I'm utterly gobsmacked. From the entries I'd read, including Welshdreamer and Ping's which were both amazing, I never gave it a second thought that I might end up anywhere near the honours list. If anyone has seen Wayne's World and recalls the scene with them bowing down head to the floor screaming "We're not worthy!" I'm right with them there at the moment.
But thank you for holding this perfect memorial for a friend of the site. I never knew Alan, but I'd like to tip my hat to him and thank Stories Space for allowing me to participate. These flash fiction challenges are always a killer for me but a wonderful reminder about the effectiveness of brevity.
Cheers everyone,
Well, congrats all around, but especially to everyone who wanted this competition to happen, and then supported it. This was a lot of fun.
Congratulations Paperboy and our Welsh friend. Memorable pieces. Well done.
Thanks to all that read, vote, and commented.
Congrats to all. Oddly, Paperboy's is one of the ones I missed when i did my crash reading of the comp entries. Shall remedy that.
The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.
Dash - Writer's Block competition entry
Just settled into a motel in Arizona. We're on vacation on our way to the Pacific coast. So proud of all the entries. Wonderfully done Paperboy, Welshdreamer42, and Ping. I'm so happy to be included in the honorable mentions with some grand pieces of writing.
Congratulations to everyone! Excellent entries and winners.RA0br5DQUHRnIuGb
Congratulations everyone, there were so many really stellar entries in the Comp! Enjoyed seeing some familiar names in the Top 3 and top 12. A ridiculous amount of talent here!!!!
Congrats to all the winners. Also a big congrats to all the writers as well for putting their own special touch on this competition. Everyone did a great job. Look forward to the next competition.
Well done everyone! Many congratulations to the Top Three, the qualifiers and all who entered.
This was such a great success that I do hope there might be another competition in the near future!
Well done Paperboy and well done storiesspace.
I reckon everyone involved got a boost out of this - I know I did.
So thanks to all of you for making it happen.
This was a very cool contest. Contrats to Paperboy, the Welsdh Dreamer, Ping!, and all the other who rounded oout the top ten!
Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place
Monster - Survivor competition, first place
This was a ton of fun. Congrats to the top 12, especially Paperboy, Welsh Dreamer, and Ping. I hope there are more contests to come.
I never rule anything out. I thought the competition for Alan was quite a success. We might consider "bursts competitions"... short notice, short timeline, short winner announcements... random genres.. poems one month, story the next... maybe once a month.. no monies, but maybe a parking space on the front page? Name in lights.
If we can get more member participation, we can generate enthusiasm. I for one miss the cross-talk we used to get in the forums. We need an old style general Store cracker barrel type of circle-the-chairs confab... the mods could just post a random topic of conversation and see who bites... a separate posting on the front page, not from the ticker... that damn ticker is nothing but games anymore...
If I had my druthers. A new writer would get a badge to wear for thirty days. A mod would have a badge. A winner of a competition would wear a badge for thirty days. A veteran's
badge for over three years if still active. Badges should be earned and voted on by a panel of peers. Nothing should be a given because of entitlements or favors. It's not that difficult to slow a runaway horse. Actions do speak louder if heard.