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It is cold out there...

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Crazy old ape
Not a new story, but I am coming up on the fourth anniversary of my first publication on the site so I thought I would give it a quick plug.

This story was originally written in mid-nineties when I was stuck in my apartment on a snow day. It is, not surprisingly, about a man stuck in his apartment on a snow day. Except his snow day goes very differently, down a much darker path, than mine did...

I revived and revised it for here in 2017 and while it is a fairly early story (there were others written in the same period that are now lost to the mists of time), it still fits pretty well with my current work.

It is cosmic horror with an 18+ rating(for softcore sex and some language) so be warned.

Anyone else feel a chill in here? * shivers *

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!