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How to be a member in humans planet

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Rookie Scribe
Is there a chance for a stranger in this society. I'm partially confused, theoritically confused. Excuse me, may be my words are cloudy, but I lke cloudy days.

Any body there can understand me.

I hope U All happy moments.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi, Karlos. Welcome to Stories Space. Thanks for becoming a part of the place.

Most times I'm partially confused, too.
Hi Karlos and welcome to Stories Space.

And I have rare moments of clarity, most of which I hardly ever remember.

“Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.”

Rookie Scribe
Great thankful thanks Lisa. I hav started to admire your comments and notes before you give this sweet smart pitiful touch

In reality, I am so little confused asking myself how to begin a new life, a new story, a new society, an world of real humans and not statues or robots, and I think I have already started.

Thanks, again, for your care. At the end we are humans and we should hold to it tightly, real deep human thanks.
Rookie Scribe
Great thankful thanks Lisa. I hav started to admire your comments and notes before you give this sweet smart pitiful touch

In reality, I am so little confused asking myself how to begin a new life, a new story, a new society, an world of real humans and not statues or robots, and I think I have already started.

Thanks, again, for your care. At the end we are humans and we should hold to it tightly, real deep human thanks.
Rookie Scribe
Thanks for you all gypsymoth, Lisa and sherazhd

Really you are a good persons

I started to retrieve my enery

I think Stories Space is going to be a vast space-full place for good sweet humans

Thanks for your well welcome
Rest in Peace
Quote by Lisa

Most times I'm partially confused, too.

If I'm only partially confused I consider that a good day, and somewhat of an achievement...

Yeah, Karlos...judging by your posts here, I think you'll fit in nicely...and welcome to Stories Space...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rookie Scribe
DirtyMartini, gypsymoth, Lisa, sherzahd ,Rumple_deWriter

you are so generous to meet me with your encouraging words and feelings, I really appreciate it greatly.

I hope you'll give me more time, as you have given me a good space, to be acquainted with my new society of writing.

Faint Lines of ambiguous emotions are being drawn inside my brain, but dear Rumple_deWriter nobody is perfect at the end we all are humans full of mistakes. Life itself is
a continuous tries to correct our or others mistakes.

I feel happy to read your comments from time to time