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A Survivor's Story Competition!

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Hi everyone! We know the last few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster for emotions, so we thought it would be the perfect time to run a contest. Once the dust settled, I’m sure like me, many of you took a deep breath and relaxed for a moment.

In the end, StoriesSpace has survived, so we thought it was appropriate to make the theme…

A Survivor’s Story

Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. We want to hear about the survivor(s). The brave people that made it through despite all odds. It can be from Action to Thriller and everything in between. You can base it on your real-life experiences or it can be pure fiction.

All categories are open except for the following ones: No Flash Fiction, Micro Fiction, Plays, Poetry, and Songs. That means the word count minimum is 1001.

Quick Facts:

The Word count minimum is 1001 and the max is 5000.

You cannot submit already published work.

The story must be stand-alone.

All Stories Space rules and guidelines apply.

The ending date is July 22, 2021 (PDT)

The winners will be announced on August 1, 2021

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask and have fun!

All our standard story contest rules apply.


First: $100 (USD)
Second: $50 (USD
Third: $25 (USD)

Entering the Competition:

On the story submission page, you’ll find a competition section under the standard story categories. Please ensure you check the button relating to the contest otherwise your story will not be entered.

If you have any questions regarding this contest or rules, please send us a message at:

Best wishes to everyone taking part. Happy writing!
I am on this like Godzilla on Tokyo.

Thanks SS!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I truly appreciate that you have named this contest after me. It does send a chill through me.

It should be clear that there is not a possibility that I would pass it up.

Holy Molly, I almost missed this. This. Is. Awesome. Thank you.

But ya, naming this after the big L might be problematic.

Thinking cap… activated.
Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
This is going to be fun!

Cool theme. Micro of the Day is over, I think. Got to work on something for this.

One question: My comp win last year is more than six months ago now, so I am safe to enter? Even though the six month rule was kind of moot since there were no comps after Cheers to 10 Years?

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by Mendalla
Cool theme. Micro of the Day is over, I think. Got to work on something for this.
One question: My comp win last year is more than six months ago now, so I am safe to enter? Even though the six month rule was kind of moot since there were no comps after Cheers to 10 Years?

Don't worry, you're fine to enter.
What a fabulous idea! Great to celebrate the continuation of Stories Space with a comp! Thanks for this, Molly!
Quote by elizabethblack
Oh, this is so great......

Everything crossed... for me? Oh, thank you, Lizzie.

Great to see a new comp, thank you Molly x

Not sure I’ll have time to enter this one as I’m juggling rather a lot at present. I have, however, plugged the competition on Twitter and Facebook and will continue to do so. Be lovely to reel in some new faces and start building the site up again
Quote by Welshdreamer42
Great to see a new comp, thank you Molly x

Not sure I’ll have time to enter this one as I’m juggling rather a lot at present. I have, however, plugged the competition on Twitter and Facebook and will continue to do so. Be lovely to reel in some new faces and start building the site up again

Thank you so much for sharing it on those platforms! I would love for this to bring in new faces as well.
Quote by Mendalla

Go, Verity!
Thank you Mendalla, It was a stretch for me. I tried to write it as a man, a man in a war. So far it seems to have been received quite well. I’m yet to find my feet with writing. I’ll keep trying until I find something that works and comes easy. The coffee and buns are on me.
You set the bar high, Verity! Great story!

I can't wait to read the other entries too!

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

The competition story is finished and I have submitted it for approval. I would expect that might get done this afternoon. Now let's see more folks giving it a try. It is really not hard.

Eleven, count'em, eleven days left to get your story in. Mine is just about there. Just trying to stick the landing. Who else is going to join our wonderful trio of Verity, Survivor, and AnnaMayZing?

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Quote by Mendalla
Eleven, count'em, eleven days left to get your story in. Mine is just about there. Just trying to stick the landing. Who else is going to join our wonderful trio of Verity, Survivor, and AnnaMayZing?


