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Trustworthy Publishers - Help required

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You know the thing. You've finally finished your book, you've been through it for the umpteenth time, editing and re-editing. Now comes the crunch. How do you search through the endless links for a decent publisher you can trust with 'Your Baby'. Someone who will hopefully if accepting it take the time and trouble to advertise, sell and bring you a decent return without charging an initial fortune.

I'm not saying make you rich, but there are a lot of 'bad boys' out there and its easy to get burned.

Also is it better to go down the route of ebooks first?

We're all learning. Thoughts and links greatly appreciated for all our sakes.

Thank you for bringing up this topic, it is something of concern for all serious writers.

Here is one link that some of you might find useful. Courtesy of my good friend Alan, but since he isn't here right now, I will post it.

Okay, so it's two links...

"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."

Quote by Sherzahd
Thank you for bringing up this topic, it is something of concern for all serious writers.

Here is one link that some of you might find useful. Courtesy of my good friend Alan, but since he isn't here right now, I will post it.

That link that you posted there Yas refers to a post about a specific publisher, JustFiction-Edition which has been soliciting aspiring authors with publishing "deals" which are of less than favorable terms to the had been brought to my attention because someone on this site was offered such a "deal"...

Basically what JFE does is offer a writer a deal for both print and 10% royalties for both, and then never actually offers the print books for sale on, essentially, the author is signing themselves to an e-book deal at 10% royalties...that is how their little scam works...

There are other less than favorable terms in their "deal"...for instance, the author is only paid once a, by the time they are due to pay the author, they will probably be out of business....

I tried going to their FAQ section a couple of times today...all the terms are listed there, but the site seems to be non-functional...perhaps they folded up shop is the link...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

They are worth a look
Btw...the other thing I'd like to add...if some publisher contacts you with a "deal"...that in itself should send up a red flag...legitimate publishing houses don't normally work that way...

Publishing houses have no shortage of authors lining's hard enough for an unknown writer to get a manuscript read without an agent as it is...a legit publishing house certainly does not have to go out looking for business...

No matter how good you's just not the way the system, if someone contacts you with a publishing "deal" wary...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Oh OK, the JFE site is working their FAQ page sometime if you want some entertainment...I posted the link above...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

The last answer to the question is hilarious.

Quote by ladysharon
The last answer to the question is hilarious.

I know...if a publishing company tells you they don't have a phone because it's too much of an's probably not a good sign...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

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