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What do you like the most about reading?

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Active Ink Slinger
Why do you read? What draws you to books in general?

Active Ink Slinger
Reading about different experiences. Learning. Escape.
Advanced Wordsmith
It's the best way to learn about writing. I've picked up lots of tips and figured out what I like and don't like about different writing styles.

I also like escaping into another world, seeing different things.
Active Ink Slinger
Reading takes me away from everything going on in my life. I'm transported to what I am reading.
"Tomorrow is a new day!" *from chicken little the movie"
Advanced Wordsmith
Reading is a wonderful escape for me I love to lose myself in a good book and be somebody other then who I am
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with everyone else. I love to sit and delve into another world. It's like I can almost see, smell and feel what the characters are seeing, smelling and feeling. My heart even races when they're scared or running, etc. The better the book and author the better my experience with it.
lt"I see o' night among the wins
The Devil walking widdershins
As stoney silent as the Sphinx
I sit upon the sandy links
And listen to the glittering spell
Of Asmodee, the Goat of Hell
"The Devil's Conversion" from the book "Konx Om Pax" by Aliester Crowley.
I like being taken away to different worlds or lands that I may never go see and just being taken away from life for a while sometimes. It's a good escape. Plus I like to learn things by reading as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Everything...My mom used to read to me when I was unable to. And since I learnt to read, I've had my nose in a book. The world inside those books took me to places. I like the smell of books. I love that excited feeling of getting a new book from a great author delivered to me. I love characters and good dialogue. I love falling in love with characters, rooting for them when they go through something life changing,watching them evolve,going through their heartache and emphasising with them. I love how my vocabulary has expanded because of reading.
New Poem out

The Observer
Active Ink Slinger
Escapism, learning about people, gaining ideas for new stories and poems. I find it to be very relaxing and therapeutic.

Rookie Scribe
just like lady sharon, it's an escape from my boring little life into something unknown. Since I can use my senses, if the story is good enough, it feels like I'm living the story. I love the thrill of experiencing something I will never be able to experience in my own life, which is one reason I love horror so much, the visceral experience can be so powerful.
Active Ink Slinger
I remember once Chuck, I was reading a 'Kay Scarpetta' novel and I was pulled into this world of a serial killer. I was reading this one particularly gory,nail biting scene and was so engrossed that I never realised my boyfriend was in the room. He grabbed my shoulder to get my attention and I started screaming and the book went flying(grins)...
New Poem out

The Observer
Rookie Scribe
Patricia Cornwell is a fantastic author. I've read, I think, the first 10 or so books in the Scarpetta series. There's one book that I can't read very often, and I read good books over and over again, because it is so intense. I think it is one of the most well named books on the planet, Intesity by Dean Koontz.
Active Ink Slinger
Books, magazines, newspapers its all the same to me! I lose track of time and like a smal child I go into my own world; I forget about food, drink, people, time and all I focus on is what I'm reading. When I have finished reading I always sigh and like a meditaion trance I come back to reality.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Louise
I remember once Chuck, I was reading a 'Kay Scarpetta' novel and I was pulled into this world of a serial killer. I was reading this one particularly gory,nail biting scene and was so engrossed that I never realised my boyfriend was in the room. He grabbed my shoulder to get my attention and I started screaming and the book went flying(grins)...

See to me that's what I love about books, is they way like Louise can really make me laugh out loud as if she was telling me what happened sittingright next to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by Louise
I remember once Chuck, I was reading a 'Kay Scarpetta' novel and I was pulled into this world of a serial killer. I was reading this one particularly gory,nail biting scene and was so engrossed that I never realised my boyfriend was in the room. He grabbed my shoulder to get my attention and I started screaming and the book went flying(grins)...

See to me that's what I love about books, is they way like Louise can really make me laugh out loud as if she was telling me what happened sittingright next to me.

(giggles) boyfriend thought it was hilarious too. For ages everytime he walked into each room he did a pretend shriek and hand wave. Such a comedian
New Poem out

The Observer
Active Ink Slinger
Anything with a good plot that's easy to read.
Active Ink Slinger
the adventure ..the joy ..the journey travelled by the writer and characters ..the discovery of a storyline(s) ..getting pulled in, wanting to know more ..the need to read another chapter ..the plot thickens ..needing to know what happens in the end with all the people and situations ..feeling good and staisfied with the end. Seeing a movie based on a book and knowing you rather have the book any day!! smile
Rest in Peace
Quote by Ashleigh
It's like getting into someone else's head for a little while. And I am fascinated by how people think.

A big Yes to that one...and also what Shy_Scribe said about learning about different writing styles...the only problem is that it takes me so much longer to read anything now that I started writing, especially if I'm reading something by an author I really can take me an hour to read a darn short story...

And I was never really a fast reader...I was always the type that read every word anyway...just worse now...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Three to four years ago, I'm afraid my answer would of been something like; I enjoy looking at the pictures
more than I do the reading part. I never had the time so it seemed.
Like DirtyMartini, I'm a very slow reader and I get caught up stumbling on many words that have more than
10 letters and even a few that only have four.

I've found the more I read, the less I stumble.
I can control the volume and the pace. There's nothing worse than a fast paced movie where they
jump from scene to scene in a confusing manner, all the while raising volume for effects.
A good author can create an intense scene with a few words.
I can take a commercial break anytime I choose.
I can even take a vacation and take the book with me, or come back to it.
I could stack 4 or 5 books and use them for a ladder, but I've only done that a few times.
I appreciate the fact that books don't have a flashing blue digital clock like most everything else in my house.
If I do happen to watch a good movie, in time I forget 90% of what I saw.
If I read a good book, I remember it word for word.
Story Moderator
Truth be told, I'm not sure. Different types of fiction have different rewards. Terry Pratchett's Discman series books always leave me in a better mood. The same is true with James McDonald Frazier's Flashmman historical romps. Dennis Franzen's Greendom left me in awe as that rarest of novels, a high-lit work that was also a good read. Re-reading something by Faulkner is like enjoying a great meal. And then there's non-fiction....

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Yes, I know Pratchett writes 'Discworld' not 'Discman' books. So sue me, already. smile

:glasses8(blushing) :

I never knew that Rump, but I do now!
But I'm still suing. All the fresh drinks left in your bar.
Active Ink Slinger
I like reading as an escape. Even trashy novels can take you away from your troubles or responsibilities for awhile.
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
Like almost everyone here, it's an escape from reality to a new world where you can imagine the story in your mind as you read on. Sometimes I can relate to a particular character as well. Call it crazy, I was in love with harry potter's character when I was younger (and I don't mean daniel radcliffe) and so wanted to scratch Cho Chang's face when I read about her and harry.
Ah, i hate Ginny more, Mylie! PS. Nice Location ;)
Escapism and gaining knowledge
Active Ink Slinger
The visual images that appear in my mind. I also like the twists an turns along the way, being captivated, needing to read more.
Learning from the story or poem, a good author can be an awesome teacher too.

I am also a slow reader, I feel that is to my benefit, because I don't miss much along the journey.

Keep reading and writing.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger
I read different genre of books but the ones that interest me the most are suspense, thriller and mystery. Those books just give me goose bumps and increase my adrenalin while reading. I also like guessing the next scenes and the characters who reveals to be the traitor. I love the excitement.