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A good blog post on how to use Twitter...

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Rest in Peace
Here is a good blog post on how to use was recommended to me, and I think it's a good quick read...

I know a lot of people here use Twitter to promote their work, but if you're relatively new to myself, for pick up some useful advice like using "Hashtags" and URL shorteners...

How To Use Twitter - Nathan Bransford, Author[/size]
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
I have to admit I'm a bit Twitter-challenged...I just found out today what "Hashtag" means...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Might be of interest to some here, they just started following me "Welcome to BOOK CLUB ONLINE! A book club open for all who Love Books! We TWEET Reviews of Amazing Books & Ebooks."...check it out my friends...

Twitter - Book Club Online
USA ·[/size]
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace has some good and useful stuff for authors...anyone on Facebook might want to "like" their page btw...just a suggestion...

Here's a video that might be of interest to some of my friends here...

Twitter for Authors: Part one - build your tribe

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
HootSuite is a social media management system for brand management created by Ryan Holmes in 2008. The system’s user interface takes the form of a dashboard, and supports social network integrations for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, WordPress and Mixi.

HootSuite - Social Media Management

Anyway...I think if you actually know how to use this, you can type something and it goes out to every social media site on the planet at once...

I did manage to join and log on...I have to say it displays Facebook news feeds better than the FB Timeline thingy...but haven't really figured out how to post anything...I'm told it's a useful thing though...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

What to Look for in a Hard Drive That You Are Purchasing?
When you are going to <a href="">buy laptop hard drive</a>, it is extremely important to look for one that is going to be fast and large enough to accommodate all of your files and data needs. It
<br>Yeah, it's just what I need, I'm about to have a new one
<br>I always use Dell Hard Disk Drives, what about you, guys?
What to Look for in a Hard Drive That You Are Purchasing?
When you are going to <a href="">buy laptop hard drive</a>, it is extremely important to look for one that is going to be fast and large enough to accommodate all of your files and data needs. It
<br>Yeah, it's just what I need, I'm about to have a new one
<br>I always use Dell Hard Disk Drives, what about you, guys?
What to Look for in a Hard Drive That You Are Purchasing?
When you are going to <a href="">buy laptop hard drive</a>, it is extremely important to look for one that is going to be fast and large enough to accommodate all of your files and data needs. It
<br>Yeah, it's just what I need, I'm about to have a new one
<br>I always use Dell Hard Disk Drives, what about you, guys?
Rest in Peace
This is related, because link shorteners, and Twitter often go together...

for you Techies . . . check it out . . .

What the Heck is
When you're adding your hyperlink, make sure that it is a code so that you're able to track where your traffic is coming from. This allows you to experiment with the signatures and see what works best in terms of converting curious people into readers. If you're seeing a huge surge of traffic from one particular signature, this is one way you’ll be able to tell. allows you to take a link, any link, and track not only how many people click on it, but also where they came from, when they clicked on it etc. Why is this so magical? Well, if you find that you get more traffic when you post on a Wednesday night, guess what time you should focus your relationship building efforts? What about experimenting with your signature or changing your profile avatar? Switch them up and keep track of how much traffic you gain or lose.
You can do the same thing with your excerpt page. Change the excerpt, add to it, cut it, try different links and see which gives you the best results. That's why you don't want to explode too fast. You want to be able to track these changes, because you only want to do things that work and stop doing things that don't.

For more tips, visit:[/color][/size]
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...