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What do you like about StoriesSpace 2.0?

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We have a thread for reporting issues and problems. How about one for the good stuff. What changes or new features do you like? What is better about 2.0? This is meant to be a positive thread so please keep complaints, concerns, issues in the relevant threads.

To kick off:

I love My Comments. All my comments in one place so I can just go there and see them all without having to go story by story.

I am very pleased to have forums that are usable on mobile devices. I spend a lot of time on a Samsung Galaxy S20 with a 6.5" screen and found the forums on the old site unusable, esp. compared to other sites I am on that have had mobile adaptable interfaces for years. So love the new forum interface.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

I love the lovely people on Stories Space. It’s the comments and encouragement that keep me writing. I was sent her from "the other place" and I’m glad I was. It’s so friendly here. It’s full of genuine people. 

Yeah, it's a good crowd here. I plan to spend more time here going forward, assuming things pick up on the forum front.

Another new feature I am fond of: The New Posts at the top of the forum. Love being able to just click that and see all the recent forum activity at a glance.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Oh, a big one: The "Like" button. I am so used to having that on other forums that I seriously missed it here. Kept going to click "Like" and then realizing where I was.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

They let me join. What more can I say? Stories Space allows me to publish my ramblings. 😊

Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

I like the forums too. And with the most recent update, the ability to save story drafts and re-edit them before submitting again. 😊

Oo, thanks for posting that. Hadn't realized the Save Drafts was working now. I write my stories offline and then paste them but I still use it sometimes if I want to hold a story for a final review.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

So My Comments kind of takes the place of the old Timeline. Shows all your Likes and Comments in chronological order. My like about it: You can reply to a comment right there. No need to follow a link to the story or your profile comments. You can reply right in My Comments.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

I gotta start trying that like button. smile

The Forums are MUCH easier to use (especially the New Posts link)! Since that and reading stories are all I do, I'm happy.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I went to update some of my media, and I noticed you can tier the privacy now on private albums. It's actually even more specific than before, allowing invited users a limited time to view whatever it is from different time durations or permanently. So that's even better than before. Maybe I should try making a test album. smile

Edit: Some people are about to be subject to some horribly cheesy cat pictures.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

I like seeing all my comments in one place. I like being able to have a customized forum rank. I really love seeing all the new posts in one place instead of having to search through the forums.

Lots. Keep going. Keep tweaking. It’s moving in a wonderful direction.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...

I love the look of the stories ; the pic and the strong blue title followed by the black one liner. And I think I will never again do which I always did which is add the story title into the picture. Less design work which I always left to last, suddenly I am a big fan. 

I also adore the look of the forum signature block, clearly shows what I want it to show which is my latest stories. 

So agree with Ping, this is moving in a wonderful direction.

My latest story, Mardi Gras Competition: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

I truly love the design. It's so clean and the last post button is wonderful. I like how it loads and just takes you to the last post--very a la Matrix. 

It's people friendly


I truly love the design. It's so clean and the last post button is wonderful. I like how it loads and just takes you to the last post--very a la Matrix. 

I like this clean, stripped-down look so much that I've been toying with the software I use for the site I run to see how much I can strip it down. It is not easy, though. SS had the benefit of moving to new software rather than trying to rework what was already there.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

I like this clean, stripped-down look so much that I've been toying with the software I use for the site I run to see how much I can strip it down. It is not easy, though. SS had the benefit of moving to new software rather than trying to rework what was already there.

It's our own software we wrote it from scratch so essentially we can change it however we want down the line smile . So if people come up with great features we can build them in. 

I like how we're able to edit our works after they've been posted. This is really nice cause, well, what if you forgot to add a series name or something?

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Okay, so I just did my first real submission (the one I did right after the upgrade was really just me testing the feature). And this one went really well. Saving the submission, adding the tags, editing, all seemed to work well. Will still do my drafts and editing in Google Docs for now, but the current state of the story submission form and editor seems pretty good. So, another like there.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Just a little update:

We have badges on the competition stories now.

Of course, the competition banner is back up so the stories are a lot easier to find.

So everyone knows, in the forums, you can do a partial quote by highlighting just the part you are referring to and then click the quote button.

You are also able to post links directly to your forum post which will make advertising your story a little easier.

One last thing for now. Just in case you may have missed it with the excitement of the changeover, we now have a Historical Fiction category. I know quite a few people have been asking for that and we finally got it.

Quote by Molly
One last thing for now. Just in case you may have missed it with the excitement of the changeover, we now have a Historical Fiction category. I know quite a few people have been asking for that and we finally got it.

I am sure that I will be seen in that category in the future. 😉

I think there are too many chapters to re-position for my Nurses tale, though, so I will stick to drama for the remainder of it. 👍

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana