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Important Site Upgrade : 13th October

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Rest in Peace
Quote by gav

Unfortunately its extremely difficult to allow sorting on those fields. I only calculate those values for the current page, it would be too slow to compute this across all the authors.

I was kind of hoping no one would notice that

Ooooh...I use that fairly's a really easy way to find myself, I can just click on "# Stories" and I show up...

I don't care if it computes across multiple pages, but it would be nice to see at least who is on top as far as no. of views, ratings, story know, like its been on the sister site...

We can't go back to that?
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
MissAdventure's avatar picture shows up in her profile...but, not in this thread...

Also, it shows up on the activity list on her profile page that she added me as a friend more than once...I should take that as a compliment, I guess...under "Friends" the friend adds are appearing in opposite order than they did before the upgrade...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
MissAdventure's avatar picture shows up in her profile...but, not in this thread...


Also, it shows up on the activity list on her profile page that she added me as a friend more than once...I should take that as a compliment, I guess...under "Friends" the friend adds are appearing in opposite order than they did before the upgrade...

Hello, yup, my fiends activity thread seems to be all over the place, showing pokes and things that never happened, lol. Might be because it's a new account created after the switch over.

BTW, any luck clearing out the remnants of my old account? I do find it slightly funny that I broke the whole site doing that :P
Blog | Twitter | Website - The Great Escape

My new four part novella, The Star Coin Prophesy is now
available to read on my website, The Great Escape:
e2ZeQHyELydH DphdhpCccL3x
Rest in Peace
So, you broke the site eh Chrissey?

We still have this info for Lee, aka RantingSenior's latest poem...

Story History
Story submitted on Oct 13, 2011 16:56
Story verified by DirtyMartini on Oct 13, 2011 17:34 with a display date of Oct 10, 2011 15:16

Because the display date is three days before the actual submission date, the poem never showed up on the front page...but, it's showing up under friend's activity that it posted...very strange...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
I had thought my friends list was in order, but apparently it's not...I see that the latest friend I added, MissAdventure, is at the beginning of the if she was the first added...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Btw...if somebody sends you a friend many times you hit the "Accept" button, it will show in your activity that you added that person as a friend...

I just tested that one...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rookie Scribe
You guys are made of awesome and win.
Rest in Peace
I don't think the "pokes" are making a sound...I've noticed I've been poked a few times, but haven't heard anything...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DirtyMartini
MissAdventure's avatar picture shows up in her profile...but, not in this thread...


Also, it shows up on the activity list on her profile page that she added me as a friend more than once...I should take that as a compliment, I guess...under "Friends" the friend adds are appearing in opposite order than they did before the upgrade...

The mismatch between the stories and the forum avatars should be fixed now. You will need to change it again to update the forum.
Rest in Peace
Quote by gav
Quote by Sherzahd
Quote by DirtyMartini
Oooops...yet another "not good" thingy...

When you click on the friends icon on the upper right, the list of friends is not in alphabetical order as it should be...

Not good Gav, not good at all...

Hmm... mine has never been in alphabetical order.

I attempted to keep the same (custom) order from the previous incarnation. If you want the order to go back to alpha, choose the reset to default order link from your friends settings page.

Btw...I chose the "reset to default" option...and not only did my friends list under the icon on the upper right revert to alphabetical order, but it appears my friends list on my profile page is now in alphabetical order rather than date of add...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Getting some rather funky story history info on some stories...this is from my poem "Neon Sign"...

Story History
Story submitted on Jul 18, 2011 21:31
Story verified by Lisa on Jul 18, 2011 21:31 with a display date of Dec 13, 2010 17:10

Apparently the story was submitted months after it first displayed...

This seems to be common, btw...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by gav
Quote by DirtyMartini
MissAdventure's avatar picture shows up in her profile...but, not in this thread...


Also, it shows up on the activity list on her profile page that she added me as a friend more than once...I should take that as a compliment, I guess...under "Friends" the friend adds are appearing in opposite order than they did before the upgrade...

The mismatch between the stories and the forum avatars should be fixed now. You will need to change it again to update the forum.

Hey hey hey, I have a face... sort of. Cheers Gav
Blog | Twitter | Website - The Great Escape

My new four part novella, The Star Coin Prophesy is now
available to read on my website, The Great Escape:
e2ZeQHyELydH DphdhpCccL3x
and here I thought ... with all those heart pokes from almost everyone on this site, that I was being shown some LOVE ....


