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Crazy old ape
Quote by verbal
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Mendalla

But these are on comp entries from, in some cases, years ago. I thought on the old site the edit restrictions lifted once the comp was over. After all, if you're not a podium finisher, it becomes just another story. I think I know a way to check.
Yep, checked the other site that uses this software and old (and even current) comp entries are editable. I think we just relied on the mods to catch people trying to edit submitted comp entries. I rarely edit old stories here so not an issue for me, but I do think only current comp entries should have editing disabled. No one is going to care if you edit a story that came ninth in a comp from five years ago. Still, hardly an urgent problem.
I edit all stories, including comp entries (especially comp entries) for weeks after I post, multiple times. Not that I can't change my process, but why is editing your comp entry prior to deadline a problem? The goal is to end up with the best possible story, right? 

Anyway, I have yet to use the new editor, so I will reserve judgement.     

It was gypsy who said it was a problem, not me. You'd have to check the comp rules to see if there is anything specific there but I thought gypsy was right on that count. That said, I haven't read them in a long time and they are probably lost to the mists of time now until we have a comp on the new site.

EDIT: Checked the copy of the comp rules elsewhere and you're right. There is no rule against editing comp entries. So they should be editable unless that rule is being changed. And old ones should be editable in any case.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Crazy old ape

Log in tip:

If you are having login issues with Chrome on a desktop, go to Settings - Passwords and turn off Auto Sign-In. Then when you click Login and Chrome prompts to sign in with your stored username, click Cancel and login using the actual login screen. Make sure to click Remember Me on. After that, it seems to work properly. This may also work with other Chromium-based browsers, e.g. Microsoft Edge, Brave, Chromium (on the off chance anyone here uses Linux).

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Quote by gypsy

Non-edit capabilities for competition entries was the same before the move. The competition rules do not allow an edit once the story has been posted. This was set up to prevent writers to edit before judging, to change or correct the text especially if the change desired was based on any comments they might have received once it was online. 

Quote by Mendalla
It was gypsy who said it was a problem, not me. You'd have to check the comp rules to see if there is anything specific there but I thought gypsy was right on that count. That said, I haven't read them in a long time and they are probably lost to the mists of time now until we have a comp on the new site.

EDIT: Checked the copy of the comp rules elsewhere and you're right. There is no rule against editing comp entries. So they should be editable unless that rule is being changed. And old ones should be editable in any case.

Nowhere did I say it was a PROBLEM.

I explained the situation as it was, and since I was a member here at the time, recall the discussion around not allowing submitted entries to be edited and the decision to implement that. My comment, quoted above, is based on the discussion held at the time, and afterwards, edits were not possible on competition entries on the old Stories Space site. I have no idea if it was specific to Stories Space and thus does not appear on the other site  

No more, no less. Agree or disagree, I do not care. I was explaining it, and never stated it was a PROBLEM. 

Divine Rapscallion
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Quote by Mendalla

EDIT: Checked the copy of the comp rules elsewhere and you're right. There is no rule against editing comp entries. So they should be editable unless that rule is being changed. And old ones should be editable in any case.

The rule against editing comp entries is included in the individual competition rules. A couple of examples are below.

From the Cheers to 10 Years contests:

“Before submitting an entry, please make sure that it has been thoroughly proofread and is the story you want to submit. Entries may not be edited after submission, or deleted and replaced with another entry.”

From the Drabble contest:

“Only one submission is allowed per person. Once submitted, it can't be changed. If you remove your story from the comp, you may not resubmit anything new. Please ensure you take your time and think it through before you submit.”

I have entered a number of contests on other venues, and none of them allowed competition entries to be edited after submission. That said, they should be editable here after the judging has concluded and winners are announced.

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Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Crazy old ape

Okay, so I am fiddling with story submission and tested the "Show on profile" to see what it does. If you set it to "No" then it prompts for an author name. So does that mean if you submit with Show on Profile set to "No" and a name entered, it will show in the Stories list as being by that name with no connection to your profile? Is this a way to have a "pen name"? Or will there still be some indication of which user account posted it? I am not sure what to think of it because I am not really willing to submit using it just to see what happens.

