My poem Neon Sign is out in a new poetry anthology dealing with mental illness and its effects, published by Red Dashboard LLC Publishing...
"Cover to cover, the anthology is full of fine work by fine writers and their take on mental illness: Alan Jankowski Lois Slove Losyk Joshua Gray David McLean Sarah Thursday Les Merton Eric Mattson John Saunders David W. Landrum Lynn Hoffman C.L. Bledsoe Shari LeKane-Yentumi Mab Jones Susan Spalt Daniel N. Flanagan Nancy Scott Lynn Brearley J. Lewis Erica Gross P.C. Vandall Abigail Wyatt MD Marcus Diana Smith Bolton Tyler Tsay Lora Keller Jesi Bender Anj Marth Darren Stein Jason Patti Anne Russell Thom Brucie Heather M. Browne Gloria Garfunkel Jessie Valentin Stephen Futral Audrey Haney Michael Baca Shelby Stephenson Meg Eden Kuyatt Molly Middleton Meyer"'s the link on Amazon...check it out my friends...
dis or der: Mental Illness and its Affect (influence) Paperback