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How many of you still write letters?

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And sending or receiving flowers
Active Ink Slinger
I seem to have forgotten how to write longhand, and my writing was unintelligible anyway.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
Advanced Wordsmith
My groom and I still write little loveletters to eachother. Does that count?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BowTied
My groom and I still write little loveletters to eachother. Does that count?

I think it does! It may not be what a man my age would call a "old fashioned letter" but who am I to say, sentiments that are expressed sincerely between loving beings are not letters?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by innocent_angel
And sending or receiving flowers

Innocent angel,

What a pleasure it is to read that such a beautiful young woman still loves to write, and, receive and send flowers. I still write every day to someone and send flowers when I can afford them.
When I was away in Graduate School, I honestly used to write to my love every single day in long hand, and at least three pages each letter! I used to write to my Mama, and a good friend at least a couple more letters a week.
I have the feeling that had I not written to her, I would have lost her to some other guy. Like you must be, she was much sought after! What was a fella to do??

A Not-so-innocent devil
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by AvrgBlkGrl
I'm a letter writing, thank you card giving and a short-note card delivering fool!! Doesn't it just make you feel better when someone gives you something like that? I have stationary and note cards special made. I like quality stock. It's a lost art and the ultimate act of sincere consideration. I have a beautiful script as well as print, which comes from being made practice my handwriting repeatedly as I was growing up. It is a lost art.

I still do use all of the faster ways to communicate. Hey they are handy. I may not answer my phone, but I answer my emails and texts. However, when I want to make a lasting impression or to really place a pause in someone's day, I give them something they can touch, feel and see me in. Letter writing and notes do that.

My son was not even taught how to write in cursive in school. I was taught that in the third grade and from that point it was a requirement. When I realized that he could not read some script writing, I made him learn. That's right, I pulled out those huge three-line tablets and taught him myself. I also made him practice his printing like crazy. Now if he chooses to use it, that's his choice. He may not. Good handwriting is necessary to clear communication. So much can be lost in the brevity of texting and emailing.

Don't get me started on text speak.

You sound like the kind of person I'd like to receive a letter from. One who actually thinks about what they're saying, and loves it for the magick of it.

You have not guessed wrongly. You are dealing with a very classy, accomplished Lady. I have never seen anything that has come from her be less than excellent and usually superior.
I do of course write out thank you notes, Christmas cards, birthday cards and invitations. I don't write letters any more but I do hand write all my stories/poems and then type them up on the computer! It makes me feel more connected to the words...
Active Ink Slinger
My handwriting is SO BAD even I have trouble reading it. If need be, I will struggle with a note of condolence, but otherwise I use computer etc. I try very hard to avoid text speak except in a most casual way ...LOL!!
Active Ink Slinger
I do I have a gran who refuses to use the internet or social media. She loves to receive letters and cards.
Active Ink Slinger
I send out letters and personal emails every day all year. It is getting harder for me to write as I take great pride in the way the letter looks too. One of my hobbies is to collect mailed letters with beautiful handwriting in almost any script. It also is great to get a letter that has been crafted so beautifully.
Active Ink Slinger
I love writing letters ..they are my novel ..short and simple won't do ..but if it is short and sweet ..needs to be exact and on point 😃💞
Chasing Dragons
I wrote a short letter today. It was quicker than switching on the computer and then typing and printing. ✍ 😀

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Carey’d away.
I do. I have one friend who sends me them and I send them back.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Chasing Dragons
Quote by itsxanderkaidyn
I do. I have one friend who sends me them and I send them back.

Without opening them?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons
When I was a very young child at primary school (around 8/9 years old?) in the 1960s, the class was tasked to write a letter to a company of our own choosing with a request for information. I can still remember, like it was yesterday, the excitement I felt when I was handed an envelope addressed to me, at my school. When I opened it, it was a brochure, or rather, a booklet, entitled, 'ABC of BMC. It contained an alphabetical list, with pictures, of every vehicle that was made at that time by the British Motor Company (BMC). I wish I still had it. I think that was the beginning of my love of writing letters.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana


I still write hand written letters to my parents, Krew and a few I love. 

Active Ink Slinger

Me! yes currently waiting on one. 

Active Ink Slinger

Oml redface I wrote letters for Christmas ..smiling thinking about it ..bless