Maggie? Molly? New site guys?

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!


Re. Comp stories

No one is arguing about editing during competitions, of course you can’t, it’s against the rules. But editing stories after the results have been announced has always been allowed, they’ve never been locked before. And if the issue with the cover pictures can’t be resolved, the ex-competition stories need to be editable.  If they remain locked, I shall have to hit delete on a couple of mine that look really dreadful sad 

Divine Rapscallion
Quote by Welshdreamer42

Re. Comp stories

No one is arguing about editing during competitions, of course you can’t, it’s against the rules. But editing stories after the results have been announced has always been allowed, they’ve never been locked before. And if the issue with the cover pictures can’t be resolved, the ex-competition stories need to be editable.  If they remain locked, I shall have to hit delete on a couple of mine that look really dreadful sad 

Amid all the discussion of this issue was some talk of editing during competitions and how it wasn’t against standing competition rules, so my message was intended to clarify where it’s spelled out. You’re absolutely correct that editing old comp stories has been allowed, and those stories should not have been locked. I don’t have any idea of the timeline for fixing the problem, but I’m confident it will be resolved, so please hang in there. 😊

Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Divine Rapscallion
Quote by Mendalla

Okay, so I am fiddling with story submission and tested the "Show on profile" to see what it does. If you set it to "No" then it prompts for an author name. So does that mean if you submit with Show on Profile set to "No" and a name entered, it will show in the Stories list as being by that name with no connection to your profile? Is this a way to have a "pen name"? Or will there still be some indication of which user account posted it? I am not sure what to think of it because I am not really willing to submit using it just to see what happens.

Maggie? Molly? New site guys?

Sorry, no idea. 😐

Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Crazy old ape

Interesting one. When I go Forum - New Posts (love how quick and easy that is in this software, BTW), some threads are bolded, some are not. Both contain posts that I have not read. Maybe it only highlights for ones that I have started or posted in?? Not a problem, just fishing for some useful information.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Story Moderator

Not sure if this has been covered or addressed. Have people been able to post on people's profiles? I have tried using the URL, which is a pain, but the image doesn't show up, just the link. 

Crazy old ape
Quote by gillianleeza

Not sure if this has been covered or addressed. Have people been able to post on people's profiles? I have tried using the URL, which is a pain, but the image doesn't show up, just the link. 

Haven't tried. I don't do that much, to be honest. I can try on yours.

EDIT: Okay, I posted a GIPHY link on your profile and it worked. Not sure what's up. Did it give a preview when you pasted the link in the box on External?

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Story Moderator
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by gillianleeza

Not sure if this has been covered or addressed. Have people been able to post on people's profiles? I have tried using the URL, which is a pain, but the image doesn't show up, just the link. 

Haven't tried. I don't do that much, to be honest. I can try on yours.

EDIT: Okay, I posted a GIPHY link on your profile and it worked. Not sure what's up. Did it give a preview when you pasted the link in the box on External?

I get a preview but it is just the link. I have tried adding a photo to my media and sharing it from there but I can't figure out where the pic went. It doesn't appear to be in any of my folders. I am missing something. I have so many folders of pics on my computer that I could post on profiles and in forums without having to copy a URL.  I am still trying to work out how to organize and move the photos I already have here. Tech is not my forte. I'll keep trying. 
Munching on Mangos
Quote by gillianleeza
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by gillianleeza

Not sure if this has been covered or addressed. Have people been able to post on people's profiles? I have tried using the URL, which is a pain, but the image doesn't show up, just the link. 

Haven't tried. I don't do that much, to be honest. I can try on yours.

EDIT: Okay, I posted a GIPHY link on your profile and it worked. Not sure what's up. Did it give a preview when you pasted the link in the box on External?

I get a preview but it is just the link. I have tried adding a photo to my media and sharing it from there but I can't figure out where the pic went. It doesn't appear to be in any of my folders. I am missing something. I have so many folders of pics on my computer that I could post on profiles and in forums without having to copy a URL.  I am still trying to work out how to organize and move the photos I already have here. Tech is not my forte. I'll keep trying. 
There currently doesn't seem to be a way to upload files directly from one's device to most of the site. Albums have showed up in  the 'edit' mode of my profile when I go to media, but otherwise you need a link or it has to be on your profile (I had an issue with that as not everything I uploaded showed up as an option to select and add here.)

