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Announcing The Winners of Our "A Survivor's Story" Competition!

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The entries in this contest were wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. It made it hard for the judges, which is something we always want.

I'd like to congratulate Verbal, Tams, and TheShyThespian for taking the Top 3 places:

1st Place $100 (USD): Verbal: Monster

2nd Place $50 (USD: Tams: The Girl With More Than One Name

3rd Place $25 (USD): TheShyThespian: Hand In My Pocket

The following entries round up the Top 10, and if you haven't done so already, I recommend giving them a read too:

4. Ping: Pine

5. Violet_the_Verbose: When the Cicada Sings

6. AnnaMayZing: Over The Top

7. Blackdog: Water Convalescence

8. Verity: We’ll Be Home By Christmas

9. Mendalla: Us Survivors

10. KatrinaTechGoddess: I'm Still Alive

Thank you again to everyone for helping to make it great!

To the winners, I'll be in touch today regarding your prizes.
Damn, was my timing ever good this morning. Was just getting back after getting a posting error in Inspirations.


Pretty close to how I would have called it, too (actually, I didn't put mine in the top ten but that's just Canadian modesty, eh).

And what a terrific field we had. Good as the three winners are, there were several strong contenders. I was a bit worried early on since it seemed to be slow, but things really picked up later.

Great competition!!

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Congratulations to everyone who entered, but especially to the winners. They put so much effort into their work that they clearly deserved to be the winners. One will simply try harder next time if one wishes to be among the elite.

Cheers, Inspirators.
Quick PS: Please tweet, post, etc. this thread. Great promo for the site. I've tweeted already and will be posting a link on some other forums.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

I admire the talents of all who entered this one! You are all brilliant!

Big shout-out to podium, Verbal, Tams, MrThespian

I feel lucky and honored to get published on this site with you.

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Mega congrats to the big three, the top ten, and all the participants. Here's hoping all who entered get a fancy badge or some other token that they were part of one helluva impressive field.

It is a truth, which should be universally acknowledged, that Molly did an incredible job riding herd on this contest and deserves prodigious praise for all she accomplished.

Wow! Totally unexpected! Having read most of the entries (and apologies to those I didn't get to - I will make an effort to read those that came in close to the deadline!), I really didn't think I'd be up there. Chuffed to bits!!

Huge congratulations to everyone who entered, the top ten and especially to Verbal and Tams. When I read those two I thought they deserved to be on the podium (see my comments on their stories smile)

Well done all!

Príšera Vnútri - 2nd place in the 'Myths & Monsters' competition

Torn - 2nd place in the 'Beyond the Veil' competition

Alone - 2nd place in the 'Sound of Silence' competition

Hand In My Pocket - 3rd place in the 'A Survivor's Story' competition

Drinks on Verbs.

Dinner & Dance on Tams.

Garden Weeding for a month on TheShyThespian

Congrats Everyone! There is nothing like a wonderful storytelling event to bring people together around the campfire.

OOH, scary campfire stories. Next competition theme perhaps?

Thanks Molly and everyone else involved with the competition.
Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Quote by Ping
Drinks on Verbs.

Dinner & Dance on Tams.

Garden Weeding for a month on TheShyThespian

Congrats Everyone! There is nothing like a wonderful storytelling event to bring people together around the campfire.

OOH, scary campfire stories. Next competition theme perhaps?

Thanks Molly and everyone else involved with the competition.

Ping, I was especially excited to see a story by you ... missed your writings ...

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Sorry, couldn't resist, that's my favorite comic of all time.

What a cool contest, what a strong field, and I love that it is ultimately about the survival of StoriesSpace, and the continued camaraderie of all the writers here. I met a couple new writer friends here, and got into some extended conversations with others I'd not talked to much before. So here's to the writing community here, and to the hard work and skill of everyone who entered. Frankly, the strength of those early entries (I'm looking at you Verity) is what pushed me, and I'm sure many others, to do my best.

Also, HUGE thanks to Molly, who did so much verifying and clarifying, and kept us all up to date on who had entered. This would not have happened without the talented, hard-working, red-haired siren of Stories Space, Molly.

This really made my weekend, everyone. Thanks!

Drinks are on me! And while no alcohol is allowed in the coffee shop, I hear a rumour that Ping is passing out limoncello shots from the trunk of his car out in the parking lot. It's that 1979 Monkey-sh1t green Ford Pinto out there. No, wait, that's my car!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by WriterGirl
Quote by Ping
Drinks on Verbs.

Dinner & Dance on Tams.

Garden Weeding for a month on TheShyThespian

Congrats Everyone! There is nothing like a wonderful storytelling event to bring people together around the campfire.

OOH, scary campfire stories. Next competition theme perhaps?

Thanks Molly and everyone else involved with the competition.

