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How do you choose a book?

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Active Ink Slinger
If you're looking for a new book to read, how do you choose which one you're going to read next? Does the cover have much of an influence over your decision? Do you stick with authors you know and love or do you often try writers you've never read before? Which genres appeal to you the most?
Active Ink Slinger
I have favourite authors who I religiously buy and read anything by, but I also like to read books I've had recommended to me or heard people talking about. Cover and title are a big influence when I'm browsing; I like to go to second hand and discount book stores and pick up things that look interesting, generally in the sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal genres.

What to read next tends to be more a matter of looking through the vast pile of unread books on my bookshelves.
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Although i'd like to say i don't 'judge a book by its cover' the unfortunate truth is that i do! If it doesn't look interesting, i'm not likely to pick it up. But i too stick with my old favourite authors and if a friend recommends something, chances are, i'll check it out. I also read online reviews to find a good read.
Active Ink Slinger
If the cover attracts my attention, I would read the résumé at the back and if it intrigues me, I will definitely get it. I have my favorite authors as well and my first choice would be their latest books but again, only I'm drawn to the résumé. If a friend recommends me a book and it fits with the themes I like, I'd definitely read it if they do convince me that it is worth to go for it
Footnotes in a book I'm reading. Prescribed from someone I know, no matter the content. Title that grabs even a cynical mind. On three at the moment. None on a best seller's list.
I do appreciate a good book cover, but it's not what draws me to reading a book. The title is usually what draws me in. I am one of those creatures of habit though, I enter the library and head directly for the authors I know and love, but I do often just browse and I always pick books with an interesting name (bearing in mind that book covers can't really be seen while browsing a crowded bookshelf).

“Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.”

Advanced Wordsmith
I usually go for my favourite authors, but when I read random new authors, I tend to go for the ones where the cover catches my eye. They say 'never judge a book by its cover', but that's exactly what readers do. If the cover is eye-catching, I'll read the back blurb, and if that sounds interesting, I'll read the book.
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you - Ray Bradbury.

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Rookie Scribe
When it comes to finding a good book to read, I usually stick by picking books from the previous authors that I've read.
But usually, when I browse around in the bookstore trying to look for something, the books somehow calls to me.

Like when I first picked 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, I've never heard of him. But when i saw the cover and held the book in my hand, i knew i had to get it and just start reading it.

I know this sounds corny and crazy, but that's basically how i choose my books
Rookie Scribe
When it comes to finding a good book to read, I usually stick by picking books from the previous authors that I've read.
But usually, when I browse around in the bookstore trying to look for something, the books somehow calls to me.

Like when I first picked 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, I've never heard of him. But when i saw the cover and held the book in my hand, i knew i had to get it and just start reading it.

I know this sounds corny and crazy, but that's basically how i choose my books
Quote by VanessaFinaughty
I usually go for my favourite authors, but when I read random new authors, I tend to go for the ones where the cover catches my eye. They say 'never judge a book by its cover', but that's exactly what readers do. If the cover is eye-catching, I'll read the back blurb, and if that sounds interesting, I'll read the book.

Same here.
Active Ink Slinger
When choosing a book to read, I’m not into having the ones that does have a good cover or the one that attracts me. I always look into its genre and its author. I always read its synopsis, seeking if that story would interest me and thus I would decide to have my own copy of which.
A lot of times I read my established offers and certain genres... However I will also read a new author or subject if my friends that read tell me they love something/someone at the moment. Since I read so much, I tend towards what I feel at the moment.
I go by the cover like most folks do, and I'll also go by the back and inside summary of the book, if everything captures me attention, it's worth a read to me, if not...Cio babe.
When I was young it was all serendipity. I would browse the stacks, picking and choosing, reading a paragraph here or there. However, at my age I now go to the established favorites. If they do not fulfill their promise I stop reading, and move on. Life is too short to waste on poor writing.
Active Ink Slinger
I get a lot because they are free on my kindle. I've found a few treasures and have bought a lot because I liked the author. I have my favourites authors who I'll buy all their books and read them again and again.
New Poem out

The Observer
For me it's the name, thickness (How many pages there are, can't be to short or way to long for me it has to be just right), cover art, the auther doesn't manner to me, all that catch my eye then I'll pick it andand read the back to see if it's good or not.