Messenger still doesn't allow me to see my online status when I open Stories Space. Eventually, it shows up, but I have a screenshot now to upload to my profile (hopefully that goes smoothly). (MacOs, firefox browser).

The IM messenger also takes up a lot of screen space. No one has messaged me yet, but it would be distracting if I was wanting to multitask mid-conversation - say read a story - and big red notifications were to pop up. I think once the messenger is in place and actually functions as intended(assuming it still needs someone to show as some form of online to be an option to select to chat with from the messenger), re-adding the green-boxing feature, and eventually re-adding black box messaging as they made it easier to multitask like read or watch media uploads while still chatting.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Munching on Mangos

I'll make this a point again. I really hope that the gender thing is reconsidered. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to detangle it from what it's attached to like color-coded icons (that I don't see the necessity in) and avatars.

Some may find it trite that I bring this up over and over again, that it's not a priority, that most people want to know the other person's gender online, but it's one of the few issues that makes me viscerally upset. Angry would be a better word if I'm honest.

The gender color-coding felt like a punch to the stomach. Not just next to avatars, but also the generic avatars (which had a 'male' and 'female' one before, but they all shared a blue background here and a red background there). This is something I'd been bringing up for months. It got a drop-down box here and there. To risk sounding pretentious, it felt like, 'oh, we have these other options now so now we can claim our gender inclusivity badge.' (it's not on here, but I can only assume that sexuality and relationship status are also planned to remain as drop-down boxes of pre-conceived options).

Then nothing. I've heard nothing about this since then from anyone who could actually make change.

The fact that this site must have gone through a mock-up and previews for the visuals, and it wasn't (I assume) addressed or wasn't seen as something to be bothered with made me feel ignored. I know it's not really something to fault others for, but it has caused me a lot of stress this past week, seeing how it seems things have gone backwards.

If I wasn't already so active on the other site and had a strong group of friends, this would be something that would make me view the site as not the most understanding and behind the times. I still wonder how many people didn't even give either site a chance because of being confronted with having to choose from a set of genders from the get-go.

You still need to choose male, female, or one of the others provided to make an account. It does marginalize and erase many groups of people. And a lot of us audibly groan every time a website requires something like gender, sexuality, or ethnicity to join. Especially when it's from a list. A list will never cover everything, and there are many who prefer not to share as it's no one's business unless we want it to be.

I was wondering if instead of baby blue and baby pink avatars, the color-coded background was replaced with one color (or something customizable) for the generic avatars, and maybe a few stock images for new users to choose as their placeholder avatar until they replace it with one of their own. This would detach gender from the avatar that lies beneath all of ours and give users the options to choose from a small pool of profile pics to complete the bare minimum for creating a new account.

And people can still choose feminine or masculine avatars so it's not like this will erase those who still proudly identify online as male or female, but it would give other options and some neutral ones for those who don't want to reveal that or don't identify as part of the binary.

Sorry if this post sounded upset, as it is a little upset, but I just hope to hear that it's on a to-do list somewhere and hasn't been completely looked over or trashed.

Thank you for keeping an open mind about this.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

I'll make this a point again. I really hope that the gender thing is reconsidered. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to detangle it from what it's attached to like color-coded icons (that I don't see the necessity in) and avatars.
Some may find it trite that I bring this up over and over again, that it's not a priority, that most people want to know the other person's gender online, but it's one of the few issues that makes me viscerally upset. Angry would be a better word if I'm honest.
I was wondering if instead of baby blue and baby pink avatars, the color-coded background was replaced with one color (or something customizable) for the generic avatars, and maybe a few stock images for new users to choose as their placeholder avatar until they replace it with one of their own. This would detach gender from the avatar that lies beneath all of ours and give users the options to choose from a small pool of profile pics to complete the bare minimum for creating a new account.

I agree with you. Seeing those annoying pink or blue piles that cannot be removed or at least changed, irks me every time I see them. It's also a cheap looking graphic in revolting shades of bubble-gum pink and who knows what blue. 

