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Why (Some) Authors Fail

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Rest in Peace
Interesting article shared by C Hope Clark recently, so you know it must be good...I thought one of the best points here was about attracting people to blogs, and blog numbers, since everybody and their mother seems to have a book out these days and are looking for ways to promote it...a very common topic in writing groups...take my word on that...

The thing you have to remember, is the people you want to attract to your blogs are people who might want to buy your book...I know, easier said than done...

A lot of other good stuff too...

Why (Some) Authors Fail
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Advanced Wordsmith
I've plenty of reasons for my failings without looking more up.

I'll remember the blog one though.

Not that I have a blog.

Active Ink Slinger
If we are talking about why some authors fail to become professional writers, I think we should acknowledge that the odds against earning one's living by writing fiction are rather daunting. My advice is that one should accept the odds, and write the kinds of stories one would enjoy reading if someone else wrote them. After doing that it may be beneficial to modify the story to reach a market of readers, but one should not compromise one's tastes and standards. In posting stories on the internet I will not use obscene words, for example.
Active Ink Slinger
If we are talking about why some authors fail to become professional writers, I think we should acknowledge that the odds against earning one's living by writing fiction are rather daunting. My advice is that one should accept the odds, and write the kinds of stories one would enjoy reading if someone else wrote them. After doing that it may be beneficial to modify the story to reach a market of readers, but one should not compromise one's tastes and standards. In posting stories on the internet I will not use obscene words, for example.
Active Ink Slinger
Authors do fail because their readers were not moved. There are missing factors in their story that their readers are looking for. The thing is that, authors who do experience these stuffs should not stop from writing; rather they must develop what they have and be much open to criticisms because this would make them a better writer. Failure is not an option, it’s a motivation.