Hello Forum:
I use screen reading software as a visually impaired computer user, and press enter on links to go various places on the computer.
When going to flash fiction, pressing enter on either random stories or submit stories, there are no links or fields indicated by the software I use but all sounds blank.
Where can I find a step by step on how or where to submit a flash fiction story?
Thank you in advance.
Welcome to Stories Space, and thanks for your question.
I've asked our administrator, Sherzahd, to get in touch with you with an answer because, to be frank, I myself don't know how it's done.
Magnificent1, Thank you and I will keep an ear out for the admin's reply. I hope to participate!
I find a step by step on how or where to submit a flash fiction story[url=].[/url]
I've just joined this website and I find it just too difficult to work with. I'm not going to leave the website, but I see no reason to stay.
Can anyone tell me how long it usually takes to get a story approved? I submitted on on 8-27 and it's still in limbo. Sorry to sound impatient and no rush, just curious. Thanks.
I had a story rejected because I used to many ellipsis.. I am new to writing and I have no clue what that means can someone please help me