I am in total agreement as to having the choice to remain gender unknown, along with having other options if one wishes to make ones choice known.

There are sites I am on where my gender has always been unstated, for my own reasons. As you said, no-one has to explain or justify the choices made. 
Crazy old ape

Question: If they are using pink and blue, what do they do if someone put their gender identity as fluid or non-binary? These are valid options on here. Seems to me the indicator should be neutral in colour and just show online status. A simple circle that is light coloured for offline and bright for online. Or maybe red for off and green for on.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Super Admin
1 like

Non-binary will provide your account with an alternative colour.

Please feel free to play around with the options that are available.

Crazy old ape

Quick tip: If you notice that you still have a red number on your bell even after checking notifications, hit Refresh in your browser. I have noticed that the top bar does not always refresh when you are navigating the site (e.g. if you just go from one forum to another).

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Munching on Mangos
Quote by griffers

Non-binary will provide your account with an alternative colour.

Please feel free to play around with the options that are available.

Hey Griffers,

I appreciate how you and your team have been working on getting the basic functions to function, and I know it's going to be bumpy for a while as things get fixed then break again.

Although I understand where you're coming from with having some 'non-binary' options to get an alternate black icon, the issue is that the colors are chosen based on gender social norms with no way to choose one's own color (assuming these figures serve some sort of functionality outside of aesthetics). I've mentioned in a post on the other site, that the blue for boys, pink for girls, and black for everyone else lumped in together is othering and making a lot of assumptions of how people perceive color and gender. Many women may like the color pink, but many probably don't want to have to be pink without any option or say in the matter.

The fact that gender is required without user's ability to not have that be a part of the account creation process, nor the ability to either choose a label, or choose not to have a label (agender is not the same as not wanting to label one's gender online - it's its own valid gender identity).

I know it's probably hard from a technical standpoint to get rid of the blue, pink and black things, replace the dropdown box with a fill-in-the-blank with a reasonable character or word limit, recode things so gender isn't how so many things like avatars and other functions are connected, but I'd appreciate if the suggestions in this thread and others on both sites are taken seriously and real action taken to get it amended and improved in the future.

It's ok if it takes a long time to get to work as there are vital parts of the site that still need priority to make sure they run smoothly in the transition, but steps to eventually get rid of it as a requirement, and not color-coding gender or other parts of people's personal information would put mine and a lot of others' minds at ease.

Many users don't have to be queer or somewhere on the gender spectrum that isn't binary to get use out of this being completely opt-in. It could also help limit unwanted attention for many users, and like Gypsy said above, people don't need a reason or explanation to not want to reveal their information. To add to that, people don't need an explanation as to why they want to label themselves their own way which the drop-down box doesn't currently allow.

Thank you for your understanding.


Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Active Ink Slinger


We appreciate what you are saying, we will take your comments into consideration when we start looking at feature requests after we get all of the mission critical work and any launch bugs rectified. 

Probably also ask the members to complete some kind of survey and provide comments a few months after relaunch. 

Kindest regards 

Munching on Mangos
Quote by Baronvonmonty


We appreciate what you are saying, we will take your comments into consideration when we start looking at feature requests after we get all of the mission critical work and any launch bugs rectified. 

Probably also ask the members to complete some kind of survey and provide comments a few months after relaunch. 

Kindest regards 

Thanks for making note. 

You may find the majority of users are apathetic about this (well, I personally don't think the color-coding will go well with a lot of people who are also apathetic about the rest of the gender stuff), but there is a strong minority so I hope that it doesn't get forgotten about.

I'll bring it up again once the necessities are all worked out.


Edit: I deleted my most recent post because I accidentally quoted everything. Might want to check if you want forum posts to be able to be deleted. Currently, that's not an option on the other site. I don't have an opinion on this matter.

Other edit: Apparently there is more than black, (and each gender option has its own color associated including puke-yellow for non-binary?) The part in parenthesis is wrong, that's just on certain mobile devices... and the non man, woman, cis ones are black or puke yellow. Doesn't negate what I said above and in other posts. Color and gender really shouldn't be so intertwined. Leaving all the choices to the users is the best option, in my opinion.