Ping, I was especially excited to see a story by you ... missed your writings ...

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Quote by verbal

Sorry, couldn't resist, that's my favorite comic of all time.

What a cool contest, what a strong field, and I love that it is ultimately about the survival of StoriesSpace, and the continued camaraderie of all the writers here. I met a couple new writer friends here, and got into some extended conversations with others I'd not talked to much before. So here's to the writing community here, and to the hard work and skill of everyone who entered. Frankly, the strength of those early entries (I'm looking at you Verity) is what pushed me, and I'm sure many others, to do my best.

Also, HUGE thanks to Molly, who did so much verifying and clarifying, and kept us all up to date on who had entered. This would not have happened without the talented, hard-working, red-haired siren of Stories Space, Molly.

This really made my weekend, everyone. Thanks!

Drinks are on me! And while no alcohol is allowed in the coffee shop, I hear a rumour that Ping is passing out limoncello shots from the trunk of his car out in the parking lot. It's that 1979 Monkey-sh1t green Ford Pinto out there. No, wait, that's my car!

Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
Congratulations to the winners. there were some excellent entries and I was pleased to see a fair turnout,

Now... can we keep it going and draw even more entries perhaps?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by Ping
Quote by verbal

Drinks are on me! And while no alcohol is allowed in the coffee shop, I hear a rumour that Ping is passing out limoncello shots from the trunk of his car out in the parking lot. It's that 1979 Monkey-sh1t green Ford Pinto out there. No, wait, that's my car!

You are unsafe at any speed, Mr. Ping. An honor to be in the contest with you. Dig that EP! Now, can I have a limoncello please? I'll wash that fine sports car of yours in payment for it.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

What a fantastic comp! Many congrats to Verbs, Tam, TST and all the finalists and everyone who entered. The standard was just so high!

Huge thanks to Molly for all her hard work behind the scenes in organising the comp. Total superstar!
Congratulations to all who entered this wonderful competition, there were wonderful stories both in and out of the top ten. The top ten were a tribute to our craft, just brilliant stories from authors I adore.

Special congratulations to Verbal, Tam and TheShyThespian for their wonderful stories and well deserved podium finishes.

And to Violet too

As always thanks to those who organised and judged this competition especially Molly, it was a lot of fun and a pleasure to be part of.

My latest story, Writer's Block Competition: How To Procrastinate And Get Away With It.

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

The talents of our members really sparkled with this competition. The total number of entries was impressive and there wasn't one I wouldn't want to award a medal. Great job from great people.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Congrats to everyone who entered. Really fabulous work. Special congrats to the podium placers and top-tenners and everyone else. I don't think I could have shortlisted this one down.

Here's to hoping Stories Space stays around for a long time. (The beer is non-alcoholic)

Waves | Red Tide (Poetry)
Notes of Melody (Competition winner) | The Wonderful World of Wally Weasel(Spooky Tales 2nd Place) | When the Cicada Sings (Survivor shortlister)

Wow... So many talented writers and so many excellent stories! I'm honored to be sharing the podium with Verbal and Thespian. Everyone who entered deserves a round of applause.

Thank you to everyone who read my story and especially those who scored and left a comment.

If I know Verbal, he's already blown his winnings on Godzilla posters for the ceiling above his bed.hMC4vEWTmRQTbwHs So, a round of sarsaparillas on me!

Quote by Tams

If I know Verbal, he's already blown his winnings on Godzilla posters for the ceiling above his bed.l6skVm1xAus5QvMn So, a round of sarsaparillas on me!

Let's be fair. He probably picked up a couple of Ghidorah and Rodan as well.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Quote by Tams
Wow... So many talented writers and so many excellent stories! I'm honored to be sharing the podium with Verbal and Thespian. Everyone who entered deserves a round of applause.

Thank you to everyone who read my story and especially those who scored and left a comment.

If I know Verbal, he's already blown his winnings on Godzilla posters for the ceiling above his bed.MeeqMEoLH73nGhno So, a round of sarsaparillas on me!


Enough left over for a six-pack!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by verbal

Whoa, Godzilla Lego? The wonderful things we didn't have when I was a wee one. My little brother had the Shogun Warriors Godzilla toy, though. About 2' tall and "breathed fire" (made of painted cardboard and, frankly, looked more like it was the Big G's tongue). And could launch his hands (don't recall that one from any Godzilla movies).

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Congratulations to the winners, the top ten, and everyone who entered. It was such a fun contest and a joy to read all the excellent entries.

I loved seeing how different authors dealt with the theme.

A huge thanks to Molly for all her hard work.

Congratulations to all the winners and participants of the contest. All of you came in first in my book.
Thanks Molly for your hard work. congrats to the winners!

Great job, everyone.