get rid of it.
I had an aunt who set up a rule, if something new came into the house, something old had to be gotten rid of. She was rather ruthless about it, too, which had my cousins sneaking things in when she wasn't looking.
My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure https://www.storiesspace.com/stories/childrens/millys-adventure-2
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Today I pulled out a very old percolator coffee pot, just for the hell of it and to see how it tasted. Yuk!! The coffee tasted weak and scalded. I'm going back to the old espresso machine.
Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.
Quote by Mendalla
My son, the family coffee gourmet, prefers pour-over or French press but I imagine he'll get an espresso machine when he's working and has money. Right now, he's in university and living in an upper year residence.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.
My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure https://www.storiesspace.com/stories/childrens/millys-adventure-2
Quote by Mendalla
Freezing rain, freezing rain, purposeless and causes pain. At least that's my feelings. And we're getting it. Schools closed (but not the university or community college).
Kettle is on. I'm making a pot of Earl Grey. Anyone else?
Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served
Bitch Called Nam