Best wishes

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Active Ink Slinger

Other edit: Apparently there is more than black, (and each gender option has its own color associated including puke-yellow for non-binary?) The part in parenthesis is wrong, that's just on certain mobile devices... and the non man, woman, cis ones are black or puke yellow. Doesn't negate what I said above and in other posts. Color and gender really shouldn't be so intertwined. Leaving all the choices to the users is the best option, in my opinion. 

The vast majority of users want an easy way to see if they are speaking to a man or a woman etc. I can't tell you just how many complaints we get from people saying they are only interested in being contacted by women, or men etc, this is a simple way before them wasting a click on a profile to know if it's a man or a woman. So for any kind of filters or searches to work for this majority of people we need to establish sex. Also we have had issues in the past with people believing they have been chatting to (or meeting people) of a certain sex that have been disingenuous with their online profiles. Pick your own colour would not work unless it was accepted by all genderless people and users across the site otherwise they would not know what it was for. Personally I don't care if people want to identify as an Alien, Toaster, or a Werewolf, as long as they are happy. But right now we don't have anything on the site that will allow one Toaster to search for another. Im not saying that in the future we won't incorporate a special feature set for those who identify as Toasters or Werewolf's etc to find each other, but until then it's a case of using the options available.  There are already so many options on here for sex and gender that "99.9%" of people will be able to express themselves with no problem at all. And for everything else I would suggest personalising your profile and profile text. 

Active Ink Slinger

I identify as an old, but beautiful, lady shopping for a half a pound of broken biscuits in Woolworths. Good luck with that. 

Divine Rapscallion

Quote by Baronvonmonty

The vast majority of users want an easy way to see if they are speaking to a man or a woman etc. I can't tell you just how many complaints we get from people saying they are only interested in being contacted by women, or men etc, this is a simple way before them wasting a click on a profile to know if it's a man or a woman. So for any kind of filters or searches to work for this majority of people we need to establish sex.

Respectfully, this shouldn’t be the type of site where people are making decisions about who they interact with based solely on gender. This is a general writing site, not a dating site.

Quote by Baronvonmonty

Also we have had issues in the past with people believing they have been chatting to (or meeting people) of a certain sex that have been disingenuous with their online profiles. Pick your own colour would not work unless it was accepted by all genderless people and users across the site otherwise they would not know what it was for. 

The current system encourages such dishonesty. I labeled myself as Agender just to get a yellow pawn token instead of a pink one. And I will continue to change my gender to whatever suits my cover image best. Offering a variety of gender options is great, but lumping everything but male or female into a single alternative pawn color is disrespectful and fails to provide the at-a-glance information you intend.

Quote by Baronvonmonty

Personally I don't care if people want to identify as an Alien, Toaster, or a Werewolf, as long as they are happy. But right now we don't have anything on the site that will allow one Toaster to search for another. 

Then add Gender to the search feature. And add Unspecified to the Gender options for those of us who don’t want to be identified by gender alone.

Quote by Baronvonmonty

Im not saying that in the future we won't incorporate a special feature set for those who identify as Toasters or Werewolf's etc to find each other, but until then it's a case of using the options available.  There are already so many options on here for sex and gender that "99.9%" of people will be able to express themselves with no problem at all. And for everything else I would suggest personalising your profile and profile text. 

The multitude of options is great (though seriously, I would like to see Unspecified as an option), but the graphic representation gets a big thumbs down from me.
Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Chasing Dragons

I am a little surprised by the gender discussion getting so heated from certain members. While I appreciate that gender may be very important on a certain other site, I don't see why it is here. Surely it only matters if there is some kind of, shall we say, 'interest'. I am here to write stories. Friends can be whatever they want to be, so far as I am concerned. Shouldn't we just be glad that we have a site at all? So far as I am concerned, we can all be gender-neutral, or Human Being so, Male, Female, Other should be the most that is required, in my humble opinion, along with blue, pink and grey indicators. 

Let's just get the site settled, shall we? 

