What's a poem that means a lot to you? Maybe it helped you through a tough time or was an inspiration or maybe carries a happy or important memory for you. If it is available online, link it, otherwise just give the title and poet.
While studying Classics for my B.A. I became enamoured of the Roman Augustan poet Horace. His reflections on life and how we live in the shadow of death became an influence on my outlook even before I realized how they were informed by Epicurean philosophy. Odes I,IV is one of the first Latin poems I even translated myself and remains a favorite. The poet rhapsodizes on the joys of Spring, then shifts tone with a stark reminder of our mortality and that these joys must be enjoyed while they can be. This translation is from A. S. Kline's website, where he has translated all of Horace's works.
Can she find the silence again?
Scream Away The Silence - The Sound of Silence comp entry
A "blog" on my winter stories from my profile.