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Please check this out, sign it...and then go spread the word...

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This was posted in my LSF group earlier today...important stuff my friends...

Lois Winston via
1:57 PM (3 hours ago)

to undisclosed recipients

There's a petition on to get Amazon to change their policy regarding ebook returns/refunds. Right now too many people are buying ebooks, reading them within the 7 days allotted for returns, then returning them for a full refund. There are people who cheerfully brag about doing this and see nothing wrong with it. I and many others see it as another form of piracy. Whether you're traditionally published or indie published, this policy negatively affects authors' incomes. If you're interested in signing, here's the link:

Amazon Kindle e-Book Return Policy: Stop allowing refunds on e-Books after e-Books have been read.

And here's a tweet to help spread the word:
Pls RT Sign & spread the word: petition against #Amazon #ebook return policy.

Feel free to pass this post along to others.

Lois Winston
The Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mysteries
Publishers Weekly & Booklist starred reviews -
Emma Carlyle romances -
follow me on Twitter: @anasleuth

Amazon Kindle e-Book Return Policy: Stop allowing refunds on e-Books after e-Books have been read.
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

I agree. That isn't fair to the writer, the 7 day returns policy should not apply to books and music.

“Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.”

I have signed it. Now what?
Yes, it's wrong to consume something and then want your money back. I also doubt that your friendly neighborhood book dealer would allow you to return a book without an argument or at least a skeptical look. I've signed, but object to using this issue for a lead in to a different very controversial issue.
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