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Divine Rapscallion
1 like
Quote by AnnaMayZing

I am a little surprised by the gender discussion getting so heated from certain members. While I appreciate that gender may be very important on a certain other site, I don't see why it is here. Surely it only matters if there is some kind of, shall we say, 'interest'. I am here to write stories. Friends can be whatever they want to be, so far as I am concerned. Shouldn't we just be glad that we have a site at all? So far as I am concerned, we can all be gender-neutral, or Human Being so, Male, Female, Other should be the most that are required, in my humble opinion. 

Let's just get the site settled, shall we? 

Yes, absolutely there are more pressing matters to get sorted, and I’d be happy to see the gender question removed altogether. In fact, that would probably be the best solution, since gender shouldn’t matter on this site. Have us list our favorite genres if a conversation starter is necessary. 🤣

Edited to add: As Violet said, we understand this is a low priority item, and we appreciate it being addressed when time allows.

Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Munching on Mangos
1 like
Quote by Baronvonmonty

Other edit: Apparently there is more than black, (and each gender option has its own color associated including puke-yellow for non-binary?) The part in parenthesis is wrong, that's just on certain mobile devices... and the non man, woman, cis ones are black or puke yellow. Doesn't negate what I said above and in other posts. Color and gender really shouldn't be so intertwined. Leaving all the choices to the users is the best option, in my opinion. 

The vast majority of users want an easy way to see if they are speaking to a man or a woman etc. I can't tell you just how many complaints we get from people saying they are only interested in being contacted by women, or men etc, this is a simple way before them wasting a click on a profile to know if it's a man or a woman. So for any kind of filters or searches to work for this majority of people we need to establish sex. Also we have had issues in the past with people believing they have been chatting to (or meeting people) of a certain sex that have been disingenuous with their online profiles. Pick your own colour would not work unless it was accepted by all genderless people and users across the site otherwise they would not know what it was for. Personally I don't care if people want to identify as an Alien, Toaster, or a Werewolf, as long as they are happy. But right now we don't have anything on the site that will allow one Toaster to search for another. Im not saying that in the future we won't incorporate a special feature set for those who identify as Toasters or Werewolf's etc to find each other, but until then it's a case of using the options available.  There are already so many options on here for sex and gender that "99.9%" of people will be able to express themselves with no problem at all. And for everything else I would suggest personalising your profile and profile text. 

Like I said, I understand this is a very low-priority item on the to-do list. I also understand changing these things are probably harder and more time-consuming than they look from a coding perspective. However, some of the responses have come off as more than a little blasé as to why this can be such an impassioned issue.

I don't see why it's necessary to search for users based on gender. It feels like it is missing the point. Although the dropdown box is a good first step that was started on the other site only after discussion, you have no idea how validating and how safe and encouraging it would look for it to all be fill-in-the-blank and not be something one needs to choose to join. And if people want to put in something silly like 'toaster', then so be it. Humor is a great coping mechanism, and I'm a strong advocate for people getting creative with how they choose to label themselves.

When I first joined the other site (before I figured out how to stop chat requests from non-friends), I got spammed with requests from users because my profile said 'female'. If this is the same majority wanting an easy way to know, they can put in a little more effort to get to know who they are talking to and accept that gender isn't part of the other user's personality. They can go read the user's profile and if there is no gender, then it isn't their business to pry.

Blocking people based on gender is something that could be avoided if users could fill in the blank. I think many self-identified cis women would also appreciate being able to not state their gender or have it hardcoded in pink due to the above. I'm sure many cis women also don't want to go out of their way to identify as non-binary, agender, bigender, gender fluid, gender questioning, two spirit, or transgender person(I'm sorry, trans woman, trans man, trans femme, and trans masc aren't even an option here?). There are so many gender identities I don't see on that list, and as individual's understanding of gender and sexuality (as I assume that will be on the other site as well) are always changing, having a set-up that allows that change and exploration would be greatly appreciated.

Intersex people are completely left out of this as well, which is disconcerting.

I found a link if you wanted to read more about gender identity, sex, and gender presentation.

Using 'toaster' and 'werewolf' as an argument parallels a bit too much with the 'I identify as an attack helicopter' argument online that is often used to invalidate trans and non-binary folk.

