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New critiquing forum added

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We've just added a new critiquing forum to the site. It's a members only area and all of the critique groups are private. It's intended to be a place where writers can give and receive serious feedback and learn more about the art of writing.

Please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of the groups. Once your name has been included in your chosen groups, the new forum/s will show up each time you log in.

We look forward to seeing you there.
Great addition Lisa. I can use all of the help I can get.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Quote by CKAcres
Great addition Lisa. I can use all of the help I can get.

You're being modest! I think you'd be a great help in the poetry forum, Dave.

If you'd like to be added to the group, please let me know and I'll add your name in.
Quote by Lisa
We've just added a new critiquing forum to the site. It's a members only area and all of the critique groups are private. It's intended to be a place where writers can give and receive serious feedback and learn more about the art of writing.

Please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of the groups. Once your name has been included in your chosen groups, the new forum/s will show up each time you log in.

We look forward to seeing you there.

This was a good idea Lisa.. we appreciate how you always try to make things better in SS.. good mods.. good admin.. good site.. thank you for all you do here..
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Quote by Lisa
We've just added a new critiquing forum to the site. It's a members only area and all of the critique groups are private. It's intended to be a place where writers can give and receive serious feedback and learn more about the art of writing.

Please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of the groups. Once your name has been included in your chosen groups, the new forum/s will show up each time you log in.

We look forward to seeing you there.

This was a good idea Lisa.. we appreciate how you always try to make things better in SS.. good mods.. good admin.. good site.. thank you for all you do here..

Thanks, Larry. I hope people get a lot out of it. We've already had some members join the groups, so we're off to a good start.
I would very much like to be added to this forum if possible please?


Quote by mikey1963
I would very much like to be added to this forum if possible please?



Hi, Mike. We have eight separate groups set up to cover the various categories on site. If you'd like to be added to all or just a few in particular, please let me know and I'll add you in. Thanks!

1. Thriller/Horror

2. Fantasy/Science Fiction/Supernatural

3. Flash Fiction/Musings

4. Humor

5. Songs/Poetry

6. Romance

7. Young Adult

8. Crime/Drama
Thanks for setting up the new groups. I'm looking forward to getting involved.

I'm a member of an online writing group elsewhere and I've got a couple of recommendations for guidelines which we might want to consider:

1. When posting a piece for critique, include the word count in the header of the post so readers can see at a glance how long the piece is. This is a really easy and useful bit of board etiquette.

2. Recommend a max word count for pieces of, say, 2,500 words. It's a lot to expect detailed feedback on a piece longer than that, so it might help keep members expectations realistic. Make it a guideline rather than a rule though; sometimes pieces don't lend themselves to being broken down.

3. My writing group works on a reciprocal principle. That is, if you post a piece for critiquing, you're expected to critique two other pieces. We work on a monthly basis, so each person can post once a month. It usually works to make sure no one's work ends up sitting on the board with no replies. The worst case scenario would be if everyone wanted to write, no one wanted to read, and all the posts sat there with no comments. Such a goodwill arrangement for writers to commit to critiquing other posts might be a good idea.

What do people think?
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Quote by MissAdventure

2. Recommend a max word count for pieces of, say, 2,500 words.

What do people think?

I don't agree that there should be any maximum word count...I do agree about posting the word count at the beginning, great idea actually...

And really liking the reciprocal thingy...hope it works...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by MissAdventure
1. When posting a piece for critique, include the word count in the header of the post so readers can see at a glance how long the piece is. This is a really easy and useful bit of board etiquette.

2. Recommend a max word count for pieces of, say, 2,500 words. It's a lot to expect detailed feedback on a piece longer than that, so it might help keep members expectations realistic. Make it a guideline rather than a rule though; sometimes pieces don't lend themselves to being broken down.

I agree on both points. It might be a good idea to break longer pieces up, that way you would get more detailed feedback on your work. If a piece is too long you run the risk of just getting a general comment on the piece.

I also like the idea that once you've posted something for review you reciprocate by reviewing someone else's work as well. It's the courteous thing to do.

"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."

Quote by MissAdventure
Thanks for setting up the new groups. I'm looking forward to getting involved.

I'm a member of an online writing group elsewhere and I've got a couple of recommendations for guidelines which we might want to consider:

1. When posting a piece for critique, include the word count in the header of the post so readers can see at a glance how long the piece is. This is a really easy and useful bit of board etiquette.

2. Recommend a max word count for pieces of, say, 2,500 words. It's a lot to expect detailed feedback on a piece longer than that, so it might help keep members expectations realistic. Make it a guideline rather than a rule though; sometimes pieces don't lend themselves to being broken down.

3. My writing group works on a reciprocal principle. That is, if you post a piece for critiquing, you're expected to critique two other pieces. We work on a monthly basis, so each person can post once a month. It usually works to make sure no one's work ends up sitting on the board with no replies. The worst case scenario would be if everyone wanted to write, no one wanted to read, and all the posts sat there with no comments. Such a goodwill arrangement for writers to commit to critiquing other posts might be a good idea.

What do people think?

Thank you for the suggestions, Chrissey. I've added in a request for writers to post the title and word count in the post header. I've also added a mention in there about reciprocating with regards to reviews. It's definitely one of those situations where the more people put into it, the more they'll get out of it.

We've had a few new additions to our critique groups. If anyone else would like to join, please feel free to send me a PM with a list of the groups you're interested in or you can post a request in here to be added.
ohh well ..that counts me out im not a writer BUT i still love you guy yay
Lisa, could you please add me to the poetry group? I am sure I could benefit from it, and hopefully provide something for others.
There are two kinds of people in the world.
Those who like bacon.
And those who are wrong.

Twitter: @fifafan1969
Quote by fifafan
Lisa, could you please add me to the poetry group? I am sure I could benefit from it, and hopefully provide something for others.

Thanks, Rod. I've added you to the group now so you should see it when you click on the critique forum. It'll be great to see you there.