:d/ Congratulations Winners :d/
Thankyou for the well wishes and congratulations. I'm very excited to have had my story read and appreciated; thankyou for the votes and support. And to the two other winners, I am honoured to be in such good company. Ann
Congratulations to everyone who entered the contest, all the pieces entered were very good.
Congrats to the top 3 job well done. Thank you to to all the judges I sure wouldnt want to be the one making the tough call.
Everyone who submitted an entry into the competition should now have received a "contestant" badge on their profile.
Thanks, Yas, for the suggestion and Gav for setting it up!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!
With all the talent that I saw in the competition, I think another immediate competition is in order.
I would never be a judge because,, everybody would hate me.
I liked every story I read. Most important; thanks to all that entered.