Both sites should be a safe space for the majority straight cis users and queer users (cis or otherwise) in equal measures.

Just because those who may want to use this feature might not be in the majority, doesn't mean there's no reason to eventually take these steps to make the sites more inclusive. Actually, it would look good for the sites to get with the times and not only cater to the current majority straight cis-male demographic. It's not like these changes will impair the majority's experiences or features of the sites.

Yes, I'm absolutely pleased Stories Space has been saved and grateful for all the hard work. I won't lie, most of these concerns are for the other site which I pay for, and I like to think I'm supporting a site that is open, inclusive, and working towards bettering itself.

I'm less of a fan of having to choose one from a set in a drop-down box for all the reasons stated in previous posts.

In the future, those users who complain about not being able to tell the gender of who they are talking to (as if everyone is honest about this) can respectfully look at how people choose to identify on their profile if that's something they choose to share. Maybe it will encourage more users to read profiles before spamming them with creepy chat and friend requests.

On that note, photo validation is not a good way to tell gender either. And it won't stop catfishers.

I'll continue to emphasize the importance of this being something users choose to fill in to their own liking.

It is a writing site, not a dating site as Maggie has said. Unless you all want to date me at once. Although, my time slots for dinner and wine are a little full at the moment, custard creams are guaranteed to be served for dessert. ;)

As for the other site, it's also a story site first. Stories are the backbone, and I'd hate for this to discourage new writers with new perspectives.

Anna, I know it may seem extreme some of us get so angry over this, but I've tried to be patient, quiet, and polite for months. Posting then waiting then posting then waiting. I never got a response from a higher up (I'm not talking about mods). Then when I do finally get a response, well, it was only after being more blatant about my true feelings on the matter and being 'Loud' seems to have been the only way to elicit anything.

I hope this eventually changes.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Writing down under
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose
Quote by Baronvonmonty

Other edit: Apparently there is more than black, (and each gender option has its own color associated including puke-yellow for non-binary?) The part in parenthesis is wrong, that's just on certain mobile devices... and the non man, woman, cis ones are black or puke yellow. Doesn't negate what I said above and in other posts. Color and gender really shouldn't be so intertwined. Leaving all the choices to the users is the best option, in my opinion. 

The vast majority of users want an easy way to see if they are speaking to a man or a woman etc. I can't tell you just how many complaints we get from people saying they are only interested in being contacted by women, or men etc, this is a simple way before them wasting a click on a profile to know if it's a man or a woman. So for any kind of filters or searches to work for this majority of people we need to establish sex. Also we have had issues in the past with people believing they have been chatting to (or meeting people) of a certain sex that have been disingenuous with their online profiles. Pick your own colour would not work unless it was accepted by all genderless people and users across the site otherwise they would not know what it was for. Personally I don't care if people want to identify as an Alien, Toaster, or a Werewolf, as long as they are happy. But right now we don't have anything on the site that will allow one Toaster to search for another. Im not saying that in the future we won't incorporate a special feature set for those who identify as Toasters or Werewolf's etc to find each other, but until then it's a case of using the options available.  There are already so many options on here for sex and gender that "99.9%" of people will be able to express themselves with no problem at all. And for everything else I would suggest personalising your profile and profile text. 

Like I said, I understand this is a very low-priority item on the to-do list. I also understand changing these things are probably harder and more time-consuming than they look from a coding perspective. However, some of the responses have come off as more than a little blasé as to why this can be such an impassioned issue.

I don't see why it's necessary to search for users based on gender. It feels like it is missing the point. Although the dropdown box is a good first step that was started on the other site only after discussion, you have no idea how validating and how safe and encouraging it would look for it to all be fill-in-the-blank and not be something one needs to choose to join. And if people want to put in something silly like 'toaster', then so be it. Humor is a great coping mechanism, and I'm a strong advocate for people getting creative with how they choose to label themselves.

When I first joined the other site (before I figured out how to stop chat requests from non-friends), I got spammed with requests from users because my profile said 'female'. If this is the same majority wanting an easy way to know, they can put in a little more effort to get to know who they are talking to and accept that gender isn't part of the other user's personality. They can go read the user's profile and if there is no gender, then it isn't their business to pry.

