Excellent feature! Thanks for inviting me!
I really do like the Critique Forum, but I do have a question.
I noted the button "Edit" is added to all posts. Thus it appears that anyone may edit anyone's else's post.
I don't believe this is to be used while critiquing another persons words, yet how is it to be used?
Should we just quote the original post and critique with the new box?
I would also ask if the writer of the original piece submitted should go back and update their original words, thus allowing all to only comment on the 'improved' words.
If this has all been explained elsewhere, just point me in the right direction.
I think this is a wonderful idea, and I'd be happy to add my opinions to muddy the waters in flash fiction/musings, and in the humor department.
"Any book not worth reading twice was not worth reading the first time." Oscar Wilde
May I ask whom should I ask to add me to this group? And I'm wondering if theres like a mystery critique that I can join??
Who do I contact to get into the Fantasy critique group to have a piece of mine critiqued?