Thanks Gav, for all your work! We appreciate it!!

Active Ink Slinger
I don't think the badge system is working properly. I published my first story on the site but I don't have an author badge. Something else to go on the to do list.
Blog | Twitter | Website - The Great Escape

My new four part novella, The Star Coin Prophesy is now
available to read on my website, The Great Escape:
e2ZeQHyELydH DphdhpCccL3x
Active Ink Slinger
I was also wondering about the badges, as I just realized that I am now a yearling here and I don't see the badge for it.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Rest in Peace
Quote by Lola
I was also wondering about the badges, as I just realized that I am now a yearling here and I don't see the badge for it.

They just changed takes ten years to get now...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Advanced Wordsmith
Actually there are no new badges (for now). I wanted to get this release out there in the wild as soon as I can, so things like badge generation had to wait. Once I have this running on all our sites, I need to get back and work out how the badge processing is going to work with this new db.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by Lola
I was also wondering about the badges, as I just realized that I am now a yearling here and I don't see the badge for it.

They just changed takes ten years to get now...

10 years for 1. Sounds like my marriage, 10 years to get one year of happiness.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Rest in Peace
Quote by gav
Actually there are no new badges (for now). I wanted to get this release out there in the wild as soon as I can, so things like badge generation had to wait.

Just want to say there Gav that I think you're living rather dangerously...people around here take their badges rather seriously...

If you are really going to put off badge generation just to take care of petty stuff like getting the site running...well...let's just say I have visions of anarchy, mass uprisings, coup d'etat, bloodshed and shootings in the streets, assorted lootings and lawlessness, and generally other activity that might resemble a scene out of an older Schwarzenegger movie...

You might want to hire a bodyguard and wear a bullet-proof vest hanging out in the forum...just saying...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Advanced Wordsmith
I missed out on my Yearling badge by two days... how cruel is that?

But I'm happy now.

I can move my stories up and down and the #stories button works again.

Rest in Peace
Quote by steffanie

I missed out on my Yearling badge by two days... how cruel is that?

It is a cruel world out there Steff...and here on Stories Space...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Gav, I think the comments on the site are not working properly.My new poem has 2 actual comment but when you look at it in the story list it says 3.
New Poem out

The Observer
Advanced Wordsmith
I've just added a View as PDF link on the story page, let me know what you think.

Authors can disable this feature on their settings page if they do not want their stories to be viewed as a PDF document.
Rest in Peace
Quote by gav
I've just added a View as PDF link on the story page, let me know what you think.

Authors can disable this feature on their settings page if they do not want their stories to be viewed as a PDF document.

I just brought this up in the Moderator Lounge...Space Bar...whatever...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Hey Gav...I found one more latest friend add got added to the beginning of my friend's list rather than the end like it should...

Sorry to have to bother you on your anniversary...other than that, I think everything is looking pretty good...for now...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...


I am new , so I hope you don't mind me jumping in here.

Quote by gav
I've just added a View as PDF link on the story page, let me know what you think.

Authors can disable this feature on their settings page if they do not want their stories to be viewed as a PDF document.

This is a wonderful idea, but I don't know if it's me (probably yes) or you, Gav (never) but when I view the pdf, the formatting is incorrect. Sometimes words are joined together and spaces are missing.

*Note: I tried the top story on the front page at that time (can't post a link but it was My life by lafayettemister) and that is what happened, yet the story itself looked fine. Have tried others and no problems.

I'm yet to work out the difference between the friends lite version and normal version. Maybe after another wake up coffee, I will work it out
Active Ink Slinger
I was wondering why I didn't get a yearling badge.
Friends... they cherish one another's hopes. They are kind to one another's dreams.
Henry David Thoreau
Active Ink Slinger
Did you just develop perpetuall motion too while you were at it!
Nice work gav,,,,,, 3 or 4 sites an all
Rest in Peace
Quote by scooter
Did you just develop perpetuall motion too while you were at it!

Forget perpetual motion...I think he needs to work on something really a beer keg that won't run dry...

Just saying...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Hey Gav...I'm getting a lot of messages that people are giving me "pokes"...but, I'm not hearing the sound...just letting you know...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...