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New Site - Please post any issues / bugs you find here

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291 replies
15 watchers
Crazy old ape

Pardon my French, but f-it, I just got 84 more notifications showing up after the notification about Violet's reply to me showed up.

What I want is to only get notified about forum posts if they are a reply to one of my posts. Otherwise, I don't need to get a notification for every post in every thread I have posted in.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Munching on Mangos
Quote by Mendalla
Agreed, which is why not being able to go through it one at a time is a problem. If they get the Watch thing fixed, my list at least should never be that long ever again. Now that I've got it cleaned out and am cleaning up my Watched threads, mine should be a lot smaller. Really, though, we should be able to control what notifications even go in there. Again, something the software I use on my own site allows on a very fine-grained level.
True. On Stories Space, unless there's a sudden influx of active users and activity, the notification bell probably won't be a huge problem (save sifting through lots of 'like' notifications when users go liking and replying comments on their stories).

I still look to see what stories my friends interact with on the other site to see if there's anything to read or a forum thread that might interest me so I'd still like to be able to see that activity somewhere. With all the activity on the other site, I can see getting more than 100 notifications a day, even without the forum watch issue clogging it - and if there's a way for watching a post to not clog up the feed, that would be great.

Seconding having control of what notifications one wants as well.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Munching on Mangos
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Quote by Mendalla

Pardon my French, but f-it, I just got 84 more notifications showing up after the notification about Violet's reply to me showed up.

What I want is to only get notified about forum posts if they are a reply to one of my posts. Otherwise, I don't need to get a notification for every post in every thread I have posted in.

Patience, monkey man. It's gonna be a rough month lol.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Munching on Mangos
1 like

Sorry, I thought my friends list was ok, but it is showing a negative one from my more recent friend request that I accepted on my desktop too. I have a screenshot, but I don't want to clog the forum with a massive picture again as they don't size down at the moment.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

Sorry, I thought my friends list was ok, but it is showing a negative one from my more recent friend request that I accepted on my desktop too. I have a screenshot, but I don't want to clog the forum with a massive picture again as they don't size down at the moment.

I put my phone on this morning to see 150 notifications. I thought for a minute that I'd become famous. No such luck. 
Story Moderator
Quote by Verity
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

Sorry, I thought my friends list was ok, but it is showing a negative one from my more recent friend request that I accepted on my desktop too. I have a screenshot, but I don't want to clog the forum with a massive picture again as they don't size down at the moment.

I put my phone on this morning to see 150 notifications. I thought for a minute that I'd become famous. No such luck. 
I had 400. I was happy to see notifications working again, but so far they are all forum post notifications. Not sure if I have done anything else to get a notification for. I'm now working on clearing them. I'm sure that will be improved. 

Messenger seems to be working now, but only if you are both online, as far as I can tell. 

Shy Scribbler

HI, I can't seem to publish a story. I click "unpublished " then "edit" then " submit" and story reappears, but is still in "unpublished" section with edit available. I think this has been mentioned, but when I upload a cover pic it doesn't stay. When I open story again in "unpublished"  it's gone. 

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Chasing Dragons
Quote by Mendalla

Pardon my French, but f-it, I just got 84 more notifications showing up after the notification about Violet's reply to me showed up.

What I want is to only get notified about forum posts if they are a reply to one of my posts. Otherwise, I don't need to get a notification for every post in every thread I have posted in.

I just logged on to find 205 notifications of forum posts! Not helpful. 😲

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons

One of my notifications was informing me of a comment being made on one of my stories. I clicked on it and it took me to the story, but there was no new comment visible.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing

One of my notifications was informing me of a comment being made on one of my stories. I clicked on it and it took me to the story, but there was no new comment visible.

Is it there now?
Chasing Dragons
Quote by Molly
Quote by AnnaMayZing

One of my notifications was informing me of a comment being made on one of my stories. I clicked on it and it took me to the story, but there was no new comment visible.

Is it there now?
It is, but the commentator had to re-post it. I have no idea what happened to the original.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Forum Facilitator

My comments at this point are mostly conceptual and theme based.

It seems that the current concept is to spread everything out across the page in over-sized type and images. It seems to be a waste of space to have large images in addition to descriptors. Are images even needed? IMHO, condensing the page into "eye-sight" information would be preferable.

That being said, why aren't there any sidebars? It is much preferable to be able to cursor to a point as opposed to scrolling to a point. I honestly feel like I went to a restaurant with one of those 20-page menus with 300 different options when all I really wanted was a hamburger.

Lastly, just so I'm clear. I'm grateful that SS is still here and will work with whatever options are available in the final format.

Crazy old ape
Quote by Dreamcatcher

That being said, why aren't there any sidebars? It is much preferable to be able to cursor to a point as opposed to scrolling to a point. I honestly feel like I went to a restaurant with one of those 20-page menus with 300 different options when all I really wanted was a hamburger.

I think the lack of sidebars is because of the mobile device focus. Xenforo, the software I use, has sidebars on a desktop screen (if you use them in your layout) but when you get to a smaller screen like a phone, or zoom in real tight on a desktop, they get moved (e.g. the right side drops to the bottom). Sidebars are nice on a desktop, in other words, but just don't work on a small screen.

