Absolutely right! I have liked and followed and have sent out a myriad of invitations to do the same.
However, since it only had a handful of followers, is anyone actually administering it?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
I sometimes get the feeling that there are no more admins around here let alone on a separate page on facebook. It is a position of responsibility that has few if any perks associated with it, I'm sure.
When I go to @Storiesspace on Twitter it shows the last entry was in June of 2106. But we have been tweeting stories from here very recently. I know you and I have both, Anna. I'm not sure where those tweets are going.
Just letting y'all know that following Helen's gentle suggestion, I rediscovered by SS account buried in the back regions of FB's Groups. Then in an act of incredible authorial hubris, I left a link to my 'Nice VA Lady' Flasher.