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Grammar Check

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I found this new resource that may help in writing. I'm using it for my journalism classes and other writing assignments I have in the not-too-distant future. I hope this helps.

Grammar Check

What a great tool. Thanks for the recommendation. This will help greatly and I won't be bother some of my friends to check out a story as much.

While it is a quick and useful tool, you do have to work from 2 windows to incorporate the suggestions. You can't cut and paste back to you word processor. The highlights are lost.

"Deep Checks" I found have a length limit of 20 pages. So you have to cut the story into segments.

I wonder if anyone knows of a tool that works similarly in conjunction with the Word Processor or is free standing? That way we don't have to be online to use it.

Thanks again for the recommendation. I will definitely make use of it.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Indeed, this is a great tool. However, I have been using Grammarly for a quite amount of time, and I'm totally happy with it. Moreover, recently, I have discovered another grammar check tool called [url][/url] that I'm currently using. It has some advantages over Grammarly. I was comparing these both checkers when I was writing my essay, and I like how it corrected my mistakes. Also, it has better word suggestion. So I encourage you to try it and make a comparison.
I haven't used a software grammar checker beyond what Word provides in years (can't even remember the name of the one I was using back in the nineties). Grammarly is the one I hear about most so maybe I should give it a try. My experience with them has been mixed in the past but maybe they are getting smarter.

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I use Grammarly. It's not perfect but does pick up silly mistakes like missing words, double words etc. - silly things that creep in during editing. It helps.
Quote by Welshdreamer42
I use Grammarly. It's not perfect but does pick up silly mistakes like missing words, double words etc. - silly things that creep in during editing. It helps.

Me too. As you say, Helen, it's not perfect but it's ever so useful for picking up those little things that the eye can just skip over.