Alrighty now...I see that the Society of Classical Poets Journal 2016 is out as of today, and I do believe I have three poems in this one myself, and I know some other friends are included as well...and the Society itself is free to join, and there is indeed some useful stuff on their website and Facebook page...check it out my friends...
2016 Journal Published
The three poems I have in this one are "Political Banter" which is rather timely..."Arrested By The Grammar Police" and "When A Child Dies, The Whole World Cries"...all of which can be found right here on Stories Space, which leads me to another point. The Society doesn't pay anything, but they do accept previously published material, and as of this year they are also recognized by Poets & Writers Magazine as a legitimate publishing credit, which is always good for bragging's their P&W listing btw...
Society of Classical Poets Journal
I just want to note, that before you go sending them all your poems here on Stories Space...they only accept rhyming poetry, in general...and they only accept poems with certain themes...but humor and politics are always welcome...and if you can combine the two, so much the better...check the site for more details...and Good Luck my friends...