Blocking people based on gender is something that could be avoided if users could fill in the blank. I think many self-identified cis women would also appreciate being able to not state their gender or have it hardcoded in pink due to the above. I'm sure many cis women also don't want to go out of their way to identify as non-binary, agender, bigender, gender fluid, gender questioning, two spirit, or transgender person(I'm sorry, trans woman, trans man, trans femme, and trans masc aren't even an option here?). There are so many gender identities I don't see on that list, and as individual's understanding of gender and sexuality (as I assume that will be on the other site as well) are always changing, having a set-up that allows that change and exploration would be greatly appreciated.

Intersex people are completely left out of this as well, which is disconcerting.

I found a link if you wanted to read more about gender identity, sex, and gender presentation.

Using 'toaster' and 'werewolf' as an argument parallels a bit too much with the 'I identify as an attack helicopter' argument online that is often used to invalidate trans and non-binary folk.

Both sites should be a safe space for the majority straight cis users and queer users (cis or otherwise) in equal measures.

Just because those who may want to use this feature might not be in the majority, doesn't mean there's no reason to eventually take these steps to make the sites more inclusive. Actually, it would look good for the sites to get with the times and not only cater to the current majority straight cis-male demographic. It's not like these changes will impair the majority's experiences or features of the sites.

Yes, I'm absolutely pleased Stories Space has been saved and grateful for all the hard work. I won't lie, most of these concerns are for the other site which I pay for, and I like to think I'm supporting a site that is open, inclusive, and working towards bettering itself.

I'm less of a fan of having to choose one from a set in a drop-down box for all the reasons stated in previous posts.

In the future, those users who complain about not being able to tell the gender of who they are talking to (as if everyone is honest about this) can respectfully look at how people choose to identify on their profile if that's something they choose to share. Maybe it will encourage more users to read profiles before spamming them with creepy chat and friend requests.

On that note, photo validation is not a good way to tell gender either. And it won't stop catfishers.

I'll continue to emphasize the importance of this being something users choose to fill in to their own liking.

It is a writing site, not a dating site as Maggie has said. Unless you all want to date me at once. Although, my time slots for dinner and wine are a little full at the moment, custard creams are guaranteed to be served for dessert. ;)

As for the other site, it's also a story site first. Stories are the backbone, and I'd hate for this to discourage new writers with new perspectives.

Anna, I know it may seem extreme some of us get so angry over this, but I've tried to be patient, quiet, and polite for months. Posting then waiting then posting then waiting. I never got a response from a higher up (I'm not talking about mods). Then when I do finally get a response, well, it was only after being more blatant about my true feelings on the matter and being 'Loud' seems to have been the only way to elicit anything.

I hope this eventually changes.

There is a dichotomy in how sites like this are used. Well more accurately there is a dichotomy in how the other site is used. 

This is a site built around writing and one that allows older teenagers to be members. My own view is that we have a responsibility to be open and inclusive. If one non-binary person finds this a safe space to write, then that is worth all our effort to deemphasize gender. I will argue this on the other site too, but for now this is all about here. 

There are so many gender identities and for some their understanding of gender and sexuality is always changing, having a set-up that doesn't imprison our young writers in a binary world is well worth out time and attention. Yes second order to other issues but, because it is incredibly important to a minority, worthy of our attention. 

Anna, I totally support Violet in this, as it is the right thing to do. My gender and sexuality, I hope, don't affect how you see me as a writer. And we have in these changes accentuated rather than de-emphasised gender. I republished Oxford Street here, it was a cri de coeur for the 'mode' or the most common not to be our frame of reference. Let that flow though to how we present ourselves to the next generation of writers. 

My latest story, Mardi Gras Competition: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

Active Ink Slinger
My dear Violet, I am really sorry if my flippant remark caused any offence. I’m not very good at “reading the room.” In fact, I’m a bit thick on these matters. I even had to look up cis on Google.

I should really read the whole thread before making silly remarks. Please accept my apology. I never mean to cause harm or offence to anyone. I shall be more careful in the future. Regards, Verity