What a great tool. Thanks for the recommendation. This will help greatly and I won't be bother some of my friends to check out a story as much.
While it is a quick and useful tool, you do have to work from 2 windows to incorporate the suggestions. You can't cut and paste back to you word processor. The highlights are lost.
"Deep Checks" I found have a length limit of 20 pages. So you have to cut the story into segments.
I wonder if anyone knows of a tool that works similarly in conjunction with the Word Processor or is free standing? That way we don't have to be online to use it.
Thanks again for the recommendation. I will definitely make use of it.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
I haven't used a software grammar checker beyond what Word provides in years (can't even remember the name of the one I was using back in the nineties). Grammarly is the one I hear about most so maybe I should give it a try. My experience with them has been mixed in the past but maybe they are getting smarter.
I use Grammarly. It's not perfect but does pick up silly mistakes like missing words, double words etc. - silly things that creep in during editing. It helps.