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Greetings, all, from Scott the Seeker

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Crazy old ape
Actually, I've had an account here for a long time but have never really got any mileage out of it, something I aim to change. I have a story that I have reclaimed and am rewriting to publish here . Hopefully, that will be the beginning of me spending some more time around here and encourage me to get a handle on some of my other story ideas and maybe publishing her more regularly.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Welcome, Scott.

It's good to see you.

Crazy old ape
Quote by starchild
Welcome, Scott.

It's good to see you.


You, too, Margot. Nice to see a familiar face.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Story Moderator
Nice to see you here, Scott. I do wish more people would come here. It's a great place for some of my stuff that isn't quite right for the other site. It's my safe, happy space.
Crazy old ape
Quote by gillianleeza
Nice to see you here, Scott. I do wish more people would come here. It's a great place for some of my stuff that isn't quite right for the other site. It's my safe, happy space.

To be honest, I've been questioning how much time I'm spending writing for that site. I never set out to write erotica, it just kind of happened that way because ... well ... I do like sex (a lot). With my limited writing time, though, I can't do everything I want to and maybe I need to refocus and get back to some of the genres that got me interested in writing in the first place (like horror and s-f) which are more suited to this place.

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Active Ink Slinger
I second Gill's comment. I am so glad to see you here. this is such a nice place.
Active Ink Slinger

It's nice to see so many bar regulars from the other side, over here.