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Help pick up the pants, please!

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The first piece I ever posted here, a whimsical yet true account of what I discovered upon returning home from visiting my mother overnight, is less than a hundred views from having 1,000. It would be awesome if [url=][b]The Pants on the Floor[/url] could reach that milestone in time for its second anniversary on StoriesSpace, which will be in just a few days.

Thanks so much!
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Woot you hit 1000. Go you. Congrats.
All Alone my latest story.
Congrats on your big "achievement"...I clicked on it a couple of days back, and you were at 983...looks like all this begging and groveling paid off...only kidding, ahem...

Btw, you could return the favor...I have a couple of neglected poems myself...I just checked "Neon Sign" is still 30 views from the 3000 milestone, and my 9/11 poem needs a mere 4 views to get to the 2000 mark...

Now, if I could just convince Lisa to lower the "famous story" badge requirement by a factor of ten, we'd all have a chance...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by magnificent1rascal

And Mr. Martini, you know as well as anyone the value of a bit of shameless self-promotion. Just sayin'...

Yes, self-promotion, shameless or otherwise, can do wonders...though actually I've never really done much to promote my posts here, other than the occasional post on Facebook or tweet...and I don't always do that...

For instance, I have no clue as to why "Neon Sign" has almost 3k views...I know I posted the link to it in one dark poetry group over on Facebook, which has about 26 guess is that somebody had to have re-posted the link in a more active group, as I know that poem seems to have a few fans on poetry sites, but where I haven't a clue since nothing shows up in Google must be a closed group somewhere...

The 9/11 poem I added the tags "9/11" and "9/11 poetry" a couple of months back, so it would come up in searches more gained about 700 views last month btw, shooting past "The Birthday Party" and into second place in most viewed stories, there's probably something to be said for tagging as well...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Thank you to everyone who has viewed, voted or commented on The Pants on the Floor. Because of you, it not only surpassed 1,000 views, but now has also reached another milestone. A special shout-out goes to [url=][b]Circle_Something[/b][/url], who registered its 100th vote and made a nice comment as well.
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Quote by magnificent1rascal

Thank you to everyone who has viewed, voted or commented on The Pants on the Floor. Because of you, it not only surpassed 1,000 views, but now has also reached another milestone. A special shout-out goes to [url=][b]Circle_Something[/b][/url], who registered its 100th vote and made a nice comment as well.

Congratulations!!!! Well done, Andrew, I loved your comment on the poem. Were you shopping for trousers at the time?

It must be the most famous piece here about articles of clothing, too.

And, just to sing my own praises, in rereading the comments on it I was delighted with one of my own, as well. It is a very clever piece of rhyming doggerel, which I shall repeat here:

I read this again
with a sense of delight,
Not a word is amiss,
each line is just right.

Without drama or strife
A solution was found
For each pair of those pants
Found flung to the ground.

Yet the fate of one pair
leaves me in doubt,
Were they finally worn
by the formerly stout?

Talk about shameless self-promotion!
That clever comment of yours inspired the follow-up piece, Gypsy.

[url=][b]The Man Goes Shopping — But Not at the Store[/url]

So thank you for that. And speaking of clever, did you notice how I turned this thread back to singing MY own praises?
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