If not, then goodbye book
Active Ink Slinger
I think it is near impossible not to judge a book by its cover because that cover image gives you a very brief and instance sense of what the book is supposed to be about (usually). The cover art is the bait and the back or inside flap short description is the switch or the juicy hook that catches you and reels you in.
It helps if the book is cheap so you can afford to take more chances on something entirely new. I think once you find that diamond in the rough though you want more from that author and can look for more of their work and even find other books similar to that one.
Overall though id say the best way to find a new book is go to a forum about some of your favorites and ask reader/forum writers if they can suggest more books alike the ones you loved so much biggrin
First and foremost I go for authors I know and love. That makes sense as one pretty much knows what to expect and can pretty-much guarantee a good read (not always, admittedly. The late horror writer James Herbert went through a period of writing some stinkers before he got his mojo back on track!)

The blurb on the back of a book DOES influence whether I'll read a book or not. If the synopsis grabs my interest from the off I'll have a go at reading the book. I have 'found' some amazing authors that way. Equally I have bought some utter crap, but that's the risk one takes.

I suppose I am a genre reader: I love crime fiction, thrillers, GOOD horror (there is some amazingly bad stuff out there!) and that sort of stuff. On the other hand I enjoy biographies and autobiographies and true crime stuff.

On a more immediate note: I really like the sort of stuff one finds on sites like SS. There are some very talented writers who submit their work to these sites and that body of work deserves to be read and acknowledged. That's what brought me to SS in the first place, more to read than to submit. It is always entertaining, whether for good or bad
Usually, I like to pick a first time writer. It's easy when one has access to thousands of books.
Reviews, recommendations from friends, books podcasts, looking at the books on my book shelf and deciding to reread one of them...

Browsing a bookstore and seeing new titles, reading the blurbs on the back, reading the first few pages, flipping forward to read random pages...

Looking at the featured section at the library, browsing the stacks at the librarry, checking out what is new...

There are so many ways to chose a book, sometimes the choice falls into place, sometimes, not.
Crazy old ape
Depends. Back in my prime reading and book buying days, I often perused the shelves of libraries and bookshops looking for interesting covers with interesting plot summaries. So a bit of serendipity. However, there was also recommendations from friends, associations between authors (e.g. reading H. P. Lovecraft led me to his friends and successors), and even sometimes reviews (this was pre-Web so they came from magazines I read and that sort of thing). And, of course, certain authors were a must.

These days, I am kind of sea where reading is concerned. I'm trying to use the same methods but I'm having a hard time latching on to anything that "grabs" me and when I do, it's as likely to be an old favorite as a new discovery (e.g. on my cruise in December, I brought like three new novels but ended up on my umpteenth re-read of Dracula instead).

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

From personal recommendations. I don't read nearly as much as I used to, or should, so if I'm buying a book, I go for one my friends have read and enjoyed. It's usually a good place to start. If I'm reading something free, I'll read the first chapter and only carry on if it really grabs my attention. I don't persevere with books that don't have me hooked in the first few pages. Life's too short.
A book has to grab me and not let go. There are too many books to be read than to be bored in the first couple of chapters.
Active Ink Slinger
I usually get interested in something in history, or in personal improvement, etc. Then I find out what book(s) are considered the "best" in that area by those who live and work in that area. Finally, I find the one best book, and bury myself in it until I just about "wear it."
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tiger
I usually get interested in something in history, or in personal improvement, etc. Then I find out what book(s) are considered the "best" in that area by those who live and work in that area. Finally, I find the one best book, and bury myself in it until I just about "wear it."

I think I put it best here.