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Too emotional to write?

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Advanced Wordsmith
I've recently come across a totally new obstacle for me when it comes to writing poetry.

At the moment I'm trying to write a poem about a very special occasion.
It's been more than 20 years now and I think I should be able to write about it.
After all I can talk about it, joke about it. Tell people about it.
But when I tried to write a poem
when I got a bit deeper into it
I can't do anything but cry.

Is there a way to get away from that? Cause writing and crying is not a good combo.
If I write and cry what I write turn out to just be a big blobb of bohoo poor me stuff.
That noone not even I can enjoy and be touched by.

I've decided, now, to try and write the poem after certain rules rather than free writing.
Might keep my mind from breaking down.

All suggestions welcome!

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Quote by Mandsi

Is there a way to get away from that? Cause writing and crying is not a good combo.

Yeah, if you cry you might short out your computer keyboard...I would tend to say there is no real way around it...

And be careful about forcing yourself to write about something you may not really want to, because for some reason you feel you "have to" or whatever...

You might end up with a big public reminder of an event you might not really be ready to make public...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Advanced Wordsmith
Thanks, I'll do my best to keep safe from my own memories. ;)
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Quote by Mandsi
I've recently come across a totally new obstacle for me when it comes to writing poetry.

At the moment I'm trying to write a poem about a very special occasion.
It's been more than 20 years now and I think I should be able to write about it.
After all I can talk about it, joke about it. Tell people about it.
But when I tried to write a poem
when I got a bit deeper into it
I can't do anything but cry.

Is there a way to get away from that? Cause writing and crying is not a good combo.
If I write and cry what I write turn out to just be a big blobb of bohoo poor me stuff.
That noone not even I can enjoy and be touched by.

I've decided, now, to try and write the poem after certain rules rather than free writing.
Might keep my mind from breaking down.

All suggestions welcome!


Think of what you're writing as an event you have to describe as a spectator. Ask yourself what a person in your situation would be feeling and actually communicate to the reader the thoughts and emotions of your "character" because the majority of them may not be able to directly relate.
Advanced Wordsmith
Thank you OHT that's great advice! I'm going to try that right away. smile
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