A small glitch I am seeing that I though I should post in case others have it. I have a red 1 on my bell that absolutely refuses to go away even though I have cleared all my notifications. Not sure what's up with that. Usually, a refresh gets rid of "stuck" numbers there but this one is visible on both desktop and phone and won't go away.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Crazy old ape

Oh, and I notice that when posting on a thread we now have separate buttons for "Submit and Watch" and just "Submit". Love it. Thanks for that fix.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Divine Rapscallion

Quote by Mendalla

A small glitch I am seeing that I though I should post in case others have it. I have a red 1 on my bell that absolutely refuses to go away even though I have cleared all my notifications. Not sure what's up with that. Usually, a refresh gets rid of "stuck" numbers there but this one is visible on both desktop and phone and won't go away.

I’m seeing that too. 

Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Advanced Wordsmith

Hi everyone,

Early last night using my lap top I successfully posted an image from my media onto a friend's profile., but later on when I attempted to post more images on friend's profiles the function would not work - very frustrating. Is this something I am doing wrong or is it another glitch which has popped upon the system ??

Also I managed to have a brief chat with a friend on Messenger - I do hope that's a permanent fix !


There are no strangers here - just lots of friendly folk to chat with and stories to enjoy 👀
Munching on Mangos

The forum watch thing seems fixed which is awesome.

The notification bell only allows me to clear notifications 10 at a time currently. I was starting close to 200 notifications from all the forum stuff from before that got fixed so it's gonna take some time to clear all.

There's also an automated message I've gotten from friends on here. I'm only bringing it up because I've gotten it twice. Not sure how it got sent, but it's the following:

Subject: I'd like to know more...
Body: Oh hey there!
I've been checking out your profile and I like what I've seen, why don't you take a look at mine to see if we click?
Hope to hear from you soon. 😉

I know I'm a hot ticket item and all, but I get the feeling this is a holdover from a dating site lol.

Edit: Sometimes clicking on 'Clear All' and the individual 'X's doesn't do anything. Not sure why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by GodsAngel

 I don't feel the site feels secure. I can't hide my age. 

I checked some profiles including yours and could not see birthdate. It only appears for the owner of the profile, it seems, not anyone else.

Yes it's totally private, if you look at you own profile it's automatically in "edit mode"  but you can turn that on and off on the top right of the profile screen to see what others see.  But to avoid confusion  we are just putting some text with it to say it is not visible to other members. 

Active Ink Slinger
1 like
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

The forum watch thing seems fixed which is awesome.

The notification bell only allows me to clear notifications 10 at a time currently. I was starting close to 200 notifications from all the forum stuff from before that got fixed so it's gonna take some time to clear all.

There's also an automated message I've gotten from friends on here. I'm only bringing it up because I've gotten it twice. Not sure how it got sent, but it's the following:

Subject: I'd like to know more...
Body: Oh hey there!
I've been checking out your profile and I like what I've seen, why don't you take a look at mine to see if we click?
Hope to hear from you soon. 😉

I know I'm a hot ticket item and all, but I get the feeling this is a holdover from a dating site lol.

Edit: Sometimes clicking on 'Clear All' and the individual 'X's doesn't do anything. Not sure why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

We are removing this in the next update 

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by magnificent1rascal

Quote by Mendalla

A small glitch I am seeing that I though I should post in case others have it. I have a red 1 on my bell that absolutely refuses to go away even though I have cleared all my notifications. Not sure what's up with that. Usually, a refresh gets rid of "stuck" numbers there but this one is visible on both desktop and phone and won't go away.

I’m seeing that too. 

It's a bug, we are hoping that an update today will fix this, it's driving me nuts as well. 
Writing down under
1 like
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

The forum watch thing seems fixed which is awesome.

The notification bell only allows me to clear notifications 10 at a time currently. I was starting close to 200 notifications from all the forum stuff from before that got fixed so it's gonna take some time to clear all.

There's also an automated message I've gotten from friends on here. I'm only bringing it up because I've gotten it twice. Not sure how it got sent, but it's the following:

Subject: I'd like to know more...
Body: Oh hey there!
I've been checking out your profile and I like what I've seen, why don't you take a look at mine to see if we click?
Hope to hear from you soon. 😉

I know I'm a hot ticket item and all, but I get the feeling this is a holdover from a dating site lol.

Edit: Sometimes clicking on 'Clear All' and the individual 'X's doesn't do anything. Not sure why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Hey, one of those was from me, Violet...

And while I am not sure what button I pressed, I do like what I have seen smile  You know you really are a hot item, giggles, and rushing off, something else on my mind :) 

Thanks Baronvonmonty for removing this, I am teasing Violet. :) 

My latest story, Mardi Gras Competition: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose

The forum watch thing seems fixed which is awesome.

The notification bell only allows me to clear notifications 10 at a time currently. I was starting close to 200 notifications from all the forum stuff from before that got fixed so it's gonna take some time to clear all.

