Some fifteen eyars ago now I self-published a collection of my stories and poems. It cost me around £100 all told for fifty copies of my book.
The problem was that the quality was not brilliant and my works were not edited in any way. What I ended up with was a book that looked as though it had been run-off on someones colour printer in their garage or garden shed! 'Amateurish' doesn't begin to cover it...
I know that my experince isn't unique and not anywhere near as bad as what other's have been through. It has not, though, put me off wanting to publish again.
I am realistic enough to accept that my work is not of a standard that is going to have agents from the big publishing houses beating a path to my door waving their cheque-books in my face. However, I believe that I am marketable on a small scale, which is where vanity publishing comes in.
I am sure that there are good, honest and conscientious publishers out there who have respect for the people who want to be published by them. How do I go about finding them and having faith that they will do a good job for me?
Does anyone have a good experience of vanity publishing? Can anyone point me in the right direction towards getting published again?
Thank you.