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Mardi Gras Competition

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Crazy old ape

Three stories read so far and it's looking like a good, if small, field. I'll keep at it over the next few days. Good job, writers!

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Mendalla

Three stories read so far and it's looking like a good, if small, field. I'll keep at it over the next few days. Good job, writers!

I've managed to read all the entries in so far and like you, I'm really impressed by the variety of stories and interpretations on the theme.

I got my entry in. I've never been to Mardi Gras so I'm afraid you're stuck with fecking pancakes.

Quote by Ceebees

I've managed to read all the entries in so far and like you, I'm really impressed by the variety of stories and interpretations on the theme.

I got my entry in. I've never been to Mardi Gras so I'm afraid you're stuck with fecking pancakes.

I've read all the entries as well. Fabulous stories. LOVED your fecking pancakes!!


My 1st place Beyond the Veil competition poem:

As You Slip Away

My 2nd place Mardi Gras competition story:

Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time)

My 4th place It's Not What It Looks Like competition story:

1975 The Summer Of Fun

My top ten Monsters and Myths competition story:

Queen of the Turbines

Writing down under

Lol, I wasn’t last! Left it late, but got it done, well except for being unable to attach a pic.

I’ve read all the stories, just excellent, though interestingly more horror (including Verbal) than I was expecting. James’s ending gets the prize for most horrific ending, though Brad’s was more horribly realistic.

Interesting to see what the judges make of this. The Mardi Gras parade in Sydney is on Saturday, the city is full of colour and the summer weather is great, should be excellent and hopefully not at all horrific.

My latest story, Mardi Gras Competition: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street