There's also an automated message I've gotten from friends on here. I'm only bringing it up because I've gotten it twice. Not sure how it got sent, but it's the following:

Subject: I'd like to know more...
Body: Oh hey there!
I've been checking out your profile and I like what I've seen, why don't you take a look at mine to see if we click?
Hope to hear from you soon. 😉

I know I'm a hot ticket item and all, but I get the feeling this is a holdover from a dating site lol.

Edit: Sometimes clicking on 'Clear All' and the individual 'X's doesn't do anything. Not sure why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

I too have had that message sent to two of my friends in the last couple of days - I knew it wasn't an original message of mine because I've never wanted to 'click with anyone !
There are no strangers here - just lots of friendly folk to chat with and stories to enjoy 👀
Munching on Mangos
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Hey, one of those was from me, Violet...

And while I am not sure what button I pressed, I do like what I have seen smile  You know you really are a hot item, giggles, and rushing off, something else on my mind :) 

Thanks Baronvonmonty for removing this, I am teasing Violet. :) 

Oh hey there!
I've been checking out your stories and I like what I've seen, why don't you take a look at mine to see if we click?
Hope to hear from you soon. 😉 I'm happy you liked my pg13 and g rated stories here.

Quote by yurigagarin
I too have had that message sent to two of my friends in the last couple of days - I knew it wasn't an original message of mine because I've never wanted to 'click with anyone !
That's because you're an astronaut. You've been sending these from Outerspace. silly

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Active Ink Slinger

I have a general question. I tried to post a story in “Humor” but it wouldn’t let me. It said my story would have to be at least 3’000 words. I’ve had a look and can’t find many stories in humor that long. Is it something I’m doing wrong or is it a new rule? And secondly. As the new site doesn’t show my old story artwork properly. Could admin please remove all my old story pictures. At the moment they just look stupid. Regards, Verity

Crazy old ape
Quote by Verity

I have a general question. I tried to post a story in “Humor” but it wouldn’t let me. It said my story would have to be at least 3’000 words. I’ve had a look and can’t find many stories in humor that long. Is it something I’m doing wrong or is it a new rule? And secondly. As the new site doesn’t show my old story artwork properly. Could admin please remove all my old story pictures. At the moment they just look stupid. Regards, Verity

That's got to be a bug.  3000 words is not the minimum anywhere on here that I know of. And humourous stories are often quite short so that's the least likely category to have a minimum that high.

Funnily enough, I think most of my cover pictures came out okay. You should be able to remove them yourself by editing the stories, shouldn't you? Though that now seems to "bump" stories back to the front page, which is itself a change from the old site.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Divine Rapscallion
1 like
Quote by Verity

I have a general question. I tried to post a story in “Humor” but it wouldn’t let me. It said my story would have to be at least 3’000 words. I’ve had a look and can’t find many stories in humor that long. Is it something I’m doing wrong or is it a new rule? And secondly. As the new site doesn’t show my old story artwork properly. Could admin please remove all my old story pictures. At the moment they just look stupid. Regards, Verity

Hi Verity,

The minimum is supposed to be 3,000 characters, or about 600 words. Please make sure your story is at least 3,000 characters and try again, or submit it as Flash Fiction with a Humor tag. Let us know if you’re still encountering a problem. 

Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Divine Rapscallion
1 like

Quote by Mendalla

Funnily enough, I think most of my cover pictures came out okay. You should be able to remove them yourself by editing the stories, shouldn't you? Though that now seems to "bump" stories back to the front page, which is itself a change from the old site.

It’s on the “to be fixed after the other site rolls out” list. 😉
Connect with Maggie

Like my Facebook fan pages: Maggie Rascal and M.P. WitwerFriend me on Facebook: me on Twitter:
Crazy old ape
Quote by magnificent1rascal

Hi Verity,

The minimum is supposed to be 3,000 characters, or about 600 words. Please make sure your story is at least 3,000 characters and try again, or submit it as Flash Fiction with a Humor tag. Let us know if you’re still encountering a problem. 

That makes more sense. Though if you use really long words...😀

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!

Story Moderator
Quote by Baronvonmonty
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by GodsAngel

 I don't feel the site feels secure. I can't hide my age. 

I checked some profiles including yours and could not see birthdate. It only appears for the owner of the profile, it seems, not anyone else.

Yes it's totally private, if you look at you own profile it's automatically in "edit mode"  but you can turn that on and off on the top right of the profile screen to see what others see.  But to avoid confusion  we are just putting some text with it to say it is not visible to other members. 

A very minor issue since I can hide my birthday but it is still showing as a day off even after I try to change it to the correct day.

Crazy old ape
Quote by gillianleeza
Quote by Baronvonmonty
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by GodsAngel

 I don't feel the site feels secure. I can't hide my age. 

I checked some profiles including yours and could not see birthdate. It only appears for the owner of the profile, it seems, not anyone else.

Yes it's totally private, if you look at you own profile it's automatically in "edit mode"  but you can turn that on and off on the top right of the profile screen to see what others see.  But to avoid confusion  we are just putting some text with it to say it is not visible to other members. 

A very minor issue since I can hide my birthday but it is still showing as a day off even after I try to change it to the correct day.

Yeah, mine, too. That fix is clearly still in the works.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!