I have been browsing around our site here. I just saw the DirtyMartini badge and I also note that Alan Jankowski's birthday is coming up on March 16th. It is a shame that we have the badge commemorating him but we have not actually had a contest to award the badge to someone in a poetry writing contest. Not here on StoriesSpace anyway. I would hope that someone might consider having our next contest here on SS be a poetry contest to award that DirtyMartini badge to someone. It would be grand fun and a great way to remember his passing last year on the 10th of March. That date was just yesterday. I missed noting it.
What a wonderful idea Larry! I would love to have everyone here on blue write something to honor him. So many people were touched by him.
Lovely idea and a very appropriate tribute. Great thinking Larry!
I didn't know DirtyMartini that well but I'm always up for a poetry comp. I think. Seems to depend on the direction of the wind and what I ate for dinner.
I love the idea and a new competition here would be great to have. To the powers that be, pretty, pretty please!
I've not been around as much as I had hoped to be after having surgery last month, but I still make it here every few days at least!
We're long overdue for another contest. I have an idea for one in mind, and an homage to Alan figures into it. However, I didn't realize we had the DirtyMartini badge on this site. Cool!
I’d love to see a contest here. As Ping said, monetary awards aren’t necessary. It’s about the competing and the recognition of the works entered that matter
I want to keep the enthusiasm going for this - not only for the Dirty Martini badge, but to get some interest in a contest. Love the idea.