I'll be there.

EDIT: AND...we have an opening sentence!!!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

I think that the organisers must be a little disappointed in the current level of interest.

An outsider looking to see whether he/she should join us and enter would probably think, " Why bother?"

There are currently enough to take the prize money but not even enough for seven honourable mentions.

Also, the new CEO is probably wondering whether he has done the right thing by keeping the site open.

Come on, guys. he has done his bit, shouldn't we now do ours?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
I think that the organisers must be a little disappointed in the current level of interest.

An outsider looking to see whether he/she should join us and enter would probably think, " Why bother?"

There are currently enough to take the prize money but not even enough for seven honourable mentions.

Also, the new CEO is probably wondering whether he has done the right thing by keeping the site open.

Come on, guys. he has done his bit, shouldn't we now do ours?

Some of us can't just crack off a story in no time. I work fulltime and have household stuff to deal with. Writing is a "when time allows" thing. I have a comp story basically done but the ending isn't working so it will end up being fairly close to the line once I get it sorted. Which is unusual, but not unheard of, for me in comps.

And I have heard buzz about a couple other stories in progress, just not from people who are regularly hanging out here so we have not heard from them. Among those who are regulars, verbal sounds like he is going to be in, just last minute.

So I am expecting that we could see a wave of last minute entries. Since we don't have the "10 votes to make the short list" rule like certain other sites, I don't think people don't feel as under the gun to get their stories in early.

All that said, if that does not happen, then I might agree with you. Last summer's Word Bank comp had 16 entries. Even allowing for the longer lengths in this one (that comp had a 500 word limit, so many of us had our entries done fairly quickly), meaning it will take some of us more time to write our entries, I would disappointed to see less than 10 here.

Might I suggest that cheerleading and promoting the comp, rather than chiding, is probably more likely to get a response. I have started a thread on the sister site and posted about the comp on social media and my own site.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Yeah, I'll be there, but it will be last minute, mostly because I want to do a good job, which is in everyone's best interests, right? I'm also happy to learn I don't need 10 votes to qualify. That woulda been tough.

It is what it is. I'd like a ton of entries too, but writing is hard, and writing for a comp puts you under even more scrutiny. I understand if folks are hesitant to enter.

I'm guessing over 10 entries. And one will be mine.

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Ten votes to qualify? I think that under the present circumstances, that would not be a good idea.

My post was not meant to chide anyone, quite the contrary.

However, it is borne of the fear that if the new CEO thinks that there is little interest in the site from the existing members...

It is possible that this competition, with a good level of prize money, is being used as a gauge to assess the site's future viability.

My entry, like all my work, is posted on twitter, and has drawn a reasonable level of interest.

Bearing in mind that my 'Nurses' saga is drawing thousands of views, just imagine if all those people saw a thriving site as opposed to one that is barely ticking over.

I hope you appreciate what I am trying to say.

Just a thought.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Bring it in
I know we all want the same goal and that is for the site to do well. Sometimes it's about timing and that's okay. I have faith that more will come in before the closing date of July 22 and I look forward to reading them.

Thankfully there is no comment/vote limit here.

As of right now, we have,

Verity: We’ll Be Home By Christmas

Survivor: The Little Survivor

AnnaMayZing: Over The Top

KatarinaTechgoddess: I'm Still alive

Please make sure you read and support your fellow readers/writers.

Thank you all for your continued support of the site!
Yup. I’m in too. Just been so darn busy. Probably have about two thousand words, but it’s all over the place. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything of length and/or substance, if the latter has ever occurred.

But The Open Championship begins in twelve hours. My second favourite tourney. Plus, I’ve got an endless list of projects. Kids are on summer vacation too. Busy. Busy. Busy.
Iconoclastically incorrigible or just a silly dumb ass...
All the best those who participated! Looking foward to read the stories.
Mine is almost done...and by "almost" I mean I have a plot.