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What Do You Remember As A Kid?

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I remember...

penny candy

push button light switches

fried bologna sandwiches


bacon grease kept in a coffee can on the stove

RC colas
Quote by Dreamcatcher
I remember...

penny candy

push button light switches

fried bologna sandwiches


bacon grease kept in a coffee can on the stove

RC colas

I loved fried bologna sandwiches (still have one on occasion)

I remember

Two cent candy
Candy cigarettes
Shag carpeting in awful colors
Having a milkman
No seatbelts and playing on the floor of the backseat
No AC in our car
Black and white television
No remote for tv and sitting in front and turning the channels until my father found something he wanted to watch
Thankfully there were only four or five channels
Leaded gas
I remember...

everyone carried pocket knives, even kids
avocado and harvest gold kitchen appliances
percolator coffee makers
rabbit ears on the TV with tinfoil on ends
swamp coolers instead of A/C
I remember being at Caernarfon Castle for the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1969. We were on holiday at the time and the weather was scorching. I hated that day. I had very sunburned shoulders and, since I was only 10, I was squashed by the crowds of people who came to witness the spectacle. All I remember of the day was the searing pain as people pushed past me. It was horrible.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

When the world was much slower and people spoke across fences. Kids respected their parents and automobiles looked like cars. Idols weren't celebrities or tattooed billboards. Cabled TV had fewer commercials and newspapers had the news.
Watching the Apollo missions (I was bit young to remember 11 very well, but the later ones I definitely remember watching). Yes, I'm a big space geek.

Saturday morning cartoons

Kittens being born in our basement (one of which remained with us until the year I got my Master's)

Pop Shoppe (a locally bottled soda in small, very distinctive bottles)

The Red Barn (a long defunct fast food joint)

The Central Ontario Exhibition (the local fair in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada where I grew up)

Hiway Market (a large, independent grocery store in Kitchener that folded in the late seventies or early eighties)

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Oo, I could just keep going.

The Kitchener Farmer's Market.

Norris Bakery coffee cakes (bought on said market)

Carnarvon Bakery near our cottage, now long defunct (Yes, there's a Carnarvon in Ontario. It's a little village at the southern end of the lake where the cottage is located. No castle, alas.) Best damned dinner rolls I've ever had and some fantastic squares and pies

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

White Castle
Fuller Brush Man
Drive-In movies
A & W carhops
balcony seating in the movies
movie ushers
Quote by Dreamcatcher

Fuller Brush Man
Drive-In movies
A & W carhops
balcony seating in the movies
movie ushers

All of the above. Though I know some of the modern cineplexes around here do have balconies again. And we still have an old drive-in operating near London. I have friends who go occasionally.

Halloween looms and my annual story is here. Is it a trick? Or a treat? Let me know.

Grace of Bigelow Street | Stories Space

Dudes drive in (a local place in my hometown) foot long chili dogs
Starlight drive in movies
Custard Corner ice cream

Bus trips to the library with my sister
Homecoming parades
RC cola and moon pies

Playing outside barefoot til the porch light came on

My Competition Story : 💜 Milly's Adventure

I remember living in a cabin along a river. I remember snakes, crawdads, and seining a river bed with my dad. I remember chigger bites from the raspberry patch.
I remember my Dad's funeral. Closed casket due to the work accident that killed him.
I remember bluegill fishing in a small creek with my brother and sister every week for two summers.
I remember riding our bikes ten miles to our cousins' house three times a week in those same summers. My sister was five, my brother was seven, and I was nine. We stopped at the Essington Farm for water. We hand-pumped it out of the well. Mrs. Essington would come out and talk with us.
I remember swimming in a public quarry that was finally condemned for bad water. It was sold to a private party and then re-opened without any contamination problems the next year. Go figure.

I remember as a ten-year-old applying make-up on my mother's back and shoulders before her dates. We kids wanted her to marry Bill and told her. He bought us McDonald's hamburgers and took us to the drive-in with Mom. She told him she wouldn't marry him.
She married Bob. It was a mistake. Our wonderful, bucolic childhood was over.
I remember a lot about that, too.
Thunder and lightning while visiting my grandma and cousins
Twirling my baton
Diving from the high board at the YMCA
Endless hours of playing the piano
Going to church three days a week
Being in a singing group
All of my precious animals I had to keep me company, to love me unconditionally, to tell all of my secrets to
Living a carefree life without any worries. No responsibilities. No bills. No commitments ..meh. Just school, home, family, church, Sunday school, friends, playing in the streets, laughter and fun ..oh well.

climbing trees, playing a variety of different sports, playing in the dirt under the house, helping neighbours, going to school, ice skating, roller skating, speedway, playing on the street 

endless hours at the library

playing a million hours of piano, because I wanted to

summer camp with caring people and good food

a wooden dog carved by the wood carver in town who gave a carved animal to each kid