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Announcing The Winners Of Our Mardi Gras Competition!

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I love how creative you all are and how each one of you tackled this competition so differently. Well done everyone.  

I would like to congratulate Pnin, KatarinaTechgoddess, and OpheliaTusk for taking the top 3!

1st Place: Daphne by  Pnin

2nd Place: Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time) by  KatarinaTechgoddess

3rd Place: Earned My Beads On Downing Street by  OpheliaTusk

The following entries round out the Top 10, and if you haven't done so already, I recommend giving them a read:

4th: And the Band Played On by  sprite

5th: Mardi Gris by  JamesPBear

6th: Sydney's Mardi Gras: We Shall Overcome by  CuriousAnnie

7th: Pancake Tuesday by  SeaJay

8th: The Stories Behind the Masks by  WriterGirl

9th: Mardi Gras: The Darker Side by  Brad_Naylor

10th: Mardi Gras Mink by  DenimAngel

As always, thank you to everyone that participated, as well as those that scored and commented. The stories are amazing, but we rely on you to help keep us motivated. You all are the backbone of this site.

Congratulations again to the winners! I’ll be in touch soon regarding your prize.

Congratulations to all the winners and the top 10! So much talent here! I’ve read all the stories and I highly recommend reading all twelve stories that entered.


My 1st place Beyond the Veil competition poem:

As You Slip Away

My 2nd place Mardi Gras competition story:

Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time)

My 2nd place Writer's Block competition story:

The Dandy Lion & The Whiter Box

My latest story:

As Life Goes On and Time Goes By...Thank you, Marshall Crenshaw

Warmest congratulations to the podium winners. Thoroughly deserved. I’m pleased that I managed to sneak into the top ten (just) with my little effort. It was a lot of fun, and I look forward to the next one.

Awesome stuff. Love the competition energy. Congratulations to those that grace the podium. 🍻

Time now to listen to his excuses. Oh Verbs, darling… 🤣🤣🤣 🍻

Thanks to Molly, SS admin, and the judges. These comps are truly appreciated.

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...

Woo hoo! Good list. Congrats to the podium winners, the top ten, and all who entered. Some terrific takes on the theme in there.

looks to make sure no cops are around, then throws beads at the podium

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Congrats to the winners, and the top ten, and everyone involved in the brave act of trying to tell a story. Pscyhed in particular to see Pnin get some recognition.

Quote by Ping
Oh Verbs, darling…

I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. (Repo Man reference)

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Congrats to all who organised the comp, wrote a story, read, commented, and judged. Competitions create a buzz around the site which is fun to be part of. Special congrats to Pnin, KatarinaTechgoddess, and OpheliaTusk for their podium finishes. ❤️

My latest story, Writer's Block Competition: How To Procrastinate And Get Away With It.

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

Thanks for the kind comments. I was very surprised to win; I was just proud of myself for being on that list because because 12 hours before the deadline I only had a couple of paragraphs of a drab story.

I didn't know anything (still don't) about Mardi Gras, but I wanted to write for the competition because I like the challenge of writing about a subject I know nothing about, with a clear guide about what it should involve.

I had clichéd themes in mind (the tradition of gathering ingredients ahead of Lent, and a parade) and I thought of combining them. I wasn't sure to what end - but often ideas come as I write, so I started from the perspective of a neighbour and hoped for the best. For a long time, this is all I had:

Esme lived next door to Daphne and Ed. She had long been conscious of Daphne’s religious bearing. One morning – this was at the start of the week leading up to Lent – Esme heard noises next door, banging cupboards, that sort of thing.

That’ll be Daphne clearing out her cupboards to make pancakes, she thought.

The noise continued for some while and eventually curiosity drove Esme to visit her neighbour. The front door was open and Esme could see the silhouette of Daphne in her kitchen. Sure enough she was dragging things out of cupboards.

She was doing so with surprising intent.

It sat as flat as that for two weeks and I had no enthusiasm for ending it. I tried to write more the evening before the deadline, if only to prove that I could finish something. I have a lot of trouble applying myself to write. So I wanted to push myself that I didn't matter how bad the story was, I had to take part.

Early next morning, half-asleep, a subconscious sentence came to me ("When they think of me they think of food.") and there it was: Daphne's unhappiness. So at about 7am I began to rewrite in the first person and from that one sentence I knew her voice, and from that I knew her character and the point of the story, which turned out to be about her insecurity.

I don't recommend writing stories in a rush, but the most important thing to me was to take part. I hope that everyone who entered feels the same way, even if they didn't do as well as they expected. I hope my experience encourages anyone who has struggled to finish a story: it's worth persevering - just try to find a different angle or just sleep on it. I hope it encourages more writers to enter competitions like these full stop. And thank you especially to the judges and moderators, first for arranging this competition, and most definitely for allowing entries right up to the wire!

I can enjoy reading the other stories now (the one I did read was really well written and I can't even see it on the list of winners).

Drowning at work. Help me! But wanted to pop in and congratulate the fabulous podium (Pnin, Kat, Ophelia) and everyone who entered! I'd like to call us "The Dirty Dozen"... oh wait... wrong site. 😊

And Verbal, reading your story about being locked up in jail (trapped in small spaces my biggest fear) gave me a severe panic attack, so I may or may not have contacted a voodoo priestess who may or may not have affected your story's outcome. 😈

Seriously, this site is big fun. Great people. Welcoming atmosphere. Thank you to Molly, mods, judges, and writers! ❤️

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Quote by WriterGirl
And Verbal, reading your story about being locked up in jail (trapped in small spaces my biggest fear) gave me a severe panic attack, so I may or may not have contacted a voodoo priestess who may or may not have affected your story's outcome. 😈

Thanks WG.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Congrats to the winners and all who took part. This one was just not up my (Bourbon) Street! 👌😋

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Congrats to all the winners and the runners up! I'